Xiao Xue wan eyes calm tone light way "if you have nothing …"

"Good" WenHeng lip Angle laugh a little "I go back to change clothes"
After isothermal honing, Xiao Xue said, "You two sit down for a while and I’ll change."
Mu Yunze frowned after Xiao Xuewan entered the room. "What did you ask him to do?"
"Why are you so ignorant?"
He gave him a high-pitched look. "People Jin Bala helped my mother change the faucet and invited people to eat. What’s the matter? Today, so many local tyrants sent more than 10,000 red envelopes and still feel bad about this money?"
"This is not a matter of distressed money!"
"What’s the problem?"
MuYunZe sullenly don’t talk and sing. He is either white or white, but he feels awkward about pulling an object for his mother. He is even more puzzled about how singing is so rare for a man like Wen Heng. At the sight of Wen Heng, he is not happy to think of another man who wins the favor of singing with gentleness and gentleness-Su Jinghuan!
"Come on, you pull a face again. Come here by yourself."
MuYunZe …
At this moment, he deeply felt that the status of the two of them had changed dramatically since he got the person back. She could always hold his weakness and force him to submit.
Ten minutes later, four people came out of the car in tandem from the community.
Gao Song turned to look at the back seat and Xiao Xuewan asked, "What would you like to eat, Mom?"
"I can do whatever you like."
"Uncle Wen, what about you?"
Wen Heng smiled faintly. "Listen to you."
Sing and think, "Let’s eat Thai hot pot."
Mu Yunze frowned. "Why don’t you ask my opinion?"
Section 35
Chapter 493 Allergy
Mu Yunze frowned. "Why don’t you ask my opinion?"
Glancing at him in a high voice, "If you have any opinions, keep your mouth shut and ask your opinions. Let’s not go out for an express tonight. It’s hard to book a package if it’s late."
MuYunZe …
Xiao Xue wan listened to the conversation between them and finished bending his lips.
Mu Yunze himself probably didn’t know how much he indulged in singing. Others saw her clearly. She was in a trance. When she was young, there seemed to be such a person who was longitudinal with her. Unfortunately, nature has changed people now …
She looked out of the window and seemed lost in thought, while Wen Heng sat by and looked at her side. His eyes were gentle, like the warm sun in winter, and there was deep emotion singing in the rearview mirror. Look at the other eyes. Not all lovers can get married in this world. Should she cherish her being with Muyunze? After all, love can’t stand the wind and rain, and if it’s hard to say no, she should cherish the time when Muyunze loves her.
Mu Yunze drove four people into the community just after leaving another Maserati.
The car stopped at the residential building, and then the door came out as soon as Mu Chongfeng came out.
He pinched MuYunZe to give him the address and carefully checked the floor sign before finding the unit building.
Stretched out his hand and gently adjusted a dress to the car glass to make sure that he was dressed correctly before Mu Chongfeng took the ladder with a gift.
It came early this year, and the weather warmed up early, so there were not as many people eating hot pot as in the cold winter.
Gao Ge sometimes comes here to eat hot pot with sugar cubes when she is greedy. The hot and sour taste is her favorite, especially her stomach.
The boss knows her well for a long time, so when she comes over, the other party will leave them a box, and then the clerk will take them directly to the balcony.
The place where you eat hot pot is naturally not as quiet as those places where Japanese cuisine and western food are served. The noise in the building can be heard clearly, but it is blocked behind the door.
Chat with Wen Heng from time to time. Wen Heng is as abstruse as an encyclopedia. He knows a lot, from language and literature to astronomy and geography to cutting-edge science and technology. Without him, chatting with him will never make people feel boring. How can a wife be willing to divorce him?
Singing and divining, my heart is expanding, but I didn’t really ask, but I insinuated, "Uncle Wen hasn’t considered finding another companion after being single for so long?"
"You can have this kind of thing if you want to, right?" Wen Heng chuckled. "It’s a good thing to meet, to be together or to have everything when fate comes."
"Did you meet it?"
Wen Heng made a conscious look at Xiao Xuewan, but it didn’t seem to matter that Xiao Xuewan hung his eyes and sipped tea.
For a long time, he said these three words in a very low voice, and saw Xiao Xue move for a second and then quietly drink tea.
Gao Ge also wants to say that the balcony door was knocked in for food.
Let’s stop here if the topic is good
Thai hot pot with coconut milk and curry at the bottom is more sour and spicy than Chinese hot pot.
Mu Yunze’s taste is very different from hers. He likes light. When he is 30 years old, he will go to the health center. She specially ordered him a light dipping sauce.
Mu Yunze and Xiao Xuewan are not very talkative. They all sing with Wen Heng. It is also observed that Wen Heng doesn’t seem to be able to eat spicy food because he takes a sip of water every time he takes a bite. He eats slowly, moves gracefully and is cultured, which is very compatible with Xiao Xuewan, who is surrounded by a good family.
Singing loudly, I thought it was a wrong decision to choose hot pot today.
Just thinking about suddenly heard Xiao Xue wan way "how do you face …"
Gao Song looked up and saw several small red rashes on Wen Heng’s face, which was an allergic symptom.
Wenheng felt itchy and rash on the back of his hand.
He seems to be quite surprised when he is stunned.
"Uncle Wen, are you allergic to peppers?"
Wen Heng shook his head. He meant he couldn’t eat spicy food, but he wasn’t allergic yet.
"Stop eating"
Xiao Xuewan took his chopsticks and frowned, "Go to the hospital."
Is almost a command tone wenheng didn’t angry put chopsticks followed up.