"You just, you have the skill of slaying. Let you see my powerful ice goddess spear." The ice goddess spear with coke and ice has also been put to good use. You know, the ice goddess spear used to hit 10,000 super injuries in those years, but for the death of Qinglong and the half moon sword, it was the first to hit coke with ice and hit the top four without coke and ice.

These two kids shouldn’t be serious, right? The thunder breaks the VS ice goddess spear, and the final result is that both sides hang together. If it develops, I’m afraid that the most heated discussion in the forum will be the contradiction between the Dragon Soul Organization Department in three minutes. Ray Magician Coca Cola VS Ice Magician Coke and ice, and both sides will eventually lose both sides.
"Xuan Bing Stream" wants to stop this disaster. It’s only possible that the dizzy and frozen class can make people pause. The two of them cracked and stabbed on my left and right sides, and one move stopped them from trying hard. Even if they could suppress the two people with one move, they would definitely return to the city. After three minutes, I’m afraid the forum will report that the dragon soul gang is full of contradictions. The Avengers killed the thunder wizard with one move. Coca-Cola Ice Wizard with ice.
So in the end, I chose Xuan Bing Stream. Although it is also very powerful, it is not enough to kill Coca-Cola and Coke with ice.
"Bite your malicious PK player Coca-Cola, the other side is good for self-defense" and "bite your malicious PK player Coke with ice, the other side is good for self-defense"
Ignoring the unified sound, I simply said, "You two should wake up for me." Xuan Bing Stream deserves a 5% freezing chance plus my lucky value. Coca-Cola and Coke with ice were immediately frozen by Xuan Bing Stream, and finally their skills were interrupted.
Five seconds frozen, short, short and long, Coca-Cola finally calmed down, slapped his forehead and scolded himself for being careless, and even had a magic blood necklace, fighting a bloody battle.
"I’m sorry to add ice. In fact, this magic blood necklace should be given to you. After all, I have a Lei Guangdun to offset 9% of the damage. Although I can save my life for a few seconds, you have no defense against energy shield. This magic blood necklace is the most suitable for you to wear."
Coke with ice is also a dark curse for being confused. Seeing Coca-Cola apologize is even more guilty. "I have something wrong with Coke. This magic blood necklace is still yours, so that your life value can be guaranteed even against powerful melee fighters."
"There’s no tournament now, and I don’t want a magic blood necklace." Coca-Cola laughed. "I’d better leave it to you. Later, we’ll go to the fierce monster area and blame you for wearing a magic blood necklace, so we can rest assured."
"Dear eldest brother, where are we going to upgrade? Also, when I change my job, I need to go to Wanku Mountain to wipe out the gang leader Azurite and get Azurite’s head. When will we go? If I can’t change my job, I won’t be able to talk about my professional skills. "Crystal Crysal is dissatisfied at this time. At least she is also a big star. These people around her are too disrespectful.
Coca-Cola remembered at this moment that there seems to be a girl next to the boss who set her eyes on her and asked curiously, "Who is this little girl, boss?" It’s so beautiful. It’s not your girlfriend, is it? " Because Liu Lingfei changed her appearance, they didn’t recognize the girl in front of them as an international superstar.
"If I have such a beautiful girlfriend, I don’t know how many years it will take to repair it." I took out the magic blood necklace and gave it to Coke with ice. I smiled lightly. "Well, hurry to train. Since Crystal’s hidden career is in Wanku Mountain, why don’t we go there and have a look? By the way, we can also help Crystal complete the hidden career."
A group of five of us went to Wanku Mountain, and all the way were bandits of grade 15 and 16. These bandits are difficult for level 1 players to change jobs, but it is simple for people in our line.
"Hey, you guys, Wanku Mountain was brought here by our Feilong gang today, so you have to leave quickly …" At this time, seven players suddenly stopped our road, and one of them said with a combat knife, "Otherwise, you will be hanged."
"What is the origin of Feilong Gang?" It’s the first time I’ve heard about the name of Feilong Gang, so I asked Coca-Cola in a low voice.
Coca-Cola pondered a little and said, "Feilong Gang is a second-rate gang in China area, even the top ten gangs. However, Wang of Feilong Gang won a sword array secret book because he completed a hiding, so they are also considered a local strongman in Nuwa City. Because they occupy almost all low-level monster areas and have a guard sword array, they have not been wiped out by those big gangs."
"Wow, is there any law to cover Baoshan?" Crystal Crysal was upgraded with us in Novice Village, but it didn’t encounter looting or occupying the site. It was a surprise when I saw it for the first time today.
Just now, when the player saw the crystal Crysal’s appearance, he suddenly showed his bedroom eyes and laughed. "What a beautiful girl! Why don’t you keep it with our boss?"
Before the player’s words were finished, suddenly there was a flash of cold light, and a white frost wyrm rushed over. The place where the white frost wyrm had passed immediately floated 157 bright red numbers. In the rest of the players, the players were killed by frost wyrm and immediately fell to the ground with a face unwilling to kill.
Hey hey! After the Kyubi no Youko fox, the carriage brigade and the appraisal equipment, I have just killed the mobsters. Now I am out of the three-hour vice state of the sky. It’s really bad luck for the player to eat me head-on and break frost wyrm’s luck.
"Damn it, you dare to start work with our Feilong gang. Everyone hangs them together."
It’s sad that the courage to dare to shoot us is commendable, but the strength can’t be compared with the fact that there are only five or six players left, and we will solve it immediately after a face-to-face meeting. There is no chance to even put an ambush on the companions of Wanku Mountain.
Solved the road, players, and we slowly went to the top of Wanku Mountain.
"Which way is the gang friend ran a cave mountain? How dare you kill my brother Feilong? " Not long after our mountain, the second batch of road blocking players immediately appeared again.
Because there are the first batch of mountain-guarding players in front, they can come here, either from the gang or other mountain-killing players. Obviously, the players in the gang have gathered in Wanku Mountain, so this time the mountain-rushing players must be other gangs and probably come to smash the gang players.
I’d like to see if these players dare to intercept members of our Dragon Soul organization. It’s a rare trip to a low-level place. I can’t believe that it was intercepted by a second-rate gang. The majesty of Dragon Soul doesn’t humiliate this second-rate gang, otherwise we wouldn’t stay in the story.
The five of us will play out the arm organization mark’ dragon soul’ and immediately show off in front of each other. The other party was taken aback at the sight of this mark. Dragon soul organization. This is a powerful organization that even the first-class gangs such as God Eaters and Four Holy Beasts should be afraid of three points. It is not a small dragon gang that can afford it.
The elite player immediately called the communication system and sent the things here to the top of the mountain, the boss of Feilong Sect, Feilong Chongtian. Things here are no longer up to their minions, so they immediately asked Wang Feilong to come here and negotiate with Dragon Soul.
Chapter ninety-five Blasting sword array
"Fei Long, the leader of the Fei Long Gang, didn’t know that it was important for the Dragon Soul to organize friends to come here?" In a short time, a large group of players rushed from the mountain, and a mighty and extraordinary young man came out from the Feilong gang, with a Chinese face and an extraordinary appearance.
"It’s nothing. My sister picked up a head that needs azurite. You also know that azurite is a mountain with thousands of caves. BOSS needs to get his head. There’s a way for Feilong Wang to rest assured that we’ll leave as soon as we get azurite’s head." So as not to let the outside world mistake us, Dragon Soul Organization is a bully.
Hearing that we were going to kill the BOSS of Wanku Mountain, Shi Qing Feilong’s face changed slightly, but he immediately recovered and sneered, "There are many reasons for the dragon soul to organize people to rob monsters. Hum Avengers, Coca Cola and Coke with ice. Although you are all players in the master list, it is not easy to break through our defense."
"oh? That I will be interesting to see how you more than a dozen players stop us from Coca-Cola and Coke with ice. Let’s let the three of us try their skills. You two help us. bring up the rear "Crystal and Stars are new members of the organization. Although the level of the two people is not bad now, it’s ok to deal with hooliganism, but it’s not good to meet big battles."
So this battle can be hosted by me, Coca-Cola and Coca-Cola with ice. Crystal Crysal and Xingchen Wutian can’t help us in bring up the rear because of lack of experience and so on.
"disposal! Blasting the sword array! " Feilong and six other swordsmen came to the scene quickly, and the seven swords were silvery and surrounded the three of us.
"Boss, be careful. Blasting Sword Array is a flying dragon sect. The attack power of the sword array is not strong, but the defense force is hard. It is said that the most powerful and powerful feature of Blasting Sword Array is to share the damage of players equally, which means that if you attack one person, the damage will be 7, so if you share it equally, everyone will suffer 1 point of damage."
Coca-Cola frowned slightly and woke up at the sight of seven swordsmen encircling us.
"Share the damage equally? It seems to be more troublesome. Coca-Cola, Coke with ice, let’s try it together. "The grass shovel sword" Yi ",a Xuan Bing stream started quickly! The cold current swept away in all directions, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, and 754. Seven identical injuries floated from seven players.
Although the sword array can share the damage equally, my move is a group injury. Even if they want to share it equally, the damage will still be similar to the original one.
Fei Long soared to the sky and looked at himself and six other people. The injury was astounding. Ah, it was so high that the Avengers were worthy of saying that the strength of one of the best players in the world really could not be matched by a thundering sword array.
"frost wyrm is broken!"
The seven injuries of 171, 171, 171, 171, 171 and 171 made my eyes almost pop out. frost wyrm’s broken injury was even inferior to 2, but I never thought that frost wyrm’s broken injury would be lower than Xuan Bing’s and so much lower.
"Hao Tianjing!" Feilong quickly sacrificed his own protective treasure, hoping that this powerful treasure could be the first to strengthen the mirror surface of the celestial mirror and scatter three white lights to illuminate the three of us respectively.
Heaven Mirror of Science This is another reward after Feilong completed hiding and obtained the Sword Array of Blasting. It is a good skill to make the damage of Heaven Mirror twice as much as usual, but if the damage is doubled to 12 times in the Sword Array of Blasting, it has reached the realm of terror.
Lei Guangdun! Coca-Cola doesn’t know the power of the Mirror of Heaven, but it won’t be too weak, so it quickly launched a Lei Guang shield that can offset 9% of the damage.
Ground fissures and spikes! Because I don’t have any defensive skills, I used my unique skill to crack and stab.
Magic blood necklace! The characteristic of this necklace is that it can transform damage into mana consumption, but the magic attack of the necklace is too weak. Therefore, when playing ordinary mobs, coke with ice is often a high-level attack equipment. Now, for Haotianjing coke with ice, I dare not change the magic blood necklace immediately.
When we were ready, the light of the mirror of heaven also came to us. Three injuries, 34, 1764 and 324, floated up from Coca-Cola and my coke with ice.
After all, Lei Guangdun has replaced him to offset 9% of the power. The damage of 1764 is so-called for me. After all, my health has risen to a height of 4, which is a real blood cow. However, the damage of 324 floated from the coke with ice really startled us. I wonder if coke with ice can resist such high damage by relying on the magic blood necklace.
God really bless coke with ice. The magic limit is about 312, plus nearly a few health points. Together, it can just offset the damage of the Mirror of Science. Although it has not been killed, the health has been low. I am afraid that a gentle attack will kill him.
Just as Feilong Chongtian was going to further prepare to kill Coke with ice, the ground quickly cracked, and our split spikes started. Haha, the sword array is characterized by being able to share the damage equally, so the negative skill damage is also shared equally. Seven disposal players have 42 head injuries and dizzy for 1 second.
(The shortest time for dizziness is 1 second. If there is a dizziness effect but it is shorter than this, it is mandatory to stun for 1 second.)