The closer you get to the imperial city, the more you can feel the red spirit?

Ziyun proudly spread her life and death again, and the red signal stimulated her eyes.
It’s dangerous for everyone to hide in the red chaos in the city
If you find the evil spirits in the hidden crowd, it becomes the most important thing.
But ah, even if you don’t look for evil spirits, you still can’t bear to find the door …
Duan Xiaoxiao has been crying all the way. She can’t go back to her hair.
The emperor’s landing was not bored to hug her to comfort her.
"Dian Xiaoxiao looks good regardless of long hair and short hair, even without hair."
"Deception!" Duan Xiaoxiao sobbed, "Just now, you bullied male and female servants by others and didn’t stand for them. You also said that you loved them the most. It was a lie …"
"How can the temple deceive people?" The King’s Landing sighed lightly. "Are you satisfied with seeing them all the time?"
"Lie lie! You are thinking about the six kings in your heart. You regard others as your younger brother, but they say you are too root to recognize you as your brother. It’s because you are so kind to him! "
A cold face in King’s Landing has reached the door and poured a glass of wine with a straight face.
Duan Xiaoxiao noticed that the strength of his fingers holding the glass was that he also felt this alienation. If he hadn’t protected himself during the day, I’m afraid she would have been miserable, but it wasn’t enough. If he finished, she would hold her palm and not be bullied!
"Murphy six kings already know? He is not a holy emperor …95 Chapter 95 What I want to do will never change!
Duanxiaoxiao’s voice did not fall, so he covered her lip and her eyes quickly passed a warning.
Although she was heartbroken, she felt inexplicable panic.
When the emperor comes to the root, he will know that the emperor is not the flesh and blood of the emperor! In this case, the six kings are not qualified to be equal to him, and Wang Yongyuan can be trampled on if this matter is made public.
But the emperor’s landing is silent.
He let go of Duan Xiaoxiao’s lips and said simply, "Xiaoxiaodian’s favorite woman now is you, but I don’t want you to have an accident."
Duan Xiaoxiao’s body became stiff for a while, and then he came over for nothing. Is this a warning or a favor? Which is heavier may not even be clear to him 2.
Duan Xiaoxiao immediately burst into tears and smiled, "You are really funny."
She took revenge and walked to this day. One wrong step is not worth the loss!
So she immediately interpreted all the roots as a jealousness and jealousy.
She took a deep breath. "Male and female servants know that they were too reckless just now. This is not looking at you and others."
"When there is a temple around you, where is the mind to look at others?" The Emperor’s Landing comforted him. "No matter what you do, Empress Xiao Fei is right."
"Does the temple really think so?"
"Who told you to be a temple woman, fool? Stop crying. It’s the birthday of the temple. Have you decided what to send to the temple?"
Duan Xiaoxiao’s eyes are stuck in the lip angle, and Yang has already had an idea that "male and female servants will not let the temple down."
The emperor looked at Duan Xiaoxiao in King’s Landing and asked her not to talk, so that he could keep looking at her for a few hours without getting tired of him holding her horizontally and walking towards the bed.
"Temple …"
"shh-"he put his finger to his lips to signal her silence and untied her belt.
Whether she caters or resists, he can fight tirelessly until dawn if she doesn’t make a sound.
He loves this man so much that he desperately wants to possess and plunder. Sometimes he is cautious, sometimes he is surging, sometimes he won’t say a word, sometimes he will say a one-night stand in her ear, sometimes he is as cold as ice, sometimes he is as hot as fire, and sometimes he will cry like a child.
No matter what he or she leaves behind, he can give her the ultimate favor if she doesn’t say a word.
Even farther than forever.
But ah, if she utters even one syllable, he will suddenly fall from heaven to hell, and even the most frenzied moment will instantly cool down.