"Zhang Dianfei is dead?" Zhang Xiaotian tried to ask 1.

The red makeup woman’s body trembled slightly and ripped off her head. The red veil looked behind her.
"You … who are you?" See behind suddenly appeared a group of ghost repair also qi qi looked at her red makeup woman leng a dull asked.
"It’s really like it!" Qin Wan a pair of beautiful eyes looking at the red makeup girl whispered that her son is good and naturally very familiar with the theory of red women in front of her eyes, whether it is body breath or appearance, Dou Lin is exactly the same!
"Did you just say it was Zhang Dianfei?" Zhang Xiaotian did not answer but asked again.
The woman in red makeup came to her senses and said, "I’m already going to marry your door Lord. What do you want him for?" There was a trace of disgust in the words.
Obviously, she took Zhang Xiaotian and others as Luo Tian.
Zhang Xiaotian hesitated. "Is Zhang Dianfei really dead?" There is a hint of doubt in the slow tone.
"I asked your master to help me find him. Didn’t you tell me the news that he was dead? Are you lying to me? " Red makeup girl asked coldly.
The attitude of the woman in red makes Zhang Xiaotian a little confused! Is it because you are wrong? This Liner has been looking forward to Zhang Dianfei’s death?
"The news is wrong! Zhang Dianfei is not dead and he has found here now! " Zhang Xiaotian eyes looking at the red makeup woman said slowly.
"What?" Red makeup girl was a surprised some confusion.
"Zhang Dianfei has found here!" Zhang Xiaotian repeat the words again.
"You … you can’t hurt him?" The red makeup girl said anxiously
"You know he’s not dead?" Zhang Xiaotian asked a little surprised, but his heart was enlightened.
"It’s my fault! It’s my fault! I shouldn’t have asked your master to help me find him in the first place! I shouldn’t have told him that it was me … "The woman in red makeup shook her head and said incoherently.
At this moment, Zhang Xiaotian seems to think that things have gone wrong!
This Liner has been thinking about Zhang Dianfei and asked Luo Tian to help her find him! Later, now Luo Tian is harmful to Zhang Dianfei’s mind and pretends to believe the news that Luo Tian weaves Zhang Dianfei’s death! The purpose is to … Don’t let the demon emperor hurt Zhang Dianfei!
And Luo Tianmu … Just marry Liner!
This explanation is in line with the performance of the red makeup girl now!
But let Zhang Xiaotian some not white is the son is not the most hate Zhang Dianfei? Now how …
Alas! A needle in a woman’s heart!
But this Liner Zhang Dianfei must have met! Zhang Xiao, as decided
Thought of here Zhang Xiaotian laughed "Lin son you can rest assured! Brother Zhang is our brother and no one can harm him! "
"What?" The red makeup girl looked at Zhang Xiaotian with some doubts at one leng.
"Zhang Dage! There is a good thing out there for you to share! Hey! " In the ring of fire, water and spirit, Zhang Xiaotian told Zhang Dianfei, who was playing with Liner in purple.
"What is it?" Zhang Dianfei stopped moving body mirth asked.
"Hey hey! Just laugh and see if you laugh later! " Zhang Xiao, as laughed
"Ha ha! what’s up It must be a surprise for you! Hey hey! You have to be mentally prepared! " Zhang Xiao auditions laughed
Purple mountain flashing Zhang Dianfei left the spirit ring and appeared beside Zhang Xiaotian and others.
"Ha ha! What is it? Still so mysterious! " Out of Zhang Dianfei walked over.
"Lynn, you …" Suddenly Zhang Dianfei’s face froze with laughter.
At present, Liner is not just beside him. Liner! But in front of her, Liner is the one he knows very well! It’s the one he’s been thinking about for hundreds of years, Liner!
The expression on the red makeup girl’s face has also stopped! Gawk at that sudden appearance of Zhang Dianfei as if dreaming.
When the purple mountain flashed, Zhang Xiaotian and others left.
The face must be faced eventually! This matter is beyond their control!
But Zhang Xiao, as is slowly out of breath! Look at Lin’s attitude towards Luo Tian. They killed Luo Tianxian. It seems that they have done something.
"elder brother! What do you think Brother Zhang will do? " Yang Xiao walked over to another room in the hall and asked
"How should I know! But I think Zhang Dage must have a headache now! " Zhang Xiaotian wry smile way
"There should be no! We help him find someone he has been thinking about for hundreds of years. He should be! " Yang Xiao to disagree
"Ha ha! I hope so! " Zhang Xiaotian smiled and said.
"This Liner seems to like Zhang Dage?" Qin Wan hesitated to say that women’s sensitivity made her feel Lin Er’s mind.
Hearing Qin Wan’s words, Zhang Xiaotian and others were silent! They have waited for this kind of thing!
In the ring of fire and water, Liner squatted on a rock and looked into the distance with her eyes looking forward to happiness.
"Alas," find out this scene. Zhang Xiaotian sighed slightly and pitied Lin Er …
"It seems that … it is also a good choice to marry two wives!" Yang Xiao suddenly neurotic mumbling chanting
Hear this word Yang Xiao Zhang Xiao, as a slight movement.
"Xiao Tian!" A sound suddenly interrupted Zhang Xiaotian’s train of thought.
Zhang Dianfei came out of the room with Lynn.
"Zhang Dage!" Zhang Xiaotian shouted with a smile, her eyes looked at Liner next to her, and now she is beside Zhang Dianfei with a uneasy face.
Zhang Dianfei face also hung a smile but this smile is a bit far-fetched!
Zhang Xiao, as hitched a smile and asked "Zhang Dage! How did you get out so soon? "
"I think … you let Liner out!" Zhang Dianfei hesitated and said
"What?" Zhang Xiaotian one leng.
"I want them to meet!" Zhang Dianfei said with a sigh
"good!" Zhang Xiaotian hesitated a nod should way some heavy expression!
Lin Er, the innocent and beautiful girl in the Fire, Water and Spirit Ring, has been in contact with everyone and likes her very much! Zhang Xiaotian also can’t bear to see what harm she has suffered!
But he can’t say anything about it.
Informed Lin Er Zhang Xiaotian to send her out when her mind moved.
Liner in the ring is wearing a blue gauze skirt and a pair of innocent black eyes are very beautiful! While Lin Er, who is wearing the most touching new clothes, is not inferior to others.
The two were born of the same origin!