South escape minister was silent for a while and then knelt down to "thank the Lord for his long grace."

"Well, if you are in poor health, don’t kneel down and go back to rest at ease." The Southern Emperor Wu finished and rewarded many precious medicinal materials, which made Zhong Huai’ an personally send Nan Yichen out of the palace.
Yi palace
South escape minister entered the dormitory body is a little shaky body obviously some overdraft.
Du Sheng, the housekeeper of "Wang Ye", was so scared that he rushed over to hold him and helped him to bed. "How are you?"
Nan Yichen shook his head. "You go out first and I’ll rest for a while." But I know in my heart that he has delayed the treatment. I’m afraid it’s going to be finished like that woman said.
But he can’t help but come back. If the emperor knows that he is not in Beijing, then all these people who follow him will be finished.
He can’t take risks.
Du Sheng went out of the bedroom and looked at Dongdong Yang outside. "What is your report?"
Both of them bowed their heads
"Say" Dongsheng glaring.
"Du Shu, what do we say?" East a face of depressed "if it weren’t for the dog emperor …"
Dongyang looked up and kicked him.
Dong hurriedly hid behind the words were interrupted, and I knew that I could almost speak out and glared at Dongyang. "That man can cure the report, but acupuncture and medicated bath once every seven days can’t last seven times. A course of treatment needs seven courses, but it can’t be interrupted …"
But the emperor suddenly summoned the report and had to return to Beijing, and then he could break the treatment result …
"It’s really …" Du Sheng strolled back and forth for two laps with a look of indignation, and then suddenly stopped. "Now, if the prince can’t leave, can he secretly take the girl in?"
"This ….." East eyes a bright couldn’t help looking at Dongyang.
"But let’s Wangfu eyeliner too much" Dongyang frowning slightly.
"Cloud Mountain Villa" Du Sheng hooked a corner of his mouth "There is no eyeliner there"
"I’ll go," Dongyang said, and turned and left.
I was sleeping soundly in early summer, but suddenly I opened my eyes and pulled the door and went out.
Dongyang knelt there in the courtyard.
"What are you doing?" Frown in early summer
"Begging the girl to save my master" Dongyang knelt on the ground with his head down but his tone was firm.
"He is not capable? I told you I couldn’t delay him. Isn’t it just that he doesn’t want to live? How can I save it? " Early summer didn’t good the spirit turned supercilious look "you go, I can’t save you damn fool" said the door crashed and went back to sleep.
However, she really can’t sleep because the man outside hasn’t left.
It only took a quarter of an hour to get up and go to the yard again.
"What do you want?"
"My master is hiding something" Dongyang looked up at the early summer and "had to go back"
"All right, you get up and kneel first and look awkward." Early summer sighed. "After all, I have received so much silver. I have to do my best to get him back. I will continue to treat him."
"The Lord can’t please the girl in the past for a while" Dongyang got up.
Early summer language finally breathed a sigh of relief "where to go?"
"You …" Laughed angrily in early summer. "It’s almost a thousand miles from here to Beijing, right?"
"seven hundred Li"
"Ok, it will take three days even if it is 700 miles."
"Three days can be a round trip"
Early summer …
This wooden stick is here to argue with yourself.
"What about my home? What if I still have siblings? What’s more, I just went to the pharmacy in the village and taught the children to read what you said if I left? "
Dongyang silence he hadn’t thought of these.
"So I’ll give you some medicine. You go back and give it to your master. Guess you can last for a month. You should come back in a month. That … should not die." Touch it in early summer. "You wait first."
"That’s a girl from Laojiang." Dongyang shouted at a fuels in early summer and wondered if she could be knocked out and taken away. However, he immediately denied the idea, because although he had never seen the other side move martial arts, he had seen the other side give his master a place to stay, and he was really not sure whether he could succeed.
Chapter sixty-seven laparotomy
In early summer, I went into the house and took out a pill from my soup. I turned out of the door and handed the pill to Dongyang. "After eating it, I can temporarily suppress the ghosts of other bodies. Remember to avoid drinking for a month and have to come back."
"Ghost?" Dongyang shivered.
"It’s okay to tell you," sighed in early summer. "I think it’s really complicated."
"It should be that his mother was cursed when she was pregnant with him, and this curse is pretty bad. It’s infant spirits infant spirits, right? Is to put a curse on the child who caused the death … "
"Fortunately, his life is very prosperous. The little ghost can’t resist him. Later, he was eroded by several kinds of toxic toxins, which made the ghost grow up. It is reasonable to say that he actually can’t live beyond twelve years old, but he should have met a master who ate a lot of antidote to suppress the toxins and made his body strong …"
"The so-called shift has been suppressed. If he doesn’t poison his hair, he can make do to live to 50 or 60. Although he will be weak, he can at least live, but this time someone should give him a poisonous poison and completely detonate his toxin, and then he has seven days left …"
"This is how electrocuting? It’s poisonous from the matrix, but he’s lucky to meet me and he won’t die. "
Dongyang suddenly knocked back and knocked three heads in early summer. "Miss Jiang, if you can save the main Dongyang, you will all be a girl."
"Why should I kill you?" I rolled my eyes in the early summer. "I can’t eat or drink. I really want to thank you. Just give me more money."
"Good" Dongyang nodded and then took out a purse from his pocket and stuffed it into the hands of early summer, then turned around and flew out before early summer said anything.
Early summer …
I couldn’t help laughing when I read the purse. The teenager refused the silver ticket before and gave it to her again.
Forget it. Then keep it.
I hope that the handsome man can solve the trouble and come back in a month.