The giant wolf silently sent him some apparently classified videos. In these videos, almost all of them attacked ambush, encounter, ambushed attacker, sniper, fire suppression and so on from the first perspective.

Hou Dacheng is hungry to learn all this. Although his mind is a mess, he will consciously hold the gun to complete those movements whenever he picks up the gun.
In this issue, Hou Dasheng used almost all the weapons to fight again, but there was no treatment in the blood mountain, and the giant wolf did not know where to get these pistols from mainstream heavy machine guns to assault rifles.
It was almost a month when Hou Dacheng didn’t know how many bombs he had knocked off, and the giant wolf stayed by Hou Dacheng’s side with his arms around and watched him practice guns.
"Mercenary training is different from the regular army. We don’t have much time, money and space to invest in long-term training. We pursue the fastest effect, the best attack mode and the most direct method."
After watching Hou Dasheng’s first weapon shooting completely, the giant wolf told him, "Don’t care about how many bullets you hit. You should pay attention to the first and last shots of each gun and each bullet. How many different guns are fired in your hand? What’s the difference between the impact points? Get familiar with them and understand that they find the average of these impact points."
"Until you pick up a gun, you can almost reach this average value, then you will be a capable gunman." The giant wolf smiled at Hou Dasheng at that time. "At that time, when a strange gun fires the first shot in your hand, you will be able to accurately grasp the shooting angle and radian of this gun. The place where you look is where you hit the ball."
Hou Dacheng is smiling bitterly. It seems easy to say, but it is not easy to do.
What Hou Dasheng can do this month is only to roughly judge his own average value. For example, in 1911, the average value of the impact point of his first shot and last shot was barely able to be achieved in his familiar k14od.
However, when the assault rifle was replaced by the captured ak, Hou Dasheng was a little blind. He was able to hit the target with good results, but there was no way to shoot the average point like k14od and 1911.
If the gun is changed to 2, rk, the situation is even more outrageous. Even after practicing for almost a month, Hou Dasheng has not finished, and he can reach the average value that the giant wolf said. Perhaps the only advantage is that he has a basic gun sense for all the guns he has practiced. Now Hou Dasheng can fight with a strange gun when he picks it up.
After three rounds, he can keep his eyes away from the humanoid target, but he can easily hit his own shooting level with a gun like a giant wolf, which Hou Dacheng can’t do for the time being.
Suddenly Hou Dasheng has a feeling of being stared at. Of course, this kind of staring is noticed, not that the other party is hostile. If the other party is hostile, then Hou Dasheng’s first reaction now should be to turn over and avoid.
"Welcome back to Manila, Mr. Hongyang." When Hou Dasheng looked up, he saw a Filipino in a suit, about forty years old, smiling at himself and saying, "I am the person you greeted."
Hou Dacheng smiled. "Thank you."
"You don’t have to mention it. We are businessmen and naturally need to do our best." But this man smiled and said softly, "You can call me Coffey and I will be your engineer here in Manila."
Businessman Hou Dacheng has some doubts, and at this time, in the dark night, a low-key and simple Mercedes-Benz s6 comes and Coffey smiles at Hou Dacheng and makes a gesture of please.
Hou Dacheng put doubts in Coffey’s lead and slowly boarded the Mercedes-Benz. Coffey pulled the door. Hou Dacheng was uncomfortable and boarded the back seat of the car. Coffey smiled and went to the driver’s seat.
In the driver’s seat, a man in a trench coat disappeared into the night.
"Mr. Hongyang, I can see that you have some doubts about our business. Maybe Mr. Giant Wolf didn’t make it clear to you. After all, Mr. Giant Wolf is very busy and he can’t explain many things. I think it is necessary for me to explain to you."
Coffey’s car was very stable, and Hou Dasheng found it was a bulletproof car when he just hit the door. Hou Dasheng was flattered by this treatment.
"But I’m curious that Mr. Giant Wolf didn’t tell me too much about you." Hou Dasheng is really curious that Coffey seems to be not a person but an organization. Hou Dasheng’s curiosity is based on Coffey’s willingness to explain.
If Coffey doesn’t take the initiative to explain Hou Dasheng, he will definitely keep his mouth shut and ask no questions. The result is that you are lying dead on the street. Many things you know are not good things, but bad things.
"We charge a certain fee, and we will give you what you need. Of course, it is too low-end, and we don’t do it. You know, we charge a lot."
But I heard the car Coffey explain to Hou Dasheng gently, "For example, this thing of yours is worth doing."
Chapter seventy-three We are businessmen
"In fact, we finished our work during your recovery period. To be exact, we finished our work at the moment we received the order."
Coffey’s words that the car is very stable make people feel very comfortable. "We are businessmen, and we just let our customers get their own money. It should be that we charge a lot, but it is definitely worth it."
"You see, our training in Tagalog has been fruitful, haven’t you? And you have come from Santa Bogota along the way for a long time, but there is no shortage of peace, food and life, haven’t you?" Hou Dasheng nodded his head when he heard this. Although it was painful during that time, he had to admit that the training was fruitful.
As soon as Hou Dacheng returned, those people were giant wolves. It seems that the giant wolves don’t have that much energy. After all, he is a mercenary colonel, even though he is a very powerful mercenary group, he is still a mercenary group after all.
If it’s killing, or the giant wolf is definitely a master among the masters, it’s hard for him if you want him to go to a language expert and give Hou Dasheng a formal legal identity.
After all, there is a specialty in the industry. If you ask a vegetable grower to kill pigs, he is definitely not good at it. It’s not that you have to let a butcher cook. Isn’t that difficult? Even if the butcher is a leader in the butcher industry.
"We will ensure that customers benefit from this. We firmly believe that no organization in the world can do better than us." But Coffey continued with a smile. "Here you don’t have to worry about what you need to enjoy like a holiday."
"Of course, sometimes it won’t be long when we need you to come forward. You need to say a few words according to our requirements and just show up in some places. We’ll help you with all this. It won’t be long."
But Coffey paused and continued, "In view of your identity and habits, we have arranged a private manor which is far away from the city and has a shooting range where you can practice shooting to your heart’s content."
"Well, how do you know that I like shooting?" Hou Dasheng was suddenly a little alert, but Coffey still kept smiling. "We will know the guest’s preferences, which is better, and we will never reveal it to the guest’s privacy, which depends on our reputation, which is more important than our lives."
The car slowly passed all the way through the streets and lanes, and Hou Dacheng, a swimming crowd in the bustling urban area, suddenly became silent and said nothing.
"Since it is the first time for you to accept our office, I will come to you personally," Coffey continued softly. "I won’t appear at this level, but considering that you may become an important guest of ours in the future, I will come to you specially."
Hou Dacheng smell speech was one leng and then asked curiously, "Do you still have grades and regions?"
"Of course, we are a business base. For this planet, if there is a place, we can. Of course, you need to know us."
However, Coffey’s voice is still so soft and slightly magnetic. "We will include your identity conversion, your special luggage transportation, the handling of your life traces, etc. Simply put, we will be responsible for everything you want to accomplish in secret."
"Of course, you also need to know that at present, you are not our member. For the time being, you can get us through membership and this is a cut."
Hou Dacheng was in a trance when he heard this. It was the first time he heard this kind of organization. Obviously, his status and level are definitely not in contact with these people.
If it weren’t for the giant wolf to move himself, Hou Dacheng still doesn’t know when he will have the opportunity to get in touch with the business. Although Coffey has just appeared for a short time, Hou Dacheng has already felt the business energy.
He knows better than anyone how Hou Dasheng came to Manila from Santa Bogota. In Santa Bogota, he didn’t even need airport security check, so someone led him to board a private plane.
I missed the flight for more than 30 hours and stopped somewhere. There was a man on the plane, and when Hou Dasheng was dizzy, he had already arrived in the Philippines.
Then he was taken to a secret small port and boarded a fishing boat. After shaking for several hours, he arrived in Manila.
I’d like to ask you to forgive your plane for stopping in Manila, because there have been some minor problems in the airport recently, so we can’t completely guarantee your whereabouts for the time being, so we gave up landing directly in Manila.
"Of course, if you think this is detrimental to our quality, then you can complain, and we will respect your profit and reduce you and give you a discount."
Hou Dacheng couldn’t help laughing when he heard this. He was a white Coffey who came to pick himself up in person. He certainly didn’t want to complain. It seems that this business is an organization that attaches great importance to customers.
If a guest complains, it will affect their reputation. Hou Dasheng’s complaint may not cause any harm to Coffey, but there will definitely be trouble. Coffey personally came to entertain Hou Dasheng and told him a lot all the way.
"Coffey, you can rest assured that I am not a penny-pinching person. I just want what I need, and I don’t care about anything else."
After a pause, Hou Dasheng said curiously, "But I want to know what kind of Africa will you get if I can get it in the United States? Can I get it?"
"Of course, sir, we have a wide range, whether it is the United States or Africa. If you ask us what we can do, this range is too wide. Simply put, if you need to deal with someone in the United States, you need to know that we are not a killer organization and will not help you kill people. I mean, if you kill someone, then we will let that person die."
But Coffey said softly, "If you show up in some places but you don’t want people to know where you are, then you need us."
The talking car slowly walked out of the city, and there were fewer and fewer street lamps all the way. Hou Dasheng realized that the expensive value of this car lies in the fact that he did not feel too bumpy all the way.
At the same time, Hou Dasheng was surprised by Coffey’s driving skills. Obviously, Coffey’s driver is very stable and more stable.
Although he didn’t feel the car bumps, Hou Dasheng noticed the speed of the car. To his surprise, almost all Coffey cars kept driving at a uniform speed, and he still had the mind to talk to himself.
In the night, Hou Dasheng’s car slowly entered the manor. The car was close to the iron gate and the iron gate of the manor was slowly hit. Then the car entered and bypassed a small hillside and stopped in front of a two-story country villa.
Coffey from driving position to Hou Dasheng hit the door, he quickly walked to the car.
Segmented reading 4