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But they are still not as fast as anxious Lin Yi.

Lin Yi threw them out for more than two miles.
Lin Yi galloped for more than twenty miles. When Lin Linyi rode through the forest, suddenly it was cold and mang. Two trees next to him shot at Lin Yi, and then two figures swept the two trees at the same time and split Lin Yi straight.
Is that a few pieces of hidden weapons away from Lin Yi a foot distance when Lin Yi body shock body qi generate will be that a few pieces of hidden weapons shock fly at this moment the two knife light also Lin Yi right-hand man with the two knife blade suddenly hold.
At the same time, Lin Yi’s body qi surged like a flood, and the blade rushed to each other’s arms through the blade. Before knowing the details of each other, Lin Yi didn’t hurt them, but the two poachers were sucked by Lin Yi’s qi and the blade fell into Lin Yi’s hands, and they jumped from it, so they were each held by Lin Yi with a knife.
The two struggled hard, but how could they break away from Lin Yi’s attraction?
Both of them covered their faces and couldn’t see their expressions clearly, but his eyes were full of incredible horror. I didn’t expect Lin Yi to be so skilled in martial arts.
Lin Yiyang looked at the two struggling in the suspension. "Who are you?" !”
A fat man said, "We are mountain thieves. We have eyes to offend Hu Wei. Please forgive me."
Lin Yi said, "I don’t think you are like mountain thieves, but like floating island people."
The other one is thinner, pulls a mask, and looks like death. "Mom, since you see that you want to kill and scrape, it’s up to you. We Lingdao owners will take revenge on us. You so-called noble and decent people are waiting to be sucked by Lingdao owners!"
Lin Yi recognized this person as a guard in the temple.
It turned out to be a drifter. Fortunately, he didn’t kill anyone.
Lin Yi will Shuang Yi pine two people fall to the ground.
The guard’s flying skill is not bad. Although Lin Yi was caught off guard and let go, he still adjusted his body shape and stood on the ground. The other one fell to the ground with a "bang" and got rid of the knife in his hand, which was very embarrassing.
The guard looked at Lin Yi puzzled. I wonder if Lin Yi spared them.
Lin Yi pulled his face cloth. The guard also recognized Lin Yi.
He said with surprise, "It turned out to be Wang Lin, and we are still the three major factions. The offending department also invited Lin Duoduo Wang Haihan."
Lin Yi asked, "Where are your goddesses now?"
The guard said, "Wang Lin, please come with me."
Another sight is that Lin Yi heaved a sigh like an Amnesty and quickly climbed up from the ground and picked up his knife.
Then the two men took Lin Yi out of Linxi, and there was a hill in front of the forest. Qiu Linyi climbed over the hill with them and saw several abandoned adobe houses, all of which were dilapidated.
There are experts on floating islands around the hut.
Now, the three factions are tracking the drifting islanders everywhere, and these drifting islanders no longer wear their iconic white cloaks. They have all changed into ordinary costumes.
They took Lin Yi to the front of Zhongyi House and then went in to report that the king of the South was coming.
Listen to the excitement of Mei Mei in the room.
"Please come in, King of the South!"
Lin Yi entered the house.
There is Mei Mei and a maid in the temple in the room.
Mei Mei has also changed her dress, dressed in coarse clothes and two patches on her shoulders.
Mei Mei also looks haggard and his eyes are a little black.
She hasn’t had a good sleep for days.
Half of the heatable adobe sleeping platform collapsed in the room, and two three-or four-year-old children were covered with a bed of old cotton rags. These two children were the children who were hard-earned by Mei Mei.
Ling Nie gave Mei Mei a dead order to sacrifice Mei Mei to the sea if he could not choose the sea boy.
Mei Mei knows that Ling Nie’s words are by no means alarmist. Mei Mei has already found that Ling Nie’s temperament has become more and more strange. Especially, she "has a guilty conscience". Every time she sees Ling Nie, she is even more uneasy. Now she can do anything, and she has always been worried about her affair with Lin Yi. Mei Mei has no doubt that if she can’t finish Ling Nie, she will not hesitate to sacrifice her to the sea.
Although Mei Mei doesn’t want to do harm to the world, it will also lead people to secretly choose suitable children in various villages and towns around the clock if Mei Mei is weighed down again to save his life.
Also calculate her luck finally selected two birth words are in line with the children, these two children are also cute, so Mei Mei will rob them.
Although they robbed the children, it was difficult for them to return to Gone with the Wind Island. There were three major factions and spies from the North Government everywhere, and they also set up checkpoints to block all the roads.
Mei Mei can hide with these two sea boys.
Yesterday, they were stopped by dozens of Nangong people. Although the Nangong people were killed after a fierce battle, they also suffered nine casualties.
Now they don’t know that Ling Nie is dead in Mei Mei.
Meimei sent someone to contact Lingnie, but she didn’t contact him. However, she met Erkui and several floating island masters. Erkui didn’t know how many people had been killed, and her clothes were almost stained with blood.

The fastest update tyrant henpecked loser after the latest chapter!

"I can’t believe that my brother and grandfather turned out to be too Nanyang Dynasty …" Oden said.
"So the emperor will be able to climb the mountain in fifteen days, and we won’t be afraid of Mu Yunqi when he comes back?" Sauron asked hopefully.
"Yes, but now it’s not just a question of Mu Yunqi. Now Wei Chi Haotian, Luo Yuling, Qi Ge and Simon Luoyan have gathered together, and they also have cannons and bombs. It’s not easy to seize government from them."
"But it’s much easier for us to regain control of the political Council when MuYunQi dies." Soren looked at Mo Zihan with a slight frown and relieved.
"I know what you are worried about. The most difficult thing now is not to take back the government, but that they have Nangong Jin and Ximen Luoyan."
Soren’s words just came to Mo Zihan’s heart.
Yes, she is most worried about being imprisoned in Nangong Jin.
Jin’s character, she knows best, this time he can allow himself to be imprisoned and humiliated without threats, which is the limit he can do for him.
If the Nangong Jin comes to threaten them once she fights MuYunQi head-on, then Nangong Jin’s character will definitely die to shatter MuYunQi’s abacus.
It is the most important thing to save Nangong Jin.
"Evil spirits teach the gang that fighting skill is too high, even the ghost hall can find out that they are currently holding Nangong Jin in prison, but it is not known where they are held.
I think we’ll take a long-term view after the emperor comes from Tianshan. Now our strength is too weak. "
Mozihan nods, "I know that the threat of MuYunQi’s death will become smaller. After all, if anything happens to Luo Yuling, she can’t live."
Luo Yuling is afraid of death. If MuYunQi dies, it shouldn’t be too difficult for her to save Jin without her backer and her concentric pills. "
"At present, the most important thing for us is to make ourselves strong first," Odenkou said.
"Why? Have you thought of a way? "
Auden nods, "It’s not too far away from Kubei after leaving five families, especially the Gautard family is closest to Kubei.
Gautard people have a mountain on the other side, and there is an arsenal in it to make arrows. There is no shortage of raw materials in it, and we can transport weapons there for processing. "
"Reliable? Now our strength is still too weak. If Ziggy finds out before, we will fall into a passive situation. "
"After leaving the five families, they were accepted by your brother. They swore allegiance to your brother in front of the pentagram."
MoZiHan frown "swear? ?”
It seems that she swears in her heart that this thing is the least. Anyway, it is not for her. She is a person who can break her oath at any time according to the pros and cons of current affairs. Is it necessary to leave the five ethnic groups?
"After leaving five families, according to the pentagram array scattered in the grassland, the pentagram is their guardian constellation and their favorite. God has sworn to God, so they must keep the oath, otherwise they will be condemned by heaven and be exterminated.
After leaving the five ethnic groups, they have suffered genocide, and now they have finally re-established their ethnic groups and will stick to their vows. "
Mo Zihan in Auden dialect is still dubious.
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Chapter 756 756 The other shore flower [7]
The fastest update tyrant henpecked loser after the latest chapter!
Look at Sauron, see him nod, and then look at thousands of brothers, still nodding.
So Mo Zihan can rest assured.
There are so many things in this world that she can’t understand in vain, but since they all say so, she can also choose to believe it. Otherwise, although Kubei has oil, it lacks processing materials
"How far is Gautard from Kubei?"
"It takes five days to transport processing weapons if the fast horse is three days away."
"Good, then you immediately order someone to prepare the weapons that need to be processed, and I will personally deliver them."
"Han Er, I’d better go," Auden said. "After all, you are not familiar with the patriarch of Gautard."
"I met this man on the day of the first emperor’s wedding, and I also met eyebrow zhuang, Princess of Gautard. You are the Regent. Now the North Vietnamese army can’t live without you. You still stay in Kubei to control the overall situation."

It turns out that Lin Yi ordered people to spy on Qin Duoduo and his party to pay attention to the trend of Piaohua Villa.

An hour ago, Xiao Lian Qin reported that many strange events had been found in the mountains around Piaohua Villa, and many "monsters" were deployed.
Lin Yili knew that something was going to happen, and Lin Yi galloped quickly.
Although Qin Guangmin is hard to forgive him, Lin Yi can’t from ruin.
After all, Qin Guangmin is my father’s son, and Qin Guangmin suffered abuse and torture on his behalf.
Lin Yi suddenly and Qin Dingfang was surprised.
Lin Yi said to Qin Dingfang, "Brother Guang Min, give me all these ghosts, and go back to the villa quickly!"
Qin Guangmin was worried when he was entangled in Johnson and his hand. At this moment, Lin Yilai cleared him, and he could finally go back to the villa.
Qin Guangmin went outside the mountain forest again.
One of the three monsters is not weak in martial arts, and he is trying to intercept Lin Yi’s figure, which is like a high wind, and the snow sword is also drawn out behind him.
Then Lin Yi held down the "monster" eyes and stared at the blue-eyed fox king’s face with a sneer sword and wiped the "monster" neck.
The "monster" had a crack in his neck and blood was pouring out.
Lin Yisong, his guy, fell headlong.
Blue-eyed Johnson stared at Lin Yi’s eyes and turned out to be a flame of resentment.
Blue-eyed fox king "who are you? !”
Lin Yi said "Lin Yi"
The blue-eyed fox king heard Lin Yi’s name early, but he has never seen it.
It turns out that this young man in front of him is Wang Linyi in the south.
The blue-eyed fox king uttered an excited cry.
"Lin Yi you don’t escape! You killed two of my disciples, and I’ll cut you to pieces! "
Lin Yi scornfully said, "If I don’t escape, I’m afraid that the fox king will escape, so whoever escapes is a beast."
King Bihu roared, "Kill him!"
The two "monsters" crustily skin of head toward Lin Yi.
The blue-eyed fox king’s figure rises in black robes and flies in the cold wind.
Previously, Qin Guangmin came out of the black fog, and that black fog has been suspended. Now Johnson is hiding in that black fog again.
The two monsters who attacked Lin Yi just got away with the weapons in the hands of two people around Lin Yi, and then each screamed and flew out with blood in his mouth.
One man hit a tree and died, and the other one flew somewhere.
Lin Yi looked as if he had not moved.
Lin Yi’s vigorous form instantly shocked Johnson in the black fog by flying two hands with strong martial arts.
Johnson Bai Linyi is a more difficult person to deal with than Qin Guangmin.
In the dark fog, Johnson kept barking, so the trees around Lin Yi kept showing images of foxes, and then these foxes jumped from the trees and screamed at Lin Yi.
I don’t know how many foxes there are
Lin Yi is very calm. His eyes are full of sea at the moment.
Those foxes are like surging sea water.
Lin Yi’s body qi is also surging and stirring the surrounding gas, which rotates around the body like a vortex Lin Yi’s center.
Those flying foxes all hit this rotating air billow and then hit it in pieces.
No one can get to Lin Yi’s body.
Several broken fox images are flying like water vapor.
Hidden in the black fog, the blue-eyed fox king is even more frightened
At this time, a group of hands from the blue-eyed fox king also arrived.
There are more than one hundred people.
All wearing animal masks and fur.
Like a monster
The blue-eyed fox Wang Zhong cried, "Tear him to pieces …"
So those "monsters" made a strange call and waved their weapons at Lin Yi …
At this moment, Qin Guangmin also ran out of the mountain forest. He ran to the stone steps and flew to the chaotic heights where smoke was rolling.
Qin Guangmin just walked a few stone steps and suddenly heard some galloping hooves behind him.
Qin Guangmin suddenly turned around, so he saw five or six hundred riders coming!
Qin Guangmin’s face twitched.
The gun in his hand is tighter!
The villa has broken into a large number of enemies who are killing Zhuang people. Is it the enemy again?
Is it true that his Piaohua Villa will be finished today?
However, to Qin Guangmin’s surprise, the first few people rode to the stone steps, such as Tai Shi-lang, the turtle island, the sea god Wang Long and others.
It’s the southern people!
Hua Zifang reined in Ma Shou and handed Qin Guangmin the road. "Lin Wang, the owner of Qin Zhuang, knows that Piaohua Villa is in trouble and asked us to help. I wonder if the owner of Qin Zhuang can let us join the brothers in Piaohua Villa and fight side by side to wipe out the invading enemy!"
Qin Guangmin’s heart vibrated.
It turned out that Lin Yi ordered the southern masters to come to help.
Although Qin Guangmin and Lin Yi have a grudge and don’t want to get Lin Yi’s feelings, now he is well prepared for the white enemy to attack Piaohua Villa. At the beginning, Piaohua Villa was wiped out by Lin Yi. Now there are more than 200 people who can fight, and dozens of people have followed him into the mountains. Now I am afraid that they have also been killed.
Therefore, it is difficult for him and Piaohua Villa to repel the strong enemy.

The sender shows the words in ink.

Li Re precious little surprised to pick your eyebrows and touch the screen but didn’t go through the message. Mu Wanqing called Yin Mo on his mobile phone.
Doodle two past after li if cherish carefully mouth "Yin ink is that you?"
"It’s me. Li Re cherishes where you are."
On the other side of the words, I didn’t pay attention to show that Yin Mo sounded anxious, and Li Re cherished a quiver in his heart.
Once Yin Mo has a bad tone and calls her name, it means he is angry.
She reported the name of the bar.
"Wan Qing at the intersection of siveronunderurren was drunk, and Ye Fan was angry again. He left first. When this happened, there was no teacher, I gave it to me."
Yin Mokou interrupted, "Don’t explain to me. I know that Ye Fan came to me."
Li Re precious little leng leng obedient at the other end and said, "Li Re precious little you sit there with Mu Wan Qing and wait for me and Ye Fan Ma in the past."
Say that finish Yin ink was the first to take the line and hear the ear toot toot Li Re cherish this just looking at Mu Wanqing frowning mood is very nai.
What is the situation now?
Ye Fan went directly to Yin Mo after leaving.
Sighed and put Mu Wan Qing’s mobile phone back in her bag. Li Re took one last look at her screen message and turned to pull her bag zipper.
Now is not the time for this kind of thing. What she should do now is to give Mu Wanqing this girl to Ye Fan for disposal as soon as possible.
The two of them have problems, no matter what, only one of them can take the first step of reconciliation.
With her understanding of Mu Wanqing, I’m afraid what she said to Ye Fan in the bar before was just complaining about grievances while drinking.
But Ye Fan’s expression and manner told Li Re that he was really hurt by Mu Wan’s sunny words.
I shouldn’t have been with you, which made Ye Fan suffer a lot. The expression on his handsome face was full of remorse and remorse in an instant, and he was distressed and angry at Mu Wanqing.
Li Ruoxi can see that Ye Fan is more sad than Mu Wanqing. Some people’s wounds are on the surface, and they will gradually fade away from time to time until there is no trace.
But some people’s wounds are deep in their hearts and can be cured by medicine.
If Mu Wanqing is the former, then Ye Fan is the latter.
"Wan Qing Wan Qing wake up"
Li Re precious little patted her pink cheek mu wan qing frowning and stretching eyes slightly open a gap "if precious little":
Chapter 59 Did I say a lot that I shouldn’t say?
"Come on, drink some water and wake up for a while. Yin Mo will pick us up."
Li Re precious little twist the mineral water in the bag and handed it to her. Mu Wanqing rubbed his eyes and got up and looked blank.
"What about Ye Fan?"
"You ran away with anger."
Her half-joking, half-earnest tone reminded Mu Wanqing of the confrontation scene in Ye Fan just now in the bar.
"I how can I do this?"
She worried about watching Li Re precious little sound a little uneasy.
"What should I do if I cherish? I must have said a lot of things I shouldn’t say, right?"
Li Re touched her forehead and pinched her face to make sure that she was really sober before she nodded solemnly.
"I don’t want to hurt you, but you did say a lot of things that hurt Ye Fan, but I think Ye Fan’s guilt is greater than his anger. After all, he loves you."
Mu Wanqing was anxious like a cat on hot bricks. "Did I get up again and I blocked the car accident? It’s really a pity that you didn’t stop me."
Li Re cherish eyebrow look into her eyes "I think it’s necessary for you to talk to Ye Fan, but it’s not just because of Uncle Ye."
She is still haunted by the trauma of the car accident.
Mu Wan Qing’s eyes sank. "Let’s talk, but I’m afraid Ye Fan doesn’t want to talk to me."
Li Re precious little slap in the back of her back pain Mu Wan Qing ao bellow, she turned around and stared at Li Re precious little Li Re patted her on the head.
"You don’t know how miserable he is. No matter what you think in your heart, you should make it clear to Ye Fan. Brother Ye Fan is an idiot and knows how to accompany you to soothe your wounds."
At this point, Li Re feels that men are all the same.
Ye Fan knew that Mu Wanqing was in pain because she could not conceive, but she didn’t know that Mu Wanqing became uneasy after the car accident.
Mu Wan Qing flattened her flat mouth. Wow, she burst into tears. She hugged Li Re and rubbed her tears at random. "If I cherish, I am afraid that my relationship with Ye Fan will not last. I am so afraid that he will eventually leave me because I can’t conceive."
Li Ruoxi rubbed her head. "Everything will be fine."
Suddenly there was a dazzling light behind him. Mu Wanqing stretched out his hand to cover his eyes and pushed Li Re "as if someone was coming."
Li Re precious little carrying bags got up and frowned back.
"It should be Yin Mo and them."
Taking the lead in hitting the door after saying his word, the bearer has already changed his clean clothes. Ye Fan Yin Mo pressed the car lock and walked behind, leaning against the door with a rest posture.
Mu Wan Qing walked over to meet Ye Fan with her head down. Her left hand rubbed her skirts like a child who did something wrong, and she didn’t dare to lift it at that end.
"Going home?"
Face to face silence for a long time Ye Fan suddenly asked.
Li Re pity poof a smile.
Wan Qing’s face turned red. I never dreamed that the first sentence after Ye Fan saw her was this.
Remembering that she had just talked with Li Re, she summoned up the courage to nod and grasped Ye Fan’s hand. "Ye Fan, I have a lot to say to you when I go back."
Her voice just fell leaves, and then she hugged her gently in her arms.

Thomas is still fighting at point B. He thinks that the other side will not attack point B in the next round, and this round will definitely come to Ye Qing, so he will go to point B.

Thomas couldn’t help but tunnel "what are you doing here?" Don’t steal my business! "
"If they five people to attack point B? Can you stop it? I’ll help you share some pressure. You should thank me! " Ye Qing said with a smile that he had entered the warehouse full of boxes at point B.
No sooner had he rushed into the gate of Bridge B than he threw in a smoke bomb and a flash. Fortunately, he was able to retreat again. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough, and the flash had retreated outside before landing, so the flash was not for him.
Judging from a smoke bomb and a flash, at least two people from the other side attacked point B, but Ye Qing felt that there must be more than two people, and it was estimated that there were three or four, maybe five. He dared not risk rushing in to stop the other side. If he was outnumbered and killed, it would be tragic.
He squatted at the door on the right side of the stone steps. If the other person rushed out, he might die one or two. But Chengdu athletes were very cautious. They did not rush out directly when they entered the warehouse, but quickly found out the warehouse situation under the cover of smoke. At the same time, someone quickly flashed through the window to observe the situation at point B.
Thomas is also very experienced. He didn’t expose himself to the air to startle him. If he had shot at the first time, he would have exposed the other side if he didn’t hit his position. He would certainly come directly to surround him, and then he would be unable to escape.
Now, at point B, Ye Ye lurks in front of the warehouse. Thomas can wait for the other person to fight with Ye Ye Ye and then suddenly flash out to launch a raid. This way, he can be completely sure that one of them will be killed and the other party’s firepower will be attracted by Ye Ye. He can return safely after killing one person.
Ye Qing didn’t know that Thomas had wishful thinking in his heart. When he saw that Thomas didn’t make a move, he still praised Thomas for being calm. After observing a situation, Chengdu competitive people rushed out in groups of two, and the snipers dragged behind.
The first two people who rushed out were CDJJ, CDJJ and Xiang Fei, and they said before flying that these two people had always been inseparable. They would all be together at any point of attack. They didn’t expect that there were people outside the door, and both of them rushed out very carelessly. As a result, Ye Qing suddenly stood up and was shot with a gun.
After he got K’s advice, he has practiced perfectly. Few people in the world can match this fire, so he instantly shot CDJJ and Xiang Fei together to make both of them come and not respond.
Thomas was surprised. He wanted Yuzryha to attract fire and create opportunities for him. I didn’t know Ye Qing was so fierce that he directly killed the other two people. He couldn’t help but worry that he was too late to catch a hair.
He didn’t know exactly how many places the other side attacked point B. He immediately flashed out, but just saw CDJJ and two people behind them rushing out. The two people had already discovered that Ye Qing was about to shoot a gun when a sniper shot rang from a distance, and one of them fell.
The remaining man threw his gun at Ye directly regardless of the willy-nilly. Ye had already shown his posture at the moment when Thomas shot, and then he fought with the remaining machine gunner. Thomas was about to return when he hit his hand. Suddenly, another sniper shot rang, and his body fell back heavily. At that moment, he was very annoyed when Ye was unable to decide whether to kill the other machine gunner or sniper first. Chengdu Athletic had not hesitated to throw his gun at Ye at the platform, and the machine gunner ID was CDJJ!
Ye listened to the gun and didn’t dare to turn around. He turned his posture to the extreme. He stared intently at the place where the sniper had just squatted. It was the biggest threat to him, and it was still very lethal. If he turned his back on the sniper, he might be killed by a shot and turned his back on the gunner. Maybe he could last a little longer.
CDJJ, just one shot and three shots will definitely blow off the leaf’s head. Who knows that a few shots suddenly came from the trail, and CDJJ was blown off his head suddenly. Because he was too careless, Ye turned his back on him and needed to show himself, which made the path people pick up a bargain and easily blow his head off.
Ye Qing saw the death information in the right corner of the screen and couldn’t help but kill CDJJ with a vibration. It was the former attack trail Lin Qiuye CDJJ, and the sniper was even more afraid to show up because he knew that Ye Qing must have been aiming at his position now.
Ye Qing stared at the screen and said to Lin Qiuye, "Well done! How did you come back? "
Lin Qiuye hey hey say with smile "you when I don’t have this consciousness? When I heard the gun, I knew that there was a business at point A. I ran back and found a bargain. "
Chengdu competitive sniper squatted and moved to the left for a distance, expecting that the other machine gunner should not know his specific position now. He flashed out at this time and the other side must not kill him at that moment, so he suddenly got up.
As soon as the camera flashed, CDJJ and Hulu fired. His sniper rifle method was equal to that of Thomas, which was also considered a very powerful sniper. Unfortunately, he encountered a strange posture. Ye Qing shot him naturally, and his shot was very hasty. The reason was that he could not be exposed for too long and had to squat down quickly after finishing the gun, otherwise he would definitely be shot in the head by Ye Qing.
Although his coherent movement is very fast, Ye Qing has Lin Qiuye sitting behind his heart at this time. Without any worries, he easily entered the realm of integration of man and gun. Now, he refers to the sniper gourd. As soon as he took the lead, he quickly dumped his aim. He shot a gun and shot it, and it penetrated the eyebrows of the gourd. He fell down before he made a squat.
Ye Qing’s shot was like a stroke of genius, and the gourd gasped at the air conditioning. He didn’t expect that he was so cautious that he still couldn’t escape Ye Qing’s AK47 strangulation, and the other party shot a golden skull.
This Chengdu athlete was annihilated by the Ministry. At point B, the sniper Thomas granules were collected. Even the enemy was not seen. The IC club finally played a beautiful turnaround and swept away the evil spirit. Ironically, the victory in this round was largely due to Ye Qing’s failure to participate in the command. Yuzryha Qing was very hurt
Lin Qiuye mercilessly told Ye Qing, "See if we are free to play much better than when you command? What we will lose in front of us is because your tactics are too cheating! I suggest you don’t be a conductor. Forget it. This position will limit your play! "
Ye Qing smell speech a face of wry smile way "you and I want to be a conductor? But I don’t command. Who will? Can you? "
Lin Qiuye thought for a while, although he felt that his command ability was definitely a little stronger than Ye Qing’s, it was only a little stronger. To say how well he commanded, he didn’t have the confidence. He waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I can’t do it either. I think our problem now is not the strength but the lack of a good command. If there is a good command, then our team will explode with a very strong attack force that will make the team feel scared."
Zhao Xiayang and others couldn’t help but look at each other when they heard the news. Now the team formation is neat. If there is still a lack of a conductor, who will make room for the new conductor? Zhao Xiayang believes that his command ability is not good, and sniper Thomas doesn’t have Jiang Yuhan’s overall planning ability. He also dare not say that his command is very good. Dong Laoer has always been a leader, and he is even less likely to take command.
Ye Qing didn’t command well in this game, but his former command was quite good. Lin Qiuye had never seen his former command post. Ye Qing smiled wryly and said to Lin Qiuye, "If you have a good recommendation, I can step aside. If not, then I can reluctantly continue to be a conductor."
"Well, I didn’t recommend it, even if you have it, you can’t dig it. Now the commanders of major teams are the key care objects of the team. It is impossible to let people go. I hope that your command can be a little level. Don’t be too pit. After all, our team is not weak in terms of strength. It would be a pity if it is lost in tactics." Lin Qiuye is very serious and tunnel.
Ye Qing felt that what Lin Qiuye said was also reasonable. He was not angry but said, "Come on, you will live up to your expectations. Wait and see."
"I’ll really wait and see, but forget about this game. Let’s play freely, or we may lose badly." Lin Qiuye said.
"OK, I’m too lazy to think about tactics, but this team is likely to be our strongest opponent in the future. I have to study a video of this game after the fight. I want to see if the other party’s command is to arrange tactics and be psychologically prepared when we meet again in the future." Ye Qing nodded.
Lin Qiuye and others have left the base and fought in their own way. Ye Qing walked out of the base slowly. He looked around outside the middle gate and didn’t know where to go. He had arranged the tactics and took Dong Laoer to fight according to the tactics, but now he doesn’t know how to fight without command and tactics.
Recall that when I was in Julong Internet Cafe, I went on a rampage alone, and I didn’t need anyone to direct me. I was still playing well with my own consciousness. Why don’t I know how to play now that I am stronger? Ye Qing gave a wry smile and then went directly to point B.
Thomas is still fighting at point B. He thinks that the other side will not attack point B in the next round, and this round will definitely come to Ye Qing, so he will go to point B.
Thomas couldn’t help but tunnel "what are you doing here?" Don’t steal my business! "
"If they five people to attack point B? Can you stop it? I’ll help you share some pressure. You should thank me! " Ye Qing said with a smile that he had entered the warehouse full of boxes at point B.
No sooner had he rushed into the gate of Bridge B than he threw in a smoke bomb and a flash. Fortunately, he was able to retreat again. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough, and the flash had retreated outside before landing, so the flash was not for him.
Judging from a smoke bomb and a flash, at least two people from the other side attacked point B, but Ye Qing felt that there must be more than two people, and it was estimated that there were three or four, maybe five. He dared not risk rushing in to stop the other side. If he was outnumbered and killed, it would be tragic.
He squatted at the door on the right side of the stone steps. If the other person rushed out, he might die one or two. But Chengdu athletes were very cautious. They did not rush out directly when they entered the warehouse, but quickly found out the warehouse situation under the cover of smoke. At the same time, someone quickly flashed through the window to observe the situation at point B.
Thomas is also very experienced. He didn’t expose himself to the air to startle him. If he had shot at the first time, he would have exposed the other side if he didn’t hit his position. He would certainly come directly to surround him, and then he would be unable to escape.
Now, at point B, Ye Ye lurks in front of the warehouse. Thomas can wait for the other person to fight with Ye Ye Ye and then suddenly flash out to launch a raid. This way, he can be completely sure that one of them will be killed and the other party’s firepower will be attracted by Ye Ye. He can return safely after killing one person.
Ye Qing didn’t know that Thomas had wishful thinking in his heart. When he saw that Thomas didn’t make a move, he still praised Thomas for being calm. After observing a situation, Chengdu competitive people rushed out in groups of two, and the snipers dragged behind.
The first two people who rushed out were CDJJ, CDJJ and Xiang Fei, and they said before flying that these two people had always been inseparable. They would all be together at any point of attack. They didn’t expect that there were people outside the door, and both of them rushed out very carelessly. As a result, Ye Qing suddenly stood up and was shot with a gun.
After he got K’s advice, he has practiced perfectly. Few people in the world can match this fire, so he instantly shot CDJJ and Xiang Fei together to make both of them come and not respond.
Thomas was surprised. He wanted Yuzryha to attract fire and create opportunities for him. I didn’t know Ye Qing was so fierce that he directly killed the other two people. He couldn’t help but worry that he was too late to catch a hair.
He didn’t know exactly how many places the other side attacked point B. He immediately flashed out, but just saw CDJJ and two people behind them rushing out. The two people had already discovered that Ye Qing was about to shoot a gun when a sniper shot rang from a distance, and one of them fell.

It’s a pity that there is no if in this world, and now I can face you alone at most. "

Scratched his head, Pang Xia said with a shy crayon Xiaoxin, "I’m not as good as you said."
Silent for a hundred times, the enchantress said, "I didn’t praise you."
"Oh, you just spoke so highly of me, aren’t you praising me?
In fact, you said that if those people joined forces, I was no match.
Five large and medium-sized gangs and individual players, after all, there are many people.
The best I can do is to deal with the five large and medium-sized gangs
I can’t play games easily with more money. "
Chapter 522 Knife and staff together
Pang Xia’s words made Peony and Prince have some words.
It’s the first time they’ve seen such a shameless person, such a shameful, dirty and wretched person.
Oh, it’s not the first time the prince has met Pang Xia.
However, in the impression of the prince, the former Pang Xia is a decisive and cruel devil.
He had never seen such a shameful, dirty and obscene appearance as Pang Xia at this time.
Pang Xia has no good image in the prince’s heart, but the image still collapses.
Silent for a long time, the ever-changing demon Ji looked at PangXia and said, "On the whole, your presence is beneficial to the situation."
This inflammatory ghost just needs you to kill the magic weapon, and let’s talk about it after the death of the inflammatory ghost. "
"Ah, you said that I would go to kill the inflammatory ghost, so I wouldn’t have no face.
I’m not your summoner. I’ll appear as soon as you call me, and then I’ll have to deal with your enemy.
How do I think all think it is … "
Before Pang Xia could finish speaking, he couldn’t listen to the inflammation ghost, and he was already waving a burning stick to Pang Xia.
Face a stiff PangXia backhand sword box out split magic combating Dao directly blocked the burning stick bombardment.
At the same time, Pang Xia’s gloomy face looked at the inflammatory ghost and revealed a murderous smile.
"I understand that you want to die, so I will send you to see Marx.
You don’t know Marx? Then you must know the bodhi old zu in efreet.
I’ll kill you and send you to see your master! "
Bi Pangxia’s hands are holding knives, and a huge murder burst out.
Then those murders were quickly classified into the magic chopping knives, which made the magic chopping knives painted black.
And accompanied by filar silk black light flashing in the blade, like a series of dark cracks constantly jumping.
At first, it is the second type of "Three Pole Knife". Obviously, Pang Xia also has a quick victory in his heart.
Holding a knife in both hands and chopping out the blade directly into the ground ice.
Immediately the ice cracked inch by inch, followed by several black knife gas from the crack * * *.
Then these black knife gas intertwined into a black energy beam directly engulfed the inflammatory ghost.
After a knife, the energy beam slowly dispersed, revealing a deep gully on the ground.
While watching Pang Xia’s knife cause ever-changing results, the demon Ji looks pale but can still maintain her expression in front of her.
But the peony and the prince are more shocked than shocked.
This level of power in their view, the root should not appear in the player.
Pang Xia sighed at the results he caused.
Then pretend to say, "It’s really sexual to consume ten thousand points of true qi."
Listening to Pang Xia’s words, the corners of her mouth twitched constantly.
Ten thousand points of true qi, none of them has so many true qi.
The ever-changing enchantress is the one with the most, but it is only a little more than 1,500 points, and it is still some distance from 10,000 points.
So he knows very well how difficult it is for the true qi to rise.
And what does a move that consumes ten thousand points of true qi represent like nothing?
"It’s really not the kui is a leader named to pull in factions, and its strength should be the same as that of the three deputy leaders, right?
When the deputy head naturally fought with him, he did not exert his strength.
But now naturally, you should be able to exert your strength.
I can’t match this monster level strength.

"Just watching the werewolf die or not forgot that you have a problem!"

"No, no, no, there is absolutely no such person. It’s important to be kind to a werewolf. That’s what I mean!"
My goodness! Isn’t this a joke? There is such a fate around me. If I had known, I would have gone! If I had known, I would have. I can see people’s hearts when I sleep. That’s not ouch! My secret!
To react Ye Lingfeng looked at Cheng Yi and hoped that there might be a little bit, but Cheng Yi’s words completely broke his hope!
"A lot of your secrets seem to come from a place called Zhongzhou, but it seems that people there don’t remember you. You still have a woman who loves you very much, but you don’t remember you either. Your father’s name is Ye Lu and your sister’s name is Ling Ye Yu. You are just looking for them. Your cheap teacher Stuart Ran is dead, and there seems to be a traitor in Shushan, but the traitor told you a secret. The secret is!"
"Stop, stop!" Ye Lingfeng couldn’t stand the situation that this secret was exposed and directly interrupted Cheng Yi’s words. "Elder sister said that swearing doesn’t expose you, so we can’t talk well!"
"Really?" Cheng Yi smiled and then said, "It seems that you were pushed back by a woman not long ago! What is Cheng Su’s name? That girl is good! "
"Can we change the subject?" There is no way at all. Ling Ye Fengnai surrendered. This is really bad. Who would have thought that Orange Fairy could read minds?
"It seems that you like that girl very much, so everything can be sent very well and powerfully!"
"Please, elder sister, can we change the subject?" Look at Cheng Yi’s attitude that she wants to speak her mind. Ye Lingfeng couldn’t help it. She collapsed completely! It’s a bad thing that the secret is discovered by others!
"good! Change the topic, what is your blood? "
"Huh?" Ye Lingfeng looked up at Cheng Yi "why don’t you know? Didn’t you and Qianyu recognize my fate and make a deal with me? Why do you still ask me? "
Cheng Yi didn’t answer but nodded and said, "So you don’t know! It seems that it is really the same as Qianyu’s guess! No wonder I can’t find the answer in your mind? "
"What do you mean?" Cheng Yi fog Ye Lingfeng heard more home is not white!
Cheng Yi looked at Ye Lingfeng primly and said, "Many years ago, Thousand Feathers and I have seen similar fate blood vessels, but they are never so strong. Your ability to go against fate blood vessels seems to be stronger than that of the survivors!"
"How is that possible!"
Chapter three hundred and sixty-one, talk
Strange Ye Lingfeng surprised that the fate of the blood is not the enemy of the successor. How powerful the theory of power is, it will not surpass the birth of the blood. This is an unchangeable law unless it is against the fate! However, Cheng Yi won’t be wrong about Wu Zong, even if it’s not the peak of budo, but his understanding of power won’t be bad!
What the hell is going on here!
"Although I don’t know very well, the man in black whom I met with Qian Yu was similar to your fate, but summoning army of the dead needs to go through a blood test as well as your fate, and he also has the ability to sacrifice and absorb strength, but he doesn’t have the ice, fire, ghosts and gods in the underworld in your eyes, and that person should be a Wu Huang if I am not mistaken. This also makes me understand a little!"
"Who is the last name of that person you met?"
Looking at Ye Lingfeng hesitate to touch kind Cheng Yi directly waved and said, "Don’t worry, anyway, it’s not Ye who doesn’t look like you! At that time, Qian Yu and I ran away from Caiyi Valley. I met a master who confronted Tongtian Shengwang in the demon temple. That man was army of the dead, whose spiritual strength was strong, and even the Shengwang was not as good as suppressing the guanyu level in army of the dead. I can’t imagine that the man was Wu Huang, but there were three guanyu masters in army of the dead! What kind of blood is your fate so powerful! "
Ye Lingfeng said, "What type is probably one at the peak of strength?" By the way, have you ever heard of death hades? "
Cheng Yi way "heard! At the beginning of the world, after the great gods such as descendants of Pangu Nu Wa Fuxi fell, the monster beast of the earth was rampant, and the inferno occupied a corner of the Terran, but it was still unable to protect itself. Later, people in the Terran continued to pursue the power of the ancient gods, and eventually the Terran became stronger and stronger, which made it possible for the demon clan to coexist with the inferno. Later, someone saw through the rules of the reincarnation of heaven and earth and figured out a way to stay in the ghost world. That person was the first generation of ghost world owners, and the place where they gathered was called the ghost world! In the underworld, it seems that you are descended from the ancient witch family! They seek to surpass the power of God, and then they make themselves trapped. The underworld is powerful but surrounded by curses. The final outcome of every underworld apostle is not very good. The apostles of the underworld all have emotional experiences, all kinds of joys and sorrows, and the pain is the deepest after death. People say that they don’t know how to cherish the pain until they lose it, but they lose it after cherishing it. Maybe it will be white after experiencing it! The apostles of the underworld are doomed to be alone forever! "
"This really doesn’t sound like you!" Ye Lingfeng chatted and sat on the ground, holding the Cheng Yi’s remarks. I suspected that I touched the softest part of Ye Lingfeng’s heart. I said that those memories have been forgotten, but can I really forget them? It’s broken to see it, but it’s already in memory. It’s just that someone has hidden them deep in their hearts!
"You had an epiphany that day outside the Pink Coat Valley, whether it was forgetful kendo or sentimental kendo!"
"Huh?" Ye Lingfeng was stunned. "Why do you ask!"
Cheng Yi some seriously said "monk practice route is not too forgetful or send affection to things! I was too forgetful when I saw all the past in your mind that day, but I always felt that you were not like this! "

At this time, Philip finally woke up and shook his head severely. He was a little dizzy after being beaten by Huangfu Zhantian. His face suddenly changed for a long time. He finally remembered what happened. It seems that the young master said that he would treat himself, but he knocked himself out while he was not paying attention, and then he didn’t remember anything.

At the thought of this, Phil quickly checked his body. This check doesn’t matter, but he got a fright, because now his body’s original silted meridians are unblocked, and his body’s meridians are more generous and flexible than before, which means he is every cloud has a silver lining.
"Hey? Where is the young master? " Phil just remembered that the young master’s face was anxious and shouted, and then his eyes were tense and he looked around
"This just remembered that I finished checking? How about it? " At this time, Huangfu Zhantian slowly closed his eyes and asked the truth. When Feili woke up, he realized that he wanted to see what Feili would do first after waking up and whether he would be bad for himself. It seems that he didn’t watch the 46th verse this time: Back to 1.
Hearing this familiar sound, Phil turned his head and noticed that Huangfu Zhantian was not far from himself. Phil knew that if it weren’t for this young man with a bright smile in front of him, he wouldn’t know when the injury would be cured. Maybe it would be impossible for a generation to get well, but now this young man has brought himself more than that. He has also expanded his meridians a lot, and these will only happen when there is a breakthrough, which means that his future cultivation path will be very magnanimous even if he can break through to blade master.
And these are the young people who bring themselves a bright smile. It seems that they really underestimate him. He is indeed a miracle worker. Because he is a miracle, who can reach his realm at this age? How many geniuses are trapped in the realm of silver fighters and hope to win the gold fighters all their lives, and he can actually reach this realm? He is not unheard of. It seems that it takes that kind of medicine to repair the broken meridians, although the young master The body is a miracle, but he doesn’t believe that the young master has this kind of Dan medicine in his hand. Then there is an explanation, that is, the young master helps himself to repair the meridians by his own ability. Oh, my God, this is not a genius, but a Uber …
"Hey, are you out of your mind? Why are you so stupid that wait for a while doesn’t move there? " Any suspection.i Zhantian said with a smile that he knew how shocked Phil was now and never bothered him. He just looked at him with a smile.
Hearing the words of Huangfu Zhantian, Philip woke up from his meditation and turned around to see him. There was no loyalty, but his eyes were firm. "Master, I am a clown and I don’t know what those rhetoric words are. I know that now I am a master and I will never frown." After that, Philip came directly to Huangfu Zhantian and looked respectful behind him as if he were his guard.
"Hehe, Phil, I have my own selfishness in curing you, that is, I want you to help me guard the war alliance through the city. If I don’t cure you, then I really don’t feel at ease to leave. If you want to thank me, then you can help me watch the war alliance." Huangfu Zhantian knows that strong people like Phil are uncompromising, and they can practice to this level. If a strong person can’t even grasp this point, then he certainly can’t practice to this level even if he barely rises to this level through drugs.
However, although Huangfu Zhantian believed in Phil very much, but to be on the safe side, he still secretly left a little Raytheon Qi in his body, which was nothing but a detonator. Because Feili’s meridians were all repaired by Raytheon Qi, his meridians have naturally merged with Raytheon Qi, which is a very good thing for Philip if it is not guided, but if Huangfu Zhantian detonated this qi, the meridians of Feili’s body will break instantly. Don’t say he is cruel. The most important thing is to be cautious. If you don’t even have this consciousness, you will definitely be chewed up by others if you go out. Of course, if Phil won’t do anything that disappoints him later, then the meridians transformed by his Raytheon Qi will bring him benefits. Everything depends on his own choice of section 47: Return
"No, master, maybe it’s easy for you, but it’s a re-creation for Phil. Master En also knows that a fighter’s loss of combat effectiveness is like a toothless tiger is the saddest thing. My master Phil is a non-human, and I will remember his kindness to me for the rest of my life, and I also promise to have me, so others want to harm the interests of the war alliance unless they step on my body." Phil whispered.
"Well, let’s not dwell on this problem. It’s good for you to guard the militant alliance." Speaking of this, I smiled and said, "We should go back, or Ke Yun should be anxious. After all, we have been out for such a long time, and we told him that we couldn’t find our figure in the city now. Besides, can you smile more and don’t keep a straight face all day?"
Hearing Huangfu Zhantian’s words, Feilai’s serious face also revealed a smile. Before that, he was also a handsome man, but it was the blow that made him sink. Since then, his face has never smiled again, but now he is cured by the young master, and he no longer worries about this problem, but he has not changed his habits for many years.
"Let’s go" say that finish any suspection.i Zhantian figure show speed quickly galloped in the direction of the calendar city.
At first glance, Phil knew that the young master was trying to test his reality, and he just wanted to try his own reality [
So there were two flying figures running in tandem towards the city.
I feel that Phil’s state at this time is half the speed of Huangfu Zhantian, but I think he should have spare capacity, so Huangfu Zhantian has accelerated a little bit. This time, although Phil is not so relaxed, he is much better than before. It seems that his strength should rise soon through this time.
Near the city gate, Huangfu Zhantian slowed down the speed, and Philly also slowed down the speed, and then walked slowly to the city gate behind Huangfu Zhantian.
"How does it feel?" Any suspection.i Zhantian asked without looking back.
"I haven’t felt this way for many years, sweating profusely." Philip said with a look of excitement on his face, and he knew how cheerful he was this time. His face was not carefree, but more reborn, giving people a feeling that he was alive again. After that, Philip said to himself, "Thank you, master, you have made my life without regrets. Even after I hit the blade master level, I have no regrets. Section 48: Materials 1.
Actually, Philip was also called a genius. After all, he was a gold fighter under the age of 30. This talent is definitely one in a million. If there is no accident, he is the most promising to impact blade master. But that accident completely lost him with these, which is also the greatest regret of his generation. Now he has no regrets. Now he is full of fighting spirit.
Two people just came to the gate to see the war alliance people waiting for suspection.i war day at the gate, the two of them hurriedly walked over.
And the original two people at the city gate, when they see Phil, look at him again. The young man doesn’t want to, that is to say, the young master. For this young master, they have long heard that Zhao Bin, who is said to have the gold fighter level, has been defeated.
Two people saw the arrival of the young master, and they were surprised. These two ancestors finally came back. If they don’t come back, it is estimated that the whole war alliance people will be sent out to find them.
"Master Mr. Phil, you are finally back." One of them breathed a sigh of relief [
"Yes, master, you don’t know what kind of worry President Ke Yun has become."
Hearing the two of them talking, Huangfu Zhantian smiled faintly. "What can happen to us two gold fighters? This Ke Yun is really a fuss. Well, let’s go and go home." After that, Huangfu Zhantian flicker into the gate. Of course, he won’t queue up for anything at this time. Otherwise, it’s too much for him to queue up for a gold fighter. After all, gold fighters don’t need to pay for going to town and don’t need to queue up. This is the advantage of strong strength. Strong places are respected by Huangfu Zhantian. I am more determined to be stronger, and every time I think of the beautiful image in my heart, I am full of fighting spirit. Although he knows that he is very far away from her, he believes that if he works hard, he will be able to reach that level. Xiao Yan is waiting for me.
"My ancestor, you finally came back. You didn’t say it was a stroll in the city. How did you go outside the city? And when you went there for so long, you didn’t know that the whole war alliance was going to be proud when you disappeared …" Ke Yun, the guest room of the war alliance, said with a face of grief and indignation, so he kept talking that Ke Yun had been there for half an hour.
Look back at a face of Nai Huangfu Zhantian and a face full of smiles. Philip will know how much President Ke Yun can say. At this time, Huang Huangfu Zhantian naively believes that words can be killed. The direct Raytheon Qi of Huang Huangfu Zhantian put an end to his ears and then smiled at Ke Yun, who kept talking and talking, but every time Ke Yun swept Huang Huangfu Zhantian’s bitter eyes, it would make Huang Huangfu Zhantian goose bumps fall all over the floor. He always looked at his eyes.
After talking for a long time, Ke Yun finally felt tired and went to the table to sit down. Then he took the cup on the table and drank a few mouthfuls of water. After drinking, Ke Yun was about to continue his long speech but was stopped by Huangfu Zhantian.

The gate of solitary smoke town is as quiet as death. A fisherman-like player is also lying in a pool of blood. This shot entered the bullet from his left temple and then came out from his right temple. The death is quite miserable.

"What kind of hero is sneaking around? Get out!" Bao was furious and shouted at the Woods. He knew it was definitely a mad dog dragon, but he just didn’t know where the mad dog dragon was hiding.
This crowd is frying again. Many players are not stupid. At this time, Ji has already seen that it is okay to stay honest and not go to the Arctic Shenguang acquisition point. However, if you dare to step closer to that position, the other party will kill yourself mercilessly.
What else does this fucking business do?
I’m really sorry that I didn’t have it all day yesterday. I hate monopoly enterprises living in places and offices and being stopped if there is nothing to do! ) to be continued
Chapter two hundred and eleven Release
"Haha, I’m back again!" Mad dog dragon popped its head at the top of a tree.
Bao flew into a rage. "Come here!"
"I have no balls!" Mad dog dragon shame replied
You!’ Bao Yu has never seen such a shameful person.
Now, I’m afraid of dirty tricks if I rush into that lush forest.
No, there are so many people around looking at the North Pole. Do you want it?
He was still hesitating, but there was a spiral raincoat sound behind him. "What’s the matter with friends who are coming at us to hurt life players?"
Just now, the gun had already alarmed the spiral raincoat, and while she was saying this, thirty or forty people quickly outflanked the left and right sides.
This is the only fighting force of the Arctic Shenguang in the solitary smoke array. These players are not high in rank and strength. After all, how many real masters are willing to come to this bird-less place?
The mad dog dragon stayed at the top of the big tree and didn’t go. A large group of people were so proud that the mad dog dragon was too lazy to ignore it and lost two chrysanthemum thunder.
This thing is going against the sky now. When it explodes, it will be 62 points of ultra-high damage.
"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
Don’t say the bag is stupid, even the spiral raincoat is surprised.
Zuixiaotian, an unremarkable friend, has such exaggerated lethality. She knows that she is probably no match.
Sure enough, Mad Dog Dragon jumped out of the tree after dumping a bunch of people, surrounded by a large group of players, and the pressure came towards her.
People dare to come here alone, and this skill is bound to be great.
I’d like to try the spiral raincoat, but it won’t solve the problem now.
"Are you making trouble?" Spiral raincoat stared at him coldly.
Mad dog Long Daxie pointed at her, "I won’t say more. Give me the release of Kong Laoer cars and horses!"
"Dream!" Spiral raincoat face a heavy.
Mad dog dragon sneer at a way "know also calculate you don’t know who you buckle goods? I’ll give you three minutes to find out for yourself. Don’t blame me for being serious if you still keep your mouth shut after three minutes. "
Spiral raincoat looked at him with a grain of salt, but people still quietly stepped aside and picked up the sound box and cooed.
After two minutes, her face turned dead and ugly. Before she left, she waved and said, "Where is Kong Laoer?"
In the crowd, Kong Laoer Ma compensated with a smiling face. "Now I am here!"
The spiral raincoat gritted its teeth and said, "Take your car and goods and get out of here!"
Kong Laoer was overjoyed. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, Sister Yu!"
At first glance, he called for people to push the mad dog dragon with joy, but he couldn’t help laughing. "You’re being overbearing again. Don’t you want to buckle the car and cargo in the lonely smoke town? You buckle it again!"
This was proudly said by the former spiral raincoat, and now Mad Dog Dragon has returned it intact.
With so many people watching the spiral raincoat, she couldn’t help shivering with anger, but she couldn’t send it.
However, as soon as Bao got angry, he waved his sword and shouted, "Brothers kill this little one together!"

Should be gathering pace look a little excited, he said excitedly, "thank you for flying elder brother! I’m going to tell you the good news! "

With that, Ying Yun-shen trotted out of the room and left Mu Zhuo Qing and Li Feiyang to look at each other in the room.
"Village head, are we really going to seize the old bear village site? Is this not very good? " Three days later, the villagers got together in the village and looked at Li Feiyang in front of them with a face of hesitation and asked this sentence.
It turned out that Li Feiyang actually wanted to take them to rob Laoxiong Village today, which made them feel uneasy.
Once an old bear came to rob the territory, and something like that happened. Even Big Mani came. Will there be more trouble if you do that again this time?
Li Feiyang shook his head. "You made a mistake. I’m not going to take you to grab the territory, but to rob the village. If it weren’t for their settlement, they would be the ones. I’m going to merge our two villages into one. I’m going to turn the five chieftains of Dark Forest into six chieftains …"
And become a chieftain! This sentence Li Feiyang is said in my mind
There was silence in the village. The villagers looked a little strange, but after all, they didn’t have the courage to show that someone was late and asked, "Village Chief … what if they don’t promise?"
Li Feiyang smiled. Even if the dark forest is full of strengths, there are still psychological weaknesses and strong points. These villagers have become accustomed to treating themselves as the weak side. Now it is hard for them to do such a "big thing".
It seems necessary to change these people’s mentality and give them some confidence …
"If they don’t agree, let’s hit them! If we agree to do it well, we will give them weapons and give them a chance to live during the sacrifice. If we insist on not doing it, we will beat them to obey! I’m not a troublemaker, but I still think it’s not possible to get together casually and fight like you when the God’s Sacrifice Day comes. You must have strategies, methods and unified orders to maximize your energy. You are not afraid to tell you about the temple … In fact, I have accepted the temple test. If I can pass it, I will be a festival Mani! "
Wow ~ ~ ~ Li Feiyang said this sentence, and the villagers suddenly burst into exclamation. Everyone looked at Li Feiyang and their eyes turned into deep horror and awe. The word Mani was like a mountain crashing into their hearts.
Chapter 164 Shoufu
In the southeast of the old village, there is a lush oasis with a larger area than Linglao village. There are about 400 villagers, which is relatively great. After all, even the strongest fire chieftain among the five chieftains is only in charge of 2,000 people.
Even in a small village, Laoxiong Village is large enough. In fact, the population of their whole village is about 600. In addition to this aquatic meadow, there are several small oases with 200 people scattered.
Of course, scattered living can’t completely wield the villagers’ strength. Lao Xiong took people to Ling Lao Village and wanted to rob their territory. If they can rob Lao Xiong Village, they will become an organic whole.
Since then, the whole village seems to be divided with the death of Lao Xiong and his son. Ying Bao, the brother of Lao Xiong, has been recognized by most people as the head of the new village, but some people have been taken away by the original second only to Lao Xiong Qiang.
The new oasis is not easy to find, but the people who were taken away by sin still live in several scattered points.
But the two sides also live in peace. After all, there are few serious private fights in this place.
"sin! ! Here comes a large group of people with weapons. Go and have a look! " In the sin village, a emaciated young man was polishing a piece of stone, and a man came panting and shouted at him in horror from a distance.
The young man frowned slightly. His face was rather pale and he looked like a sick man compared with others.
"Don’t panic and talk slowly. What’s going on?"
People ran to the front and pointed to the village to "a large group of people came to rob our village. They all had weapons … about 200 people had weapons … a big pole! !” The last sentence, "Long pole", is particularly loud, except for surprise and deep envy.
The people in the Dark Forest are good at making weapons, which are heavy and long, and their attack methods are powerful, explosive and strong. Generally, swords are not suitable for heavy chopping.
Sin frowned and said, "Go and see!"
Back to the village, his eyes suddenly narrowed because he saw a man who killed Lao Xiong’s father that day.
But compared with seeing Li Feiyang, the shock behind him is even stronger.
All the Euphorbia halberds are silver and bright, and the red tassels at the tips of the Euphorbia halberds are scattered in the wind. The thick halberds are also made of good materials at first glance.
There are probably less than 200 people in Lingjia Village, but at this time, whether it is male or female, even small children are all given a halberd.
I suddenly felt that my lips were a little dry and I had to ask questions in my chest, so I couldn’t help but swallow them again
Two hundred spurge! Even the number of weapons in Huochieu village is probably not less than theirs, but it is definitely not so uniform and so excellent. He has seen that Huochieu village bases are all swords and swords, and there are very few long soldiers.
Sin people in the village are also looked at each other, and the original anger momentum is slowly dissipating. Everyone is looking at each other’s weapons and eyes with feverish light.
So what Ling Lao said is true? Did this man really bring so many weapons?
"What do you want? Rob our place of residence? I think your place is better than ours and not many of you have anything to do with it? " Sin is a cautious man, not as arrogant as Lao Xiong, although he thinks that the other side will never dare to slaughter his side with weapons, he still tries to weigh his tone.
Li Feiyang smiled and shook a finger. "I don’t want to occupy your settlement, but to occupy you."
How to merge the two villages together? I’ll take you to unify the dark forest, take you through the sacrifice and get you out of here. "
Li Feiyang frowned when they said the previous words, but when he heard his last sentence, all of them were shocked.
"What did you say? From here …? " I asked him once in disbelief.
Li Feiyang looked around at a face of surprise, stepped in the previous step and took a deep breath and said, "Would you like to live here? Generation after generation bears the so-called curse and never knows how long it will last for twenty years. Every day, there is not a day of peace, no comfortable life, no comfortable enjoyment and even drinking water is a luxury. Haven’t you had enough of this day? "
Sin swallowed. "What you said makes sense, but how did you take us away? You can undo the curse? That’s god’s arrangement … "
Li Feiyang smiled and didn’t speak yet. Yun-shen said loudly, "Brother Feiyang has accepted the test of the temple. If he can pass it, he will be a sacrifice Mani!"
Wow ~ ~ ~ When Yun-shen said this, it immediately caused an uproar in the sin village. Everyone looked unbelievable at first, but then he turned shocked and a little excited and … deeply awed.
They believe that Ying Yunsheng dare not take this joke, because if the people in the dark forest never dare to talk nonsense about the temple.
Sacrificial mani? ….. From? !
The look of sin slowly changed. He looked at Li Feiyang and thought, "We have to discuss a …"
Li Feiyang nodded and went out to the middle of the country, then raised his hand, the light flashed and tinkled, and one weapon after another fell out, slowly piling up on the ground and becoming like a hill
Dead silence … The only sound that can be heard is the heavy breathing and swallowing of saliva.
Li Feiyang looked up to reveal a cordial voice, which was full of sincerity. "If the result of your discussion is that you are willing, then these weapons are all yours. I said that I will take you safely through the sacrifice. Weapons are the first step."
Don’t think too much about the results of the discussion. Everyone is in favor of following Li Feiyang, not to mention Li Feiyang’s strength. They have already seen the title of Mani, which is a sufficient weapon. If you have no problem, you will know how to choose.
Maybe they will hesitate at other times, but the biggest root is that God’s memorial day is near at hand and they can live!
Chapter 165 bully
Li Feiyang put all the villagers together with a weapon after he fell guilty. Now his selected department is the best part of the weapon. Li Feiyang, who was originally cast, naturally won’t be stingy.
In fact, he has a plan in his heart whether he can succeed or not. He will give weapons to people in the dark forest, but there is a difference. Those who are willing to take refuge in themselves will get the best. In the end, those who are unwilling will naturally get the second place.
He used the beast tide to preliminarily integrate a dark demon Lin Ruo. I’m afraid he still has to pay some price if he wants to truly unify this place. Moreover, it must be after the memorial day of God and there will be a buffer for 20 years at that time. It’s hard to say whether people will cooperate with the Five Chiefs or compromise.
However, Li Feiyang has made up his mind to grasp this force in his hand.
He won’t forget what Ji Zheng said, but Li Feiyang thinks that it is enough for him to do a lot of things twenty years after the end of this sacrifice. It is a good choice if he is strong enough to solve the beast tide or explore the secrets of the beast tide.
But now he must consider catching this force by himself and build his own territory to complete Li Feiyang’s life.
Who has no heroic dream? It’s hard to get through once and get the ring of cultivating immortality, so that both the baby theorist and the immortal should stand tall and look down on genius, otherwise it’s not a waste of time. !