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Just when she was confused, Jeremy ran madly to the rear. This slender girl’s pace is extremely fast and great. Every step can take about two meters. She is not inferior to Bolt and ran out of more than twenty meters in just two seconds.
At this time, the witch suddenly woke up and quickly made track for Jeremy.
She is also very fast, but it is also a little faster than Jeremy. When the distance between the two sides is 20 meters, it takes her five seconds to chase Jeremy, but these five seconds are enough to make her black and blue.
Leona has played all the bombs in just five seconds, and the witch has been riddled with holes.
Just as Leona changed the bomb, the witch was less than five meters away from Jeremy.
But at this time, a large-caliber sniper shot hit her forehead again, and then the sniper shot at her continuously.
The witch looked up, but it was the one who shot herself. She immediately gave up the pursuit of Jeremiah and rushed to the sniper, zhaojie.
This is Jeremiah’s plan. Although the witch is powerful, she is actually a zombie with a very special chest. This kind of vengeful chest has already penetrated into her bone marrow. She is bound to attack the first creature that hurts her crazily. After zhaojie’s bullet and Jeremiah’s knife hit her at the same time, she became aware of the current situation, and Jeremiah never attacked again when she was chased by the witch. On the contrary, when she was about to be chased by the witch, zhaojie hit the witch again. There is a significant difference between zhaojie and Jeremy’s harm to witches. zhaojie’s two shots have already accumulated extremely high harm to witches. At the same time, he is the first person to do harm to him. The witch immediately judges that Zhao Jie should be the first to attack herself and go after zhaojie.
But it is too late to kill zhaojie at this time, because she has been hurt for five seconds and she is more than 60 meters away from zhaojie. There is no doubt that the witch died in the hands of several people in zhaojie.
In this issue, the war ghost changed to m4a1. Instead of attacking witches, he was vigilant and scanned the strong battlefield premonition around him, so that the man could easily perceive the danger. He was arranged by Jeremy to prevent other zombies from appearing.
Fortunately, however, there were no other zombies until the witch.
Just as several people smiled at each other, another kind of drum suddenly occurred to me in the sky. This low and violent sound made people’s hearts unconsciously beat with this drum, and the whole town emerged with a special sense of irritability.
At the end of the street, there is a big door with colorful light. With its appearance, the door is slowly erected. The pattern is complex but gorgeous and full of mystery. At first glance, it looks at the door in a magical novel, but when you look closely, it can be found in its modern scientific symbols. These symbols are carved and full of artistic sense, which will not damage the beauty of the whole door at all.
Just like this, there is no door alone, but it doesn’t give people an abrupt feeling at all, as if it should stand there, and it is full of reasonable breasts.
This door is slowly opened, and there is a deep darkness inside. Thick black is reflected in the pupil, but it is the simplest hope in my mind.
"Is it an exit?" War ghost surprise way
"It’s an export". zhaojie’s face is calm and his eyes are full of worries.
The ghost looked around, but now Leona and Jeremy didn’t look particularly good. They scratched their heads and asked, "What’s the problem?"
"When you listen to this drum, it’s like we’re the final B sound."
Leona frowned and said
Her voice did not fall, but the ground in front of the door suddenly rumbled and trembled, and the earth turned outward. A huge yellow zombie climbed out of the ground. His body had a ton of multiple ferocious muscles, and even if five Arnold brothers were tied together, it might not be comparable. At the same time, his limbs were relatively short, and the whole body was a perfect example of an inverted triangle
"It’s a tank," zhaojie said with a frown.
Tank (the most feared monster in Survival Road) has extremely strong destructive power and extremely high health, which can throw huge stones at opponents, and at the same time, it will directly lose all the blood after the ground objects, such as cars, are hit by the attacking enemies. The weakness is afraid of fire.
The "first mover" war ghost yelled at m4a1 in one hand, and the angry flame had been shot.
Jeremy and Leona also shoot tanks at the same time. This monster is different from other zombies. It can kill him with a few shots. Several people take the lead in attacking with the idea of consuming blood at a long distance.
Zhao Jie, on the other hand, took out a burning bottle from his backpack, lit it quickly and threw it out.
Not far in front of the tank, it suddenly turned into a sea of fire.
Just as soon as it emerged, it was attacked like rain, which made the tank angry. He roared, and when he pulled it out again, he had brought up a large concrete floor. The monster roared and threw it out.
But zhaojie four people, after all, are the embodiment of the passer-by. Even if they don’t have strong chests, they have made perfect evasive moves when the boulder hits them.
Stones hit the ground with a loud bang, and several people took no notice of it. Guns and bullets rained down on the tank body.
See throwing effect tank once again a roar fast limbs and ran to several people, but his skin as if coated with a layer of gasoline when passing through the fire was immediately ignited, the whole body has turned into a huge flame, and the giant whined again.
Seeing that the flame worked, zhaojie stepped up shooting, and at the same time, it was also fighting and retreating. The tank was no more tactical than the witch needed to kill. When facing this monster, she needed to pour bullets on him desperately.
In this way, the tank finally fell to the ground in a few people’s crazy shooting, which made everyone relieved.
Zhaojie wiped his forehead with sweat and said excitedly, "I didn’t expect that we actually defeated the tank and the victory was just around the corner, brothers."
Several people didn’t care about his grammar mistakes and shouted and ran down the street at the same time
However, when several people were less than 50 meters away from that door, a green arc shot from a nearby room and fell on the street, which quickly turned into a piece of green venom.
War ghost stepped into the venom without checking for a while and suddenly felt that the whole body was paralyzed and collapsed, and fell into the venom without even screaming.