Hold the knife smoothly and forget the dust in the leg of Xueyang. This is not a family slaughter, but a butcher’s glory. In the butcher’s eyes, there is no flaw in forgetting the dust. Although he does not have the backbone of a butcher, he does not allow himself to be careless.

It’s a simple step to get out of the knife. The silver light flashes with the thigh separation. The incision is neat and there is no flaw. The leg meat is completely cut to disintegrate successfully.
Forget the dust and wipe the sweat on his forehead. He has never been so absorbed in putting all his spirit and efforts on the slaughter surface. This simple skill has been repeated several times by him, and then the law is disintegrated …
When almost all the ingredients in the backyard farm were forgotten and slaughtered by unskilled techniques, he relaxed and collapsed to the ground in an instant.
However, the lean Wang Yuanbi forgot to imagine the dust, strictly looked at the ground and disintegrated the ingredients and said, "Tired? Tired is right. Shu is reserved for the dead. With your current technology, you can’t even afford to eat beef cattle. A qualified butcher needs not only superb technology but also strong body. Now send these meats to the town pub. "
Forgetting the dust without speaking, dragging his tired body with heavy steps, he resisted these meats. When he knew that he had nothing to spare, he complained that the opportunity to break through the limits of his body was to grow up in this adversity! !
Ten catties, fifty catties, one hundred catties, two hundred catties on his shoulders is his limit, but it’s not enough! !
"Not enough is not enough. I want to be stronger and stronger! !” Let the butcher continue to aggravate himself. When 300 kilograms can’t get up, forget the dust. The whole person’s veins are exposed and tired, just like a whole mountain is on him.
"Ah ah ah ah! !” Is it the limit for a growler to be unwilling to carry 300 Jin of meat? Don’t get stronger. These are just a piece of cake.
When forgetting the dust and prostrating himself from the roar, the lean king could not hold back his expression. He saw unyielding and stubborn will from this young man.
"I will personally teach you what I have learned all my life tonight after I send the meat back." Leave this sentence and the lean king will devote himself to his work again.
late night
"The so-called butcher is a pig killer in most people’s eyes, but no matter what the world thinks, being himself is the most important thing."
"I, Wang Tianlong, have dedicated my life to the kingdom. You are the only child today, but I know that your heart is not in this kingdom after all. You have shown me your will today, and now I will teach you what I have learned all my life." Wang Butcher’s backyard forgot the dust and the lean king’s eyes were burning with words.
He still couldn’t help asking, "Mr. Wang, will you know the slaughterhouse?"
"How do you know about the slaughterhouse?" Lao Wang’s rhetorical question has strengthened his own thoughts. Although he hasn’t had much contact these days, he knows that Lao Wang has butcher pride in his bones.
"Slaughterhouse this ability is not what you can learn now." Seeing the desire of lean king in the eyes of forgetting dust, but the indifferent words doused his enthusiasm and impatience, he was too eager to eat hot tofu and forget dust.
"You should know about the stone forest in the street town, right?" At present, forgetting the dust is still too weak, and it takes a lot of time to master what he has learned all his life, so Lao Wang thought of a way to hone him.
"Well, take this knife to the stone forest and bring back a hundred stone forests." The lean king took an ordinary wood knife to forget the dust and asked him to bring back a hundred stone forests
"Whether Ding Dong accepts Wang Butcher’s experience to retrieve a hundred stone forests is predicted by the difficulty method"
I am still very excited when I hear that sometimes I forget the dust. This is the first time that Lao Wang has given himself a past life, but it has made the two people forget the dust directly dumbfounded.
Just kidding, Shilin is just like the name * * It’s all made of stones. Although it is rich in mineral resources, no one can exploit the treasures in the street town. It is because of the Shilin method that people are interested in it!
Although there is still life potential power to forget dust, it is not yet time for him to exercise so hard that he can transport this power in the game, and now Lao Wang, a bastard, has brought himself back to a hundred stone forests
"How afraid of? Or do you want to give up here? " The provocative tone seems to give dust a difficult problem.
Forget dust on second thought suddenly smiled "scared? Old man, wait! A hundred stone forests! !”
After that, he turned and walked. The lean king pondered for a moment and stared at his back. Suddenly he said, "If you finish, I can consider teaching you the slaughterhouse …"
Forget the dust, the pace stays in the middle, and the strong king’s sentence makes his blood and cells boil. Although it is difficult to mine Shilin, it may be just the right time for forgetting the dust.
However, it is shocking to forget the dust that Wang, who died quickly in his previous life, has no idea how to hang him like this, but he has no idea how the slaughterhouse is so magical! !
The place where Forget Dust is going is a street town that has been visited for a hundred years. Even though it is rich in ore resources, it has become a desolate place because the stone forest is difficult to cultivate.
Forgetting the dust quickly regained confidence because he thought it was an opportunity so that the place could just try rebirth and bring back the potential of strength and life! ! !
Chapter 8 Potential Mutation
stone forest
Street towns have been visited for a hundred years. There are neither ferocious beasts nor man-eating beasts that are feared by Buried Bone Township. Not only that, the Stone Forest contains natural minerals, which can be buried in Buried Bone Town for a hundred years.
But it is such a place that no one cares about it.
However, on this day, such a young man’s late-night visit completely broke the peace of Shilin. He just forgot the dust in his previous life and knew that there was a tragedy in Shilin, but he had never been here and heard that the Woods here were indestructible and the hardness was one hundred times that of diamonds in the real world.
Manpower mining by law
After all, it’s a sparsely populated place, and even a player doesn’t meet one or two monsters occasionally, so you can avoid it and don’t fight. After all, the game still depends on repair and attributes.
After a long period of experience, he is only three repairs, weak and poor, and his physical strength is not as strong as that of the real world. Even the simplest impact of life potential can be exerted.
The stone forest experience may be an opportunity to break through the physical limit.
At first sight, the silvery white objects in Shilin are almost the same as the trees, and even more, the old trees are packed to form the sky, which blocks the scorching sun in high school. The temperature here is 60 degrees Celsius, which is the season when the real world can hardly feel the sunshine.
In the real world, the atmosphere has been destroyed for a long time. Except for the radiation haze and red sky all year round, it is almost a hard-to-see scenery in the hot sun and sunshine.
Forget the dust, close your eyes and open your arms to enjoy the sunshine temperature, but he has not forgotten his purpose of coming here.
"This is the Stone Forest?" The silence around the vast land is silvery white, which is even more amazing. The leaves of Shilin are silvery white, but they have a green texture. When the wind blows, they still sway with the wind, but they can feel the indestructible hardness of these leaves.
"Let’s try it first." There’s nothing special about the wood chopper in your hand, but it’s an ordinary wood chopper after all.
Take a deep breath, the first thing to try is whether you can have the power to cut off the stone tree. The firewood knife suddenly loses its dust in hand, and the collision of the firewood knife and the stone tree suddenly produces a lot of fire due to friction, but it is hard to fight, but it is self-defeating, forgetting the dust and falling back two meters.
Jilted to jilt numb arm eyes more shocked stone forest hardness than forget dust imagination.
It’s this moment when you forget the dust. If there is no accident, almost all the stone forests here have the same indestructible hardness, not to mention one hundred, I’m afraid all of them have been completed.
Put the knife in your hand, put the palm of your hand into the trunk, forget the dust, slowly close your eyes, and your body is looming with a silvery white luster. This is a prelude to the release of life potential, but it is only a prelude. This trick is to condense life and feel or detect other vital signs.
Stone tree silver and forget dust white complement each other. At first glance, it seems that they are integrated. After a long time, forget dust and slowly open his eyes. At this moment, his eyes have condensed into silver white, which is the potential of life.
"These trees actually have life. They are rejecting me, not just for me, but for all people who have stepped into this land." Because of the potential of life, I can feel that Shilin rejects him and tries to scare him away with horror.
"This kind of feeling is like the rejection of ingredients and prey to outsiders. As Lao Wang said, a good butcher knows prey and a good cook eats nothing. If you want to cut off you, it depends on whether I can become a qualified woodcutter! !” Forget the dust and stare at the stone forest in front of you. There is no dim sum ash, but they become excited.
Looking at this silvery white forest seems to see the road that is about to become stronger.
In this way, forgetting the dust began in Shilin. He entered the game to practice the hardest. When he was unaccompanied, he had to endure the loneliness that ordinary people could not bear. He had to complete 100 Shilin trees here.
How long will it take? He didn’t know
The wood blade is very dull, forgetting the dust, and it has never been opened, because this thing has a sharpness of 1.
[Butcher’s firewood knife]
Sharpness 1
(Wang Jiacheng has been a blunt knife for generations)
A hundred sharpness can’t even kill a snow sheep, but forgetting the dust didn’t complain that the butcher Wang wouldn’t harm himself. If he had spoken in previous lives, he wouldn’t have sacrificed his life to protect himself.
There must be a reason to do this, just like this game. Shilin is very unreasonable, because even the strong can do things and forget the dust. How can it be done? Creation is not a fair game, but all unfair things have their reasons.