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"I can’t believe that my brother and grandfather turned out to be too Nanyang Dynasty …" Oden said.
"So the emperor will be able to climb the mountain in fifteen days, and we won’t be afraid of Mu Yunqi when he comes back?" Sauron asked hopefully.
"Yes, but now it’s not just a question of Mu Yunqi. Now Wei Chi Haotian, Luo Yuling, Qi Ge and Simon Luoyan have gathered together, and they also have cannons and bombs. It’s not easy to seize government from them."
"But it’s much easier for us to regain control of the political Council when MuYunQi dies." Soren looked at Mo Zihan with a slight frown and relieved.
"I know what you are worried about. The most difficult thing now is not to take back the government, but that they have Nangong Jin and Ximen Luoyan."
Soren’s words just came to Mo Zihan’s heart.
Yes, she is most worried about being imprisoned in Nangong Jin.
Jin’s character, she knows best, this time he can allow himself to be imprisoned and humiliated without threats, which is the limit he can do for him.
If the Nangong Jin comes to threaten them once she fights MuYunQi head-on, then Nangong Jin’s character will definitely die to shatter MuYunQi’s abacus.
It is the most important thing to save Nangong Jin.
"Evil spirits teach the gang that fighting skill is too high, even the ghost hall can find out that they are currently holding Nangong Jin in prison, but it is not known where they are held.
I think we’ll take a long-term view after the emperor comes from Tianshan. Now our strength is too weak. "
Mozihan nods, "I know that the threat of MuYunQi’s death will become smaller. After all, if anything happens to Luo Yuling, she can’t live."
Luo Yuling is afraid of death. If MuYunQi dies, it shouldn’t be too difficult for her to save Jin without her backer and her concentric pills. "
"At present, the most important thing for us is to make ourselves strong first," Odenkou said.
"Why? Have you thought of a way? "
Auden nods, "It’s not too far away from Kubei after leaving five families, especially the Gautard family is closest to Kubei.
Gautard people have a mountain on the other side, and there is an arsenal in it to make arrows. There is no shortage of raw materials in it, and we can transport weapons there for processing. "
"Reliable? Now our strength is still too weak. If Ziggy finds out before, we will fall into a passive situation. "
"After leaving the five families, they were accepted by your brother. They swore allegiance to your brother in front of the pentagram."
MoZiHan frown "swear? ?”
It seems that she swears in her heart that this thing is the least. Anyway, it is not for her. She is a person who can break her oath at any time according to the pros and cons of current affairs. Is it necessary to leave the five ethnic groups?
"After leaving five families, according to the pentagram array scattered in the grassland, the pentagram is their guardian constellation and their favorite. God has sworn to God, so they must keep the oath, otherwise they will be condemned by heaven and be exterminated.
After leaving the five ethnic groups, they have suffered genocide, and now they have finally re-established their ethnic groups and will stick to their vows. "
Mo Zihan in Auden dialect is still dubious.
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Chapter 756 756 The other shore flower [7]
The fastest update tyrant henpecked loser after the latest chapter!
Look at Sauron, see him nod, and then look at thousands of brothers, still nodding.
So Mo Zihan can rest assured.
There are so many things in this world that she can’t understand in vain, but since they all say so, she can also choose to believe it. Otherwise, although Kubei has oil, it lacks processing materials
"How far is Gautard from Kubei?"
"It takes five days to transport processing weapons if the fast horse is three days away."
"Good, then you immediately order someone to prepare the weapons that need to be processed, and I will personally deliver them."
"Han Er, I’d better go," Auden said. "After all, you are not familiar with the patriarch of Gautard."
"I met this man on the day of the first emperor’s wedding, and I also met eyebrow zhuang, Princess of Gautard. You are the Regent. Now the North Vietnamese army can’t live without you. You still stay in Kubei to control the overall situation."