Arbeloa was curious. "Have you ever been a coach in the Real Madrid echelon? So what, did you finally leave? "

Changsheng shook his head. "Is there no reason for me to leave Real Madrid?"
"Yes, there is, but I think you are stupid." Young Arbeloa is still brave enough to say so.
Chang Sheng thinks 19-year-old Arbeloa is very interesting. It seems that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers and say whatever they have.
"Oh what?"
"Even if someone is unhappy with you, shouldn’t you stay at Real Madrid? You know, Real Madrid is always better than those teams outside. "
Chang Sheng has a hand. "If I stay in Real Madrid, I am also an echelon coach until now, but now I have become the head coach of Valencia and led the team to win the season league championship. Besides, I have two King’s Cup champions and a second division champion. Can Real Madrid give them to me?"
Arbeloa, after all, is a child, not as long-term and thoughtful as an adult.
He was aware of his own problems when Chang Sheng said this.
Yes, if you stay in front of Real Madrid, can this man become the head coach of Valencia?
In fact, Changsheng wants to say this to Arbeloa.
So he went on to say strike while the iron is hot
"Just like you, Alvaro, you stay at Real Madrid and you can be promoted to the B team, but after that? To be honest, I don’t think you can still get a chance in the first team of Real Madrid. Do you know anything? It’s simple. Zidaga’s Pa Wen policy failed. florentino won’t pull another defender from Real Madrid’s B team. Pa Wen is now a substitute in the first team. He rarely plays games, even Pa Wen. Do you think your future is optimistic? "
Arbeloa grew up and listened blankly, forgetting to ask Chang Sheng, "Isn’t it your fault that Zidaga’s Pa Wen policy failed?"
Changsheng went on to say, "You, you will have a chance to go to Real Madrid’s first team? Don’t dream. Alvaro florentino is not short of money. He would rather spend a lot of money to buy solid defensive players from other teams than believe in the results of his youth training camp. Because Pa Wen has proved that Real Madrid youth training is a failure and can’t meet the requirements of Real Madrid’s first team. What will you do if you are promoted to the first team? "
Ever-victorious staring at Arbelo Atta’s voice seems to have a kind of magic that makes Arbelo A Dai just listen.
"Do you think you have a bright future playing for Real Madrid C team now? But in the team I coached, the 19-year-old players were already the main force. In Hertha, 19-year-old Cesar Passareira and Carlos Campo both played the absolute main force in the team. They were the core of my defense. In Valencia, 17-year-old Reyes scored three goals, seven assists and 19-year-old Ibrahimovic scored 21 goals and eleven assists. Are you proud that you are still in Real Madrid C team at the age of 19? "
Arbeloa looked up at Changsheng. He was completely captured by Changsheng’s words.
"What I will come to Madrid to find you? I think you should know about the deal between Valencia and Real Madrid. Someone at the Real Madrid Club must have informed you that I am optimistic about your adaptability in multiple positions in the defense. My team needs players like you. I can’t guarantee that you can play as the main force. Actually, I never want to guarantee this, but I can give you more opportunities to play in the first team. I asked you not to strengthen the strength of Valencia’s C team or B team. I need you to contribute your strength in the first team. Now this is a multiple-choice question. Will you play in Real Madrid’s C team and B team and then wait for the first team game, or will you go to Valencia with me to play
Changsheng said nothing. He leaned back in his chair and looked at Arbeloa with his arms around his chest.
Arbeloa was obviously persuaded by Chang Sheng. A 19-year-old young man is not good at hiding his true thoughts. His thoughts are expressed in his face.
"Can I really play in the first division?"
He asked with some excitement
Changsheng smiled. "Don’t you know that I always keep my word?"
Alvaro Arbeloa threw himself at Changsheng Gate and decided to leave Real Madrid and become a member of Valencia. It was Changsheng’s speech "What are you doing when you are nineteen years old" that touched him.
Yes, he is 19 years old, but he is still playing in the third echelon of Real Madrid. However, the 19-year-old players have started to play in the first team one by one, and have accumulated rich experience in the first-division competition, and have become famous and big stars.
Why can’t I be so 19 years old?
After persuading Alvaro Arbeloa, things will be simple. Just let Alvaro Arbeloa negotiate a contract with Valencia.
Young people don’t require much personal treatment, but value the future development of their careers.
This is always better than Valencia, which can satisfy him.
It’s done. Arbeloa Changsheng dialed Cambiaso’s agent again
"Tell your player that he is willing to move from a team that has rented him out for four years and won’t give him a chance to play in the first team to a team that will give him many opportunities to play in the first team?"
Chapter one hundred and forty-five Good news and bad news
Cambiaso quickly replied to Changsheng through his agent, and he was willing to talk to Changsheng in detail.
Chang Sheng showed his lobbying skills after he got the chance to talk to Cambiaso.
He advised Cambiaso as much as he advised Alvaro Arbeloa, that is, he asked him when you are 22 years old, and how long do you plan to continue this loan career?
Real Madrid obviously doesn’t like you. You can thank them for bringing you from Argentina to the European continent, but that doesn’t mean you have to be tied to Real Madrid for the rest of your life.
You are a professional player, but you are not a real Madrid fan.
You should think about your career.
Then Chang Sheng cited Eto ‘o as an example. Like Cambiaso, Eto ‘o was valued by Real Madrid scouts at a very young age and brought to Spain, but he also never got a chance in the first team of Real Madrid.
After a season on loan, he chose to move to Mallorca Mallorca and bought out half of him from Real Madrid.
Nowadays, it is popular for people to play in Mallorca.
Became the team’s top scorer
And why can’t you Cambiaso be like him?
We have a saying in China that trees move the dead, which means that sometimes a change of environment and a new place may lead to a better future.
In Real Madrid, you are sure that France will get a chance to play. The giants can’t see that you have ended your loan at Riverbed. Maybe you will continue to be loaned to Riverbed Club by Real Madrid. How many seasons did you rent at the Independent Team before?
And if you come to Valencia, you can get a chance to play in the first team. Although I can’t guarantee that you are the main force-because I always win and never promise anyone the main force, you will definitely get a chance to play in the first team, which is much better than in Real Madrid.
Think about Eto ‘o, Mallorca or a relegation team, and what about Valencia? We are champions who can participate in the Champions League!
When you come to Valencia, you can not only participate in the Spanish first-division football league, but also participate in the Champions League!
Champions League! It is the top stage that players with the highest level of football in Europe dream of, and you can have these opportunities if you nod your head and agree to move to Valencia.
This is obviously much better than waiting in Real Madrid and not knowing when I will have a chance.
Cambiaso, who always wins the talk, was silent.
Although he couldn’t see the Argentine’s expression, he thought his words should have persuaded the other side.
In fact, Chang Sheng is obviously scaring Cambiaso.
If Cambiaso wants to go back to Madrid next season, he will be a regular player in the first-team football league in Spain, and not only in the league, but also in the Champions League.
According to history, Cambiaso played 25 league games and nine Champions League games in his first season after returning to Real Madrid.
Of course, many of them are substitutes, but it is enough to say that Cambiaso is a player who can play in Real Madrid, not as exaggerated and horrible as Chang Sheng said.
Winning is bullying Cambiaso and not knowing the future. Now let’s talk about Cambiaso’s lameness by cajoling him.
22-year-old Cambiaso is still much calmer than 19-year-old Arbeloa. Although he is obviously moved, he did not agree with the horse, but said that he needed to think about such an important matter and discuss it with his family.
Changsheng expressed his understanding and told him what the result of the 24-hour mobile phone was, and asked him to call at the first time.
Then the contact between the two sides ended like this.
Changsheng is not worried about any changes.
He believes that what he said is well-founded enough to say about Cambiaso.
Never knowing the future, Valencia is definitely more attractive than Real Madrid.