Should be gathering pace look a little excited, he said excitedly, "thank you for flying elder brother! I’m going to tell you the good news! "

With that, Ying Yun-shen trotted out of the room and left Mu Zhuo Qing and Li Feiyang to look at each other in the room.
"Village head, are we really going to seize the old bear village site? Is this not very good? " Three days later, the villagers got together in the village and looked at Li Feiyang in front of them with a face of hesitation and asked this sentence.
It turned out that Li Feiyang actually wanted to take them to rob Laoxiong Village today, which made them feel uneasy.
Once an old bear came to rob the territory, and something like that happened. Even Big Mani came. Will there be more trouble if you do that again this time?
Li Feiyang shook his head. "You made a mistake. I’m not going to take you to grab the territory, but to rob the village. If it weren’t for their settlement, they would be the ones. I’m going to merge our two villages into one. I’m going to turn the five chieftains of Dark Forest into six chieftains …"
And become a chieftain! This sentence Li Feiyang is said in my mind
There was silence in the village. The villagers looked a little strange, but after all, they didn’t have the courage to show that someone was late and asked, "Village Chief … what if they don’t promise?"
Li Feiyang smiled. Even if the dark forest is full of strengths, there are still psychological weaknesses and strong points. These villagers have become accustomed to treating themselves as the weak side. Now it is hard for them to do such a "big thing".
It seems necessary to change these people’s mentality and give them some confidence …
"If they don’t agree, let’s hit them! If we agree to do it well, we will give them weapons and give them a chance to live during the sacrifice. If we insist on not doing it, we will beat them to obey! I’m not a troublemaker, but I still think it’s not possible to get together casually and fight like you when the God’s Sacrifice Day comes. You must have strategies, methods and unified orders to maximize your energy. You are not afraid to tell you about the temple … In fact, I have accepted the temple test. If I can pass it, I will be a festival Mani! "
Wow ~ ~ ~ Li Feiyang said this sentence, and the villagers suddenly burst into exclamation. Everyone looked at Li Feiyang and their eyes turned into deep horror and awe. The word Mani was like a mountain crashing into their hearts.
Chapter 164 Shoufu
In the southeast of the old village, there is a lush oasis with a larger area than Linglao village. There are about 400 villagers, which is relatively great. After all, even the strongest fire chieftain among the five chieftains is only in charge of 2,000 people.
Even in a small village, Laoxiong Village is large enough. In fact, the population of their whole village is about 600. In addition to this aquatic meadow, there are several small oases with 200 people scattered.
Of course, scattered living can’t completely wield the villagers’ strength. Lao Xiong took people to Ling Lao Village and wanted to rob their territory. If they can rob Lao Xiong Village, they will become an organic whole.
Since then, the whole village seems to be divided with the death of Lao Xiong and his son. Ying Bao, the brother of Lao Xiong, has been recognized by most people as the head of the new village, but some people have been taken away by the original second only to Lao Xiong Qiang.
The new oasis is not easy to find, but the people who were taken away by sin still live in several scattered points.
But the two sides also live in peace. After all, there are few serious private fights in this place.
"sin! ! Here comes a large group of people with weapons. Go and have a look! " In the sin village, a emaciated young man was polishing a piece of stone, and a man came panting and shouted at him in horror from a distance.
The young man frowned slightly. His face was rather pale and he looked like a sick man compared with others.
"Don’t panic and talk slowly. What’s going on?"
People ran to the front and pointed to the village to "a large group of people came to rob our village. They all had weapons … about 200 people had weapons … a big pole! !” The last sentence, "Long pole", is particularly loud, except for surprise and deep envy.
The people in the Dark Forest are good at making weapons, which are heavy and long, and their attack methods are powerful, explosive and strong. Generally, swords are not suitable for heavy chopping.
Sin frowned and said, "Go and see!"
Back to the village, his eyes suddenly narrowed because he saw a man who killed Lao Xiong’s father that day.
But compared with seeing Li Feiyang, the shock behind him is even stronger.
All the Euphorbia halberds are silver and bright, and the red tassels at the tips of the Euphorbia halberds are scattered in the wind. The thick halberds are also made of good materials at first glance.
There are probably less than 200 people in Lingjia Village, but at this time, whether it is male or female, even small children are all given a halberd.
I suddenly felt that my lips were a little dry and I had to ask questions in my chest, so I couldn’t help but swallow them again
Two hundred spurge! Even the number of weapons in Huochieu village is probably not less than theirs, but it is definitely not so uniform and so excellent. He has seen that Huochieu village bases are all swords and swords, and there are very few long soldiers.
Sin people in the village are also looked at each other, and the original anger momentum is slowly dissipating. Everyone is looking at each other’s weapons and eyes with feverish light.
So what Ling Lao said is true? Did this man really bring so many weapons?
"What do you want? Rob our place of residence? I think your place is better than ours and not many of you have anything to do with it? " Sin is a cautious man, not as arrogant as Lao Xiong, although he thinks that the other side will never dare to slaughter his side with weapons, he still tries to weigh his tone.
Li Feiyang smiled and shook a finger. "I don’t want to occupy your settlement, but to occupy you."
How to merge the two villages together? I’ll take you to unify the dark forest, take you through the sacrifice and get you out of here. "
Li Feiyang frowned when they said the previous words, but when he heard his last sentence, all of them were shocked.
"What did you say? From here …? " I asked him once in disbelief.
Li Feiyang looked around at a face of surprise, stepped in the previous step and took a deep breath and said, "Would you like to live here? Generation after generation bears the so-called curse and never knows how long it will last for twenty years. Every day, there is not a day of peace, no comfortable life, no comfortable enjoyment and even drinking water is a luxury. Haven’t you had enough of this day? "
Sin swallowed. "What you said makes sense, but how did you take us away? You can undo the curse? That’s god’s arrangement … "
Li Feiyang smiled and didn’t speak yet. Yun-shen said loudly, "Brother Feiyang has accepted the test of the temple. If he can pass it, he will be a sacrifice Mani!"
Wow ~ ~ ~ When Yun-shen said this, it immediately caused an uproar in the sin village. Everyone looked unbelievable at first, but then he turned shocked and a little excited and … deeply awed.
They believe that Ying Yunsheng dare not take this joke, because if the people in the dark forest never dare to talk nonsense about the temple.
Sacrificial mani? ….. From? !
The look of sin slowly changed. He looked at Li Feiyang and thought, "We have to discuss a …"
Li Feiyang nodded and went out to the middle of the country, then raised his hand, the light flashed and tinkled, and one weapon after another fell out, slowly piling up on the ground and becoming like a hill
Dead silence … The only sound that can be heard is the heavy breathing and swallowing of saliva.
Li Feiyang looked up to reveal a cordial voice, which was full of sincerity. "If the result of your discussion is that you are willing, then these weapons are all yours. I said that I will take you safely through the sacrifice. Weapons are the first step."
Don’t think too much about the results of the discussion. Everyone is in favor of following Li Feiyang, not to mention Li Feiyang’s strength. They have already seen the title of Mani, which is a sufficient weapon. If you have no problem, you will know how to choose.
Maybe they will hesitate at other times, but the biggest root is that God’s memorial day is near at hand and they can live!
Chapter 165 bully
Li Feiyang put all the villagers together with a weapon after he fell guilty. Now his selected department is the best part of the weapon. Li Feiyang, who was originally cast, naturally won’t be stingy.
In fact, he has a plan in his heart whether he can succeed or not. He will give weapons to people in the dark forest, but there is a difference. Those who are willing to take refuge in themselves will get the best. In the end, those who are unwilling will naturally get the second place.
He used the beast tide to preliminarily integrate a dark demon Lin Ruo. I’m afraid he still has to pay some price if he wants to truly unify this place. Moreover, it must be after the memorial day of God and there will be a buffer for 20 years at that time. It’s hard to say whether people will cooperate with the Five Chiefs or compromise.
However, Li Feiyang has made up his mind to grasp this force in his hand.
He won’t forget what Ji Zheng said, but Li Feiyang thinks that it is enough for him to do a lot of things twenty years after the end of this sacrifice. It is a good choice if he is strong enough to solve the beast tide or explore the secrets of the beast tide.
But now he must consider catching this force by himself and build his own territory to complete Li Feiyang’s life.
Who has no heroic dream? It’s hard to get through once and get the ring of cultivating immortality, so that both the baby theorist and the immortal should stand tall and look down on genius, otherwise it’s not a waste of time. !