This is the scene in which the time bomb has been detonated. The mad dog dragon is out of sight.

Han Xinyi inspected this super-large gun and found that there were two bullet boxes next to the machine gun, but each box was filled with bullet chains, totaling 5 rounds.
Tiankang 12 heavy machine gun
Attack power = (fixed technical strength+bomb power) * number of gun powers
(The power of the bomb depends on the material. The number of guns depends on the technological level and the material. The minimum is not less than 5.)
Attack power (2 points +3 points) *=4 points (science strength+physical attack mixed damage)
The range is 12 meters;
The firing rate is 3 rounds per second;
Attack special effects: This gun causes crushing damage to non-players and monster units, and it has a bonus effect of 13!
Durability 14/14
Han Xinyi roughly calculated that the actual attack power of this machine gun is 52 points, but it is a double-engine barrel that attacks at 14 points every time it fires. It can be said that this is a defensive weapon of Xixing Square, especially suitable for fighting on this river.
At this moment, the speedboat is heading for the unknown area, and only when it enters the unknown area can it successfully escape.
"If I remember correctly, they built a dam on the border of an unknown area. This will receive news that there must be armed forces to intercept us!" Han Xinyi said
Mad dog dragon nodded. "You can’t rely on their production to deal with them. There must be a speedboat coming after them. We will be chased when we get close to the dam. Now you come to the boat!"
Han Xinyi said, "What?"
"You will know something soon!" Mad dog dragon gave up driving and plopped into the river.
After about 1 minute, the water boiled, and soon a huge black chariot surfaced.
Han Xinyi couldn’t help but gasp. "Are you an amphibious car?"
It is the future warrior chariot that can not only run on land but also gallop in water, because now the four wheels have been switched into paddles and impeller wheels are spinning rapidly to help the chariot ride the wind and waves on the river.
"Come to the roof!" Mad dog dragon hit the window and shouted
Tiankang dam is not as large as Xixing Square, because the river narrows as it goes forward. The dam is very simple, and the mechanical design is more than 3 meters long. There is a steel sluice dam with two kiosks in the center, but the figure of the dam has been shaken, and the machine guns have been erected to aim at the vast river.
The processor has issued a "warning! Warning! There are a lot of enemies in front! At the same time, there are obstacles! "
Mad dog dragon had to stop moving. In fact, he had seen that the sluice had been lowered and the river was completely blocked.
Han Xinyi stared at the front. "Can you hit the sluice?"
"I’ll try!" Mad dog dragon is on the console.
Processor "Beam shaped charge filled!"
The thick cannon tube immediately stretched out from the window and slowly lifted into the air. Suddenly, a large blue smoke shell flew high, and the intelligent aiming system corrected the shell. After five seconds, it landed on the sluice very accurately and exploded into a big flame.
But it’s a pity that this sluice is made of Tiankang group’s material, and even the polymer shells can’t be blown up. The sluice is blown out with a white mark.
"There is no time to delay, and the pursuers will arrive soon!" Han Xinyi decisively commanded Mad Dog Dragon: "I saw that the cargo port next to me didn’t send me to the side road to start the sluice. I must start it in those two pavilions!"
Mad dog dragon hesitated, "be careful!" "
The chariot will soon be near the cargo port, but in this way, they will also enter the range of Tiankang Group.
As soon as the dam 1 docked, it respected the machine gun "Bang Bang" and caught fire. This kind of gun sounds boring and not powerful enough, but it has its own strength to fight inside and the body is mad at Mars.
Processor "Warning! Warning! The body is under fierce attack! "
Mad dog dragon can’t help but get a fright when he looks at the screen. Is Sunshine men machine gun so powerful? The durability of battle clothes drops very quickly.
This time, unlike the attack on the outskirts of Shuiyun, the durability loss of the battle suit dropped greatly every time, but the frequency was not high. This time, the loss was small every time, but the frequency was too high, and there were more than 200 points in an instant.
"Don’t go to the roof!" Mad dog dragon decisively opens the energy shield to stop all the bullets.
Han Xinyi hesitated, "Can’t hold it?"
Mad dog dragon has turned the side of the chariot into a "negative field!"
Exaggerated scene finally appeared a white energy shield standing in front of the car. Han Xinyi held up his hands on the roof. A layer of spherical blue energy enveloped the whole car and two destroyer machine guns rose on both sides of the chariot.
"Bang bang bang bang bang!"
"Boom boom boom!"
Even in the sunshine, the two sides of the attack bomb trailed light and gestured into a huge net. The chariot made a huge roar in this net and rushed to the side road with full horsepower.
The bridge has been exclaimed.
"They are crazy!"
"Stop them!"
"All units attack that car!"
In several exclamations and shouts, the chariot "shua" rushed up the slope and rose up about 1 meter high. The ump submachine gun on the roof "cha cha cha cha" fired at the side.
In front of the dam, two respected machine gun shooters were shot dead on the spot. As soon as the chariot landed on Dam Avenue, it slammed into the sentry box instead of slowing down.
Even if Tiankang players have experienced more battles, they can’t help but be afraid of these two people.
Because the chariot braved the heavy rain fire and carried the ship’s machine gun injury, it crashed
Mad dog dragon’s intention is too simple and rude. He wants to sweep all the dam people to death.
"pass! Pass! Pass! Pass! "
The remaining respect machine gun was hit by a roaring chariot, and even people with guns fell into the dam.
Processor "Warning! Warning! Please stop dangerous driving immediately if the body is seriously damaged! "