Lu Zhan wants to pull Xiao Chengjiang, but seeing each other’s attitude is so arrogant, some unhappiness in his heart decides to let Xiao Chengjiang play a game with each other and see if he can’t.

Compared with the ghost team and RG team, the Huaxing team members are obviously not so well constrained and don’t know if this person is the captain, but there is no captain in their team to talk.
He doesn’t know what the level of the top professional team is, but he knows that Xiao Chengqiang’s personal exercise is absolutely not inferior to the letter. The strongest kings are not divided because of a heroic routine.
This time, he also wants to see the strength of other teams besides the top teams of the pyramid, such as Ghost and RG.
He hopes that Xiao Chengqiang can show his real strength and tell him the identity of the other party to arouse his enthusiasm.
Sure enough, Xiao Chengjiang pinched his finger. Since Lu Zhan said that he has a bottom.
Everyone saw the hero of the other side coming in in the letter. The top ID was really the head of Huaxing team. The man’s ID name was Xia Jie, which was the name of an ancient tyrant.
However, Xiao Shengqiang loves such an ID. For him, it is the best to make up for it.
Since solo has to show his strongest hero, there is no doubt that as soon as Raven entered the game, he chose Riven in seconds.
Solo bureau can’t peek at the screen. Both teammates follow the rules and look at their teammates’ screens, but when Xiao Shengqiang chose Riven, they heard some commotion from the other side.
On that side, Xia Jie hesitated for several times in Nuoshou, Kenan and Galen, and finally chose Galen.
Galen has the advantage of being silent and beating Riven, which relies on skills to export heroes. He believes that his choice will bring him victory
"It’s just a player who met passers-by on the side of the road. How could he have hit me?"
He got it with confidence. The hero of the other side can’t lose no matter what.
When Lu Zhan saw Xia Jie’s hero choice, he smiled. Xiao Shengqiang had a great chance of winning this game.
The reason is very simple. The opponent is a professional player. Usually, the competition must be the most popular at present, such as the heroes like Dragon Lady and Jacques. This means that he certainly doesn’t practice Galen much, but Xiao Shengqiang has to learn a lot every day. It is obvious that people are familiar with each other.
Galen does have some restraint, Riven, but before you play this hero, you will not be worse than your usual hero, otherwise the level gap may exceed the fuck gap.
He also has confidence in Xiao Chengqiang. Is it different for Riven to do exercises in Xiao Chengqiang? He can play very beautiful exercises with Rui Wen, but few other heroes can play them.
Bureau of red medicine blood bottle Xiao Shengqiang Riven rushed out from home angrily, and when he came to the line, the other Galen was out of the cloth.
Galen vs Riven Grass Roots vs Professional Players are on the verge of battle!
Chapter 222 Single is dry
Riven, the exile blade, is a loyal soldier in the Noxas camp in the background of the game. In several battles, she was a woman, but she finally found herself as a person valued by the military.
But on one occasion, her team was responsible for hunting down the remnants of the enemy. This time, in the devastated battlefield, when her soldiers slaughtered the unarmed enemy, Riven finally saw through the true face of this war. In this war, Noxas represented justice.
From then on, Riven changed his face and took his own broken arrow to find his own fighting glory.
Broken arrow recast day when the warriors return!
Every hero in League of Legends has his own unique background. Perhaps Xiao Shengqiang was moved by this story when he chose Riven.
Everyone has his own justice!
Galen Q has silence but relies on skill output. Riven W’s protective shield can resist Riven’s one set of tricks. E’s skills can be rotated and countered when Riven’s tricks are repeated. The three skills seem to be as natural as Riven’s.
However, Xiao Shengjiang is not afraid of him. Riven has crossed the middle line from the first-class arrival line. He is not afraid to directly activate the Q skill and drive Galen back to his tower.
"Hey, dare to fight with me at the first level?" Xiao Shengqiang is arrogant in typing on the public screen, but the opposite is the psychological quality of professional players. He didn’t give him a reply and didn’t mean to get out of the tower at all.
"Hit me with Riven is a strong word!" Xiao Shengqiang muttered in a low voice.
At this time, several people in the win team didn’t vomit. He said that it was actually two words. Four people were nervously watching, but no one spoke. No one could understand Riven better than Xiao Sheng, but he didn’t.
More than 1 minute and 5 seconds, the first wave of soldiers came over, but Riven was still waiting outside the defensive tower just enough to attack. He didn’t retreat until the first ranged soldier appeared in his field of vision.
When the ranged soldiers advanced, Xiao Chengqiang continued to retreat. When the two soldiers met in the middle line, Xiao Chengqiang Riven was also near the location where the two soldiers met.
But the other Galen hasn’t come yet. The other side is not stupid. It must be a disadvantage to fight for a big red medicine in Riven
In this way, although the two did not play, Riven took the initiative as soon as he was strong through the line
Galen can watch Riven recruit soldiers, but for Galen, these are not problems. If you don’t pull the grade, you can wait for him to stack some armor and dare to fight with Riven. It is a gamble. If you can’t get up, it means nothing.
In Riven, the first wave of soldiers was deliberately controlled, and when there were still a few minutes left, the second wave of soldiers came over.
Both of them pay attention to each other. The seventh soldier is always the one that two people care most about, because the soldier will reach the second level after his death.
Riven, who is in an advantage, naturally goes to the second level. He Riven quickly clicked on the W skill at the moment of the second level and then started Q.
However, Galen was very alert. When Riven Q, the horse retreated, and Riven was not allowed to take the opportunity. Riven rushed forward with Q, but he couldn’t fight at once. Without E, he couldn’t hit the other side.
"Good obscene" Xiao Chengqiang frowns. Although I don’t know what position the other party is, it is obviously not an amateur to play a profession. However, no matter how obscene the other party is, there is nothing for Xiao Chengqiang because he has a single word!
In ensuring the injury situation, try your best to fight, whether it is imposing manner or injury, to overwhelm the other party. This is him, Riven!
After a while, when Riven Q passed, it was impossible to release Q any more. When Galen came, Galen seemed to have adjusted his position long ago, started Q acceleration and changed his new style. He held up his big sword in his hand and chopped at Riven. His position was so close that Riven could not escape.
Playing Riven and so on is a skill break. It is obvious that Galen is very experienced when the break is calculated.
But he didn’t know that Xiao Shengjiang Riven was far more experienced than he had met Riven before.
Shock the soul and roar!
He, Riven, took the lead in giving Galen his control skills at the moment Galen rushed in. Galen’s decisive sword and Riven W were played almost at the same time.
At that time, although Riven was silent, he could continue to attack, but Galen was stunned and could not output.
After reading this, it’s a letter to your hand speed that you are dizzy when you know that you will be silent.
Now there are 75 seconds for Riven to hurt Galen, but when Riven comes, Galen will wake up with a general attack.
In the past, Galenma turned because of dizziness, and his body turned like Caiqi Yang to chase Riven.
But Riven didn’t retreat before he made a general attack through dizziness, which made him feel that he had finished playing!
He fought Galen against Galen E.
An unskilled Riven didn’t escape, but chose to fight Galen!
Win team several people are a little surprised. This doubt is that Riven’s blood volume dropped faster than Galen’s before he went out.
However, Riven took the scarlet medicine to bring the blood drop back.
Once again, when spelling Galen’s E skill, he retreated. Without skill, he simply attacked him, which is naturally inferior to Riven.
However, Riven didn’t give up at all. He continued to chase Galen’s early advantage of scarlet medicine. As soon as it appeared, he added an attack and Riven saw blood.
Galen found out at this time that this Riven was not easy to provoke, and he was too decisive to fight, as if he were desperately rushing, but it happened that he hurt very much, and his skills seemed to be far beyond his attack.
Xia Jie has seen Riven runes before, which are almost physical attack runes. This set of Calais attacks is serious in the early stage.
"Do your parents know how hard you fight?" Xia Jie was a little depressed. He played Galen’s game well. Riven D harassed him lewdly, but this Riven did not change. He should fight with him in all kinds of situations.
I’m harassing you. I don’t believe you have a second big red medicine!
He thought like this. In his opinion, Galen can’t lose anything by responding passively.
But then he saw that Xiao Chengjiang Riven had caught up with the tower, but he had not given up chasing it.