In the past few days, Lu Bu discovered that it was the best opportunity to meet Dong Zhuo for the first time. Although Dong Zhuo was surrounded by Su Li and others at that time, there was a great chance to kill Dong Zhuo if his strength broke out.

That time, Ma San happened to have a job with Master Tai.
But that time I killed Dong Zhuo Lyu3 bu4, and I was confident to rush out of Taishifu, but I was not sure to leave with The Story Of Diu Sim.
Ma San must have been there when Lu Bu stayed with Dong Zhuo in Taishi Mansion.
When Ma San is not around Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu is definitely not around.
When traveling, both of them followed Dong Zhuo with great valor, which added a lot of momentum to Dong Zhuo.
One hand holds a large mace, and the other hand holds a halberd painted by Fang Tian, all of which are heavy weapons. Even the height is almost seventeen. Lyu3 bu4 is a little short, but not much.
Dong Zhuo also gave Lu Bu a suit similar to Ma San’s.
Although Lu Bu is not Dong Zhuoyi, to outsiders, there is no difference between Lu Bu and Dong Zhuoyi. Some good people call Lu Bu and Ma San Dong Shi two heroes.
Although neither of them is surnamed Dong, many people followed this name after it came out.
Of course, someone else has changed a thief who is calling two people Dong Shi.
This makes it more and more difficult for people like Wang Yun who want to go out. There are more and more strange people around Dong Zhuo, and it is more and more difficult for them to kill Dong Zhuo.
The Story Of Diu Sim has been in a surname mansion all the time now, and Wang Yun wants to join The Story Of Diu Sim.
After learning that The Story Of Diu Sim had been collected by Dong Zhuo, Wang Yun wanted The Story Of Diu Sim to lure Ma San to split Ma San and Dong Zhuo.
Now I see that Lu Bu Wang Yun also has one more goal, but he suffers from The Story Of Diu Sim.
Come to Chang’ an for several years, I have been committed to developing with The Story Of Diu Sim and cultivating The Story Of Diu Sim’s feelings for Dahan.
Wang Yun is confident that The Story Of Diu Sim will certainly be willing to help The Story Of Diu Sim if he says the situation after meeting him.
Yun3 didn’t know that this young man named Li Fang behind Dong Zhuo was Lu Bu. Even if Yun3 did nothing, Lu Bu would kill Dong Zhuo.
Can’t find a chance for Lyu3 bu4 to set his mind at ease and stay in a surname mansion.
Dong Zhuo has no doubt about him and often asks Ma San to give him directions.
Although Ma San’s strength is not higher than his master’s, after all, the moves are different, and it is very important for Lu Bu to learn from Ma San frequently.
Lyu3 bu4 has always been careful not to expose his true strength. Even if he played with Lyu3 bu4, Ma San didn’t expect that the 17-year-old boy had hidden his strength when he played against him.
Chapter 464 Had regiment
Lingyun in Youzhou has shifted its focus to Lelang in western Liaoning and handed it over to Li Hai.
Li hai’s talent as a military counselor is not good, but there are some means in dealing with politics
Li Hai was also the first to follow Lingyun with Xu Fu.
Because of talent, I have been quietly heard, even if there are several battles, there is no bright spot.
If he develops into a military commander, Li Haimin can be a captain of a hundred men’s team or a thousand men’s team at most.
But lingyun, who is developing in politics, can now rest assured to hand over Le Lang to him.
The threat of grassland has also been lifted. Do you want to fight? Li Hai is now able to govern Le Lang more effectively than Lingyun.
Although Lingyun moved to western Liaoning, three ships with 10,000 people in Le Lang are still going to other big States to send refugees back to Le Lang, and another ship with 10,000 people can also be used for water.
Jue Luo and several other women were also taken to western Liaoning by Lingyun, and staying in Le Lang Lingyun was not at ease.
Although Villi has tampered with Jueluo’s feet, it is impossible for Jueluo’s strength to return to the previous level, but Li Hai is not good at this kind of thing. Lingyun is worried that he will no longer be sneaked back to the grassland by Jueluo.
It’s safer to put it under your eyelids.
After taking control of the whole Youzhou, Lingyun has also led ten counties in Youzhou, nine of which are the satrap of Xuantu County or cousin Gongsunying Gao Le.
It’s impossible to object to Lingyun’s self-leading you Zhou Mu Gao Le. Actually, after Lingyun announced that he had led you Zhou Mu Gao Le, he also sent a gift to express his willingness to obey Lingyun’s command.
When I came to this period, Lingyun’s life was very calm. I came to practice Taiping Yaoshu most of the time every day, and listened to the news from all over the world when I took out a little.
After all, there were players in the Red Chamber at that time, even if they didn’t go to The Story Of Diu Sim, Master Tai would certainly be known by other ministers in the DPRK.
And Dong Zhuo didn’t want to hide The Story Of Diu Sim’s things. After all, players have already said that The Story Of Diu Sim’s things now have four beauties. How could Dong Zhuo of The Story Of Diu Sim hide them and wish to show them off every day?
The appearance of The Story Of Diu Sim made many players look for Lu Bu, especially Jiuyuan County, Wuyuan County, Lu Bu’s hometown, once again ushered in several players.
Some people want to take refuge in Lu Bu, while others want to see the first valiant soldier in the Three Kingdoms.
However, they were doomed to disappointment. No one except The Story Of Diu Sim knew that Lu Bu had already entered the imperial palace under the pseudonym Li Fang.