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South escape minister was silent for a while and then knelt down to "thank the Lord for his long grace."

"Well, if you are in poor health, don’t kneel down and go back to rest at ease." The Southern Emperor Wu finished and rewarded many precious medicinal materials, which made Zhong Huai’ an personally send Nan Yichen out of the palace.
Yi palace
South escape minister entered the dormitory body is a little shaky body obviously some overdraft.
Du Sheng, the housekeeper of "Wang Ye", was so scared that he rushed over to hold him and helped him to bed. "How are you?"
Nan Yichen shook his head. "You go out first and I’ll rest for a while." But I know in my heart that he has delayed the treatment. I’m afraid it’s going to be finished like that woman said.
But he can’t help but come back. If the emperor knows that he is not in Beijing, then all these people who follow him will be finished.
He can’t take risks.
Du Sheng went out of the bedroom and looked at Dongdong Yang outside. "What is your report?"
Both of them bowed their heads
"Say" Dongsheng glaring.
"Du Shu, what do we say?" East a face of depressed "if it weren’t for the dog emperor …"
Dongyang looked up and kicked him.
Dong hurriedly hid behind the words were interrupted, and I knew that I could almost speak out and glared at Dongyang. "That man can cure the report, but acupuncture and medicated bath once every seven days can’t last seven times. A course of treatment needs seven courses, but it can’t be interrupted …"
But the emperor suddenly summoned the report and had to return to Beijing, and then he could break the treatment result …
"It’s really …" Du Sheng strolled back and forth for two laps with a look of indignation, and then suddenly stopped. "Now, if the prince can’t leave, can he secretly take the girl in?"
"This ….." East eyes a bright couldn’t help looking at Dongyang.
"But let’s Wangfu eyeliner too much" Dongyang frowning slightly.
"Cloud Mountain Villa" Du Sheng hooked a corner of his mouth "There is no eyeliner there"
"I’ll go," Dongyang said, and turned and left.
I was sleeping soundly in early summer, but suddenly I opened my eyes and pulled the door and went out.
Dongyang knelt there in the courtyard.
"What are you doing?" Frown in early summer
"Begging the girl to save my master" Dongyang knelt on the ground with his head down but his tone was firm.
"He is not capable? I told you I couldn’t delay him. Isn’t it just that he doesn’t want to live? How can I save it? " Early summer didn’t good the spirit turned supercilious look "you go, I can’t save you damn fool" said the door crashed and went back to sleep.
However, she really can’t sleep because the man outside hasn’t left.
It only took a quarter of an hour to get up and go to the yard again.
"What do you want?"
"My master is hiding something" Dongyang looked up at the early summer and "had to go back"
"All right, you get up and kneel first and look awkward." Early summer sighed. "After all, I have received so much silver. I have to do my best to get him back. I will continue to treat him."
"The Lord can’t please the girl in the past for a while" Dongyang got up.
Early summer language finally breathed a sigh of relief "where to go?"
"You …" Laughed angrily in early summer. "It’s almost a thousand miles from here to Beijing, right?"
"seven hundred Li"
"Ok, it will take three days even if it is 700 miles."
"Three days can be a round trip"
Early summer …
This wooden stick is here to argue with yourself.
"What about my home? What if I still have siblings? What’s more, I just went to the pharmacy in the village and taught the children to read what you said if I left? "
Dongyang silence he hadn’t thought of these.
"So I’ll give you some medicine. You go back and give it to your master. Guess you can last for a month. You should come back in a month. That … should not die." Touch it in early summer. "You wait first."
"That’s a girl from Laojiang." Dongyang shouted at a fuels in early summer and wondered if she could be knocked out and taken away. However, he immediately denied the idea, because although he had never seen the other side move martial arts, he had seen the other side give his master a place to stay, and he was really not sure whether he could succeed.
Chapter sixty-seven laparotomy
In early summer, I went into the house and took out a pill from my soup. I turned out of the door and handed the pill to Dongyang. "After eating it, I can temporarily suppress the ghosts of other bodies. Remember to avoid drinking for a month and have to come back."
"Ghost?" Dongyang shivered.
"It’s okay to tell you," sighed in early summer. "I think it’s really complicated."
"It should be that his mother was cursed when she was pregnant with him, and this curse is pretty bad. It’s infant spirits infant spirits, right? Is to put a curse on the child who caused the death … "
"Fortunately, his life is very prosperous. The little ghost can’t resist him. Later, he was eroded by several kinds of toxic toxins, which made the ghost grow up. It is reasonable to say that he actually can’t live beyond twelve years old, but he should have met a master who ate a lot of antidote to suppress the toxins and made his body strong …"
"The so-called shift has been suppressed. If he doesn’t poison his hair, he can make do to live to 50 or 60. Although he will be weak, he can at least live, but this time someone should give him a poisonous poison and completely detonate his toxin, and then he has seven days left …"
"This is how electrocuting? It’s poisonous from the matrix, but he’s lucky to meet me and he won’t die. "
Dongyang suddenly knocked back and knocked three heads in early summer. "Miss Jiang, if you can save the main Dongyang, you will all be a girl."
"Why should I kill you?" I rolled my eyes in the early summer. "I can’t eat or drink. I really want to thank you. Just give me more money."
"Good" Dongyang nodded and then took out a purse from his pocket and stuffed it into the hands of early summer, then turned around and flew out before early summer said anything.
Early summer …
I couldn’t help laughing when I read the purse. The teenager refused the silver ticket before and gave it to her again.
Forget it. Then keep it.
I hope that the handsome man can solve the trouble and come back in a month.

This is the scene in which the time bomb has been detonated. The mad dog dragon is out of sight.

Han Xinyi inspected this super-large gun and found that there were two bullet boxes next to the machine gun, but each box was filled with bullet chains, totaling 5 rounds.
Tiankang 12 heavy machine gun
Attack power = (fixed technical strength+bomb power) * number of gun powers
(The power of the bomb depends on the material. The number of guns depends on the technological level and the material. The minimum is not less than 5.)
Attack power (2 points +3 points) *=4 points (science strength+physical attack mixed damage)
The range is 12 meters;
The firing rate is 3 rounds per second;
Attack special effects: This gun causes crushing damage to non-players and monster units, and it has a bonus effect of 13!
Durability 14/14
Han Xinyi roughly calculated that the actual attack power of this machine gun is 52 points, but it is a double-engine barrel that attacks at 14 points every time it fires. It can be said that this is a defensive weapon of Xixing Square, especially suitable for fighting on this river.
At this moment, the speedboat is heading for the unknown area, and only when it enters the unknown area can it successfully escape.
"If I remember correctly, they built a dam on the border of an unknown area. This will receive news that there must be armed forces to intercept us!" Han Xinyi said
Mad dog dragon nodded. "You can’t rely on their production to deal with them. There must be a speedboat coming after them. We will be chased when we get close to the dam. Now you come to the boat!"
Han Xinyi said, "What?"
"You will know something soon!" Mad dog dragon gave up driving and plopped into the river.
After about 1 minute, the water boiled, and soon a huge black chariot surfaced.
Han Xinyi couldn’t help but gasp. "Are you an amphibious car?"
It is the future warrior chariot that can not only run on land but also gallop in water, because now the four wheels have been switched into paddles and impeller wheels are spinning rapidly to help the chariot ride the wind and waves on the river.
"Come to the roof!" Mad dog dragon hit the window and shouted
Tiankang dam is not as large as Xixing Square, because the river narrows as it goes forward. The dam is very simple, and the mechanical design is more than 3 meters long. There is a steel sluice dam with two kiosks in the center, but the figure of the dam has been shaken, and the machine guns have been erected to aim at the vast river.
The processor has issued a "warning! Warning! There are a lot of enemies in front! At the same time, there are obstacles! "
Mad dog dragon had to stop moving. In fact, he had seen that the sluice had been lowered and the river was completely blocked.
Han Xinyi stared at the front. "Can you hit the sluice?"
"I’ll try!" Mad dog dragon is on the console.
Processor "Beam shaped charge filled!"
The thick cannon tube immediately stretched out from the window and slowly lifted into the air. Suddenly, a large blue smoke shell flew high, and the intelligent aiming system corrected the shell. After five seconds, it landed on the sluice very accurately and exploded into a big flame.
But it’s a pity that this sluice is made of Tiankang group’s material, and even the polymer shells can’t be blown up. The sluice is blown out with a white mark.
"There is no time to delay, and the pursuers will arrive soon!" Han Xinyi decisively commanded Mad Dog Dragon: "I saw that the cargo port next to me didn’t send me to the side road to start the sluice. I must start it in those two pavilions!"
Mad dog dragon hesitated, "be careful!" "
The chariot will soon be near the cargo port, but in this way, they will also enter the range of Tiankang Group.
As soon as the dam 1 docked, it respected the machine gun "Bang Bang" and caught fire. This kind of gun sounds boring and not powerful enough, but it has its own strength to fight inside and the body is mad at Mars.
Processor "Warning! Warning! The body is under fierce attack! "
Mad dog dragon can’t help but get a fright when he looks at the screen. Is Sunshine men machine gun so powerful? The durability of battle clothes drops very quickly.
This time, unlike the attack on the outskirts of Shuiyun, the durability loss of the battle suit dropped greatly every time, but the frequency was not high. This time, the loss was small every time, but the frequency was too high, and there were more than 200 points in an instant.
"Don’t go to the roof!" Mad dog dragon decisively opens the energy shield to stop all the bullets.
Han Xinyi hesitated, "Can’t hold it?"
Mad dog dragon has turned the side of the chariot into a "negative field!"
Exaggerated scene finally appeared a white energy shield standing in front of the car. Han Xinyi held up his hands on the roof. A layer of spherical blue energy enveloped the whole car and two destroyer machine guns rose on both sides of the chariot.
"Bang bang bang bang bang!"
"Boom boom boom!"
Even in the sunshine, the two sides of the attack bomb trailed light and gestured into a huge net. The chariot made a huge roar in this net and rushed to the side road with full horsepower.
The bridge has been exclaimed.
"They are crazy!"
"Stop them!"
"All units attack that car!"
In several exclamations and shouts, the chariot "shua" rushed up the slope and rose up about 1 meter high. The ump submachine gun on the roof "cha cha cha cha" fired at the side.
In front of the dam, two respected machine gun shooters were shot dead on the spot. As soon as the chariot landed on Dam Avenue, it slammed into the sentry box instead of slowing down.
Even if Tiankang players have experienced more battles, they can’t help but be afraid of these two people.
Because the chariot braved the heavy rain fire and carried the ship’s machine gun injury, it crashed
Mad dog dragon’s intention is too simple and rude. He wants to sweep all the dam people to death.
"pass! Pass! Pass! Pass! "
The remaining respect machine gun was hit by a roaring chariot, and even people with guns fell into the dam.
Processor "Warning! Warning! Please stop dangerous driving immediately if the body is seriously damaged! "

In this game, 5sho has been confused by the S team, and they wouldn’t have thought that the strength was so strong and the S team made such obscene tactics. They didn’t go to check whether there was anyone behind the box. They just wishful thinking that the other party could not hide behind the box.

They don’t know the history of Jiang Yuhan’s competition. He is a master of obscene flow, and he has always insisted on obscene flow. Moreover, his sinister tactics are unpredictable. His motto is the famous "obscene is king."
When 5sho, the three machine gunners, were about to rush towards the arch, guns suddenly sounded behind them, shining without preparation, and Yu You and the two men killed the three machine gunners very quickly and easily.
5sho, the last machine gunner, was confronted by K, the gun god who was guarding ak alone on the trail. The score became six to two. In the second round of the half-court, 5sho attacked point B, but Jiang Yuhan was attacked outside the arch at point B, so there were corpses everywhere again.
Jiang Yuhan guarded the B channel under the cover of K and Yanyue. 5sho lost four bodies in the B channel and returned. A sniper Kim Tae-hyun escaped. Kim Tae-hyun also killed K in the battle.
In Jiang Yuhan’s command, the S team quickly adopted the outflanking tactics to push Kim Tae-hyun into a corner, and finally the score was changed from shining to seven to two. The S team got the match point, and in the third round, at half time, 5sho attacked point A again. Although Jiang Yuhan was not at point A, point A shone and Yu You and two men stubbornly resisted their attack, and Jiang Yuhan’s support came very quickly. In the end, 5sho failed to break through point A, but was rushed to Jiang Yuhan and Yanyue, and three others were killed and lost this round.
The total score of the S team was more than two, and the Korean audience became stunned when they took the first map. At this time, they also realized that the strongest team in their country had won by law. They were very disappointed and deeply shocked by the strength of the China team. They chose to leave one after another. They couldn’t bear to see 5sho defeated in the second map!
5sho people saw the audience leave and knew that their performance disappointed their supporters. They all felt embarrassed and irritable. The other four South Korean teams also lamented that the S team had played before, and that team deeply understood 5sho’s pain. They also felt so desperate at that time.
The second map competition soon won the Persian town. The probability of this map appearing in the melee is quite high. Neither team member is unfamiliar with this map. If there is a sharp sniper on the main road of this map, the opponent can be completely suppressed, and if there are one or two powerful machine gunners guarding the auxiliary road, it can be lost in case.
Jiang Yuhan is of course unstoppable in the main road. 5sho people dare not appear in the main road. Once they appear, there will be an ending, that is, being killed! So 5sho moved the main battlefield to the auxiliary road, and Jiang Yu ran to the auxiliary road to defend. After the auxiliary road killed the other side, it forced the other side to run to the main road again.
So Jiang Yuhan also had to run around. Where he appeared would lead to the disappearance of 5sho department. Kim Tae-hyun Jiang Yuhan lost several times in the main road, with one exception. He has faded from the aura of being sniped. Now he is just an ordinary sniper, that is, the level of first-line snipers in China and the sniper rifle method in China is nothing.
Koreans think too much of themselves. In South Korea, they claim to be the King of Sniper, so they can defeat the God of Sniper in China. In fact, Kim Tae-hyun estimates that he will fight with Bare, and maybe he will be defeated by Bare Gun. Now he has deeply realized how big the gap between his sniper rifle method and Jiang Yuhan is. He wants to finish the game quickly and then flee to China. He has decided not to participate in international competitions!
The second map soon ended, and Jiang Yuhan ranked first in the record list. The machine gun marksmanship of ae and mvp Yanyue is also a great show in this map, and all kinds of blasting are wonderful and instantaneous.
In the end, the S team took the second map 15-76, and the total score was 2-0, which cleanly defeated South Korea’s first team 5sho. Four of the five teams in South Korea were eliminated in the first round, and the only team failed to make it to the second round, so it was ko.
Therefore, the third round of the competition turned into a China team battle. In the third round of the China-South Korea Masters Invitational Tournament, there was nothing for Koreans. After the afternoon competition, Ye Qing ate outside and then prepared to go back to the club for training. Because he didn’t watch the champion in the afternoon competition, it must be the S team Koreans who stayed because they wanted to win a fair competition. The prize was focused on participating in the competition.
I don’t know what the organizer’s mentality is, but I have set up two such awards. Koreans don’t know what it is like to receive these two awards. Maybe the organizer just doesn’t want the other party to make a trip in vain. Anyway, which award should be returned, so what award is there?
I club people are preparing to leave the restaurant outside after dinner. Ye Qing met Pearl Krabs, a female team member of S, with her hands behind her back and looked at Ye Qing seriously. "I have watched two games of Sniper God and now I feel very motivated. I want to find a team to play a friendly match. Do your team dare to accept our challenge?"
Everyone who watched Jiang Yuhan’s game will want to enter the game immediately and play a few games. His games can often make people excited and rekindle their fighting spirit. Ye Qing was actually infected by that kind of infection. He didn’t expect Pearl Krabs to find them as opponents
He thought for a moment and then looked at the players. He found that the players were also looking at him. It means that you are the captain, and you have no problem in deciding that Dami is very good-looking. She felt a sense of crisis for no reason.
"good! It’s just a friendly match. Who’s afraid of who? Time and place! " Ye Qing is great tunnel. He doesn’t want to show weakness in front of a female team. Pearl Krabs and Zhan Yan laughed. "Good time! Now is the time, or you can take a break to digest and fight again and again! In the location, just find an internet cafe near here. How about not running too far? "
"yes! Then you go to the Internet cafe and we will rest here. Let me know when you find it! " Ye Qing said with a smile, Pearl Krabs nodded and then waved four beautifully dressed female players and followed her away. Dong Laoer whistled towards their backs, which attracted two female players to look back at him and then turned his head to be a charming smile.
Big honey hit the leaf and tilted her arm in a low tunnel. "When did you meet?"
"If we want to know each other, it’s a long time ago, but we don’t know each other very well. She always treats me as an enemy. Now this game is actually a friendly match to humiliate me. I’m not afraid of her. It’s impossible for our team to lose to them now. After all, they used to be defeated by us!" Leaf tilt very confident tunnel
"To be honest, that girl is very beautiful and has a unique temperament. Are you attracted to her? Even a little! " Big honey face is permeated with a smile and asked Ye Qing suddenly embarrassed. He scratched his head. "A little bit! But it’s normal that men are always attracted to beautiful women, and women will be handsome, and men are infatuated! Of course, my favorite person is my dearest boss! "
"Take less disgusting when fun! Paying attention to public places will affect me. I don’t care if you have less contact with that woman. I don’t like to see you mixed with beautiful women! " Big honey pursed mouth way
Ye Qing laughed and whispered, "Are you jealous?"
"Eat your head! Would you be happy if I hung out with a handsome guy all day? " Big honey grumpily asks.
"I don’t want to! You can mix with handsome guys! " Ye Qing reached out and scraped a big honey on her nose, hit him with her hand and looked nervously at the people around her. She found that meteor and others were chatting with each other and didn’t notice them, so she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It’s a public place!"
"This call can’t help it! Ok, my big boss, I will converge a little! " Ye Qing raised his hands and said, "Big Honey chuckled and smiled." You look like a traitor caught by the army! "
"I have lines! Captain, don’t shoot! It’s me! " Leaf joke tunnel big honey suddenly couldn’t help giggling.
It wasn’t long before Pearl Krabs came back with four female players. She waved to Ye Qing and said, "Come with me when you find the Internet cafe!" Then she turned and walked. Four female players followed her like guards. Ye Qing greeted the players and followed.
Chapter 21 Fight S female team again
The appearance of the "S" women’s team in the Internet cafe made the Internet cafe users burst into noise. They were not excited by seeing five young girls coming in, but were mainly surprised by the beauty of Pearl Krabs. In their view, most of the Internet cafes are diaosi, a beautiful woman like Pearl Krabs, who is not sitting in a spacious and bright villa with an Apple Notebook? How can they come to the Internet cafe?
It’s rare to see a beauty of this kind in an Internet cafe. These animals can’t help but look at each other in their hearts. Pearl Krabs ignored those guys’ eyes and took his players to find a seat and sat down.
Ye Qing and others found five places opposite them to sit with big honey in their arms and watch the game directly behind Ye Qing. Ye Qing happened to be sitting opposite Pearl Krabs. Pearl Krabs looked up and saw that hateful face. Ye Qing revealed a human and animal evil smile. Two people’s eyes were relatively fast. Pearl Krabs snorted and looked at the brain screen.
Pearl Krabs expression tribe in the eyes of big honey, she couldn’t help leaning over Ye Qing’s ear and asked in a low voice, "I see that girl opposite you is really a little resentful to you! What on earth have you done to others? "
Ye Qing said with a wry smile, "I didn’t do anything to her. I just teased her a few words. I actually wanted her to hate me. You know I’m charming. I’m worried that she will love me. I’ll be in trouble then. It’s enough for me to have a headache with you!"
Big honey immediately reached out and slapped him on the head. "Since you said that, I really give you a headache!"

He obviously didn’t find anything good to say, but Mr. Zheng sighed, "Alas, it’s hard for you these two years, and nothing good can develop in the exile."

Beauty immediately said, "Master’s exile is so poor. Brother Yan used to want to make a big impact, but he was also afraid of the resources of the wave guild. It is already valuable that he can develop those industries now."
Mr. Zheng nodded and took a pen and said, "Now the northern region is not peaceful. Since it is too busy to ride the wind, Lao Yan, why don’t you temporarily withdraw from the exile and come back to help?"
Boss Yan quickly handed over, "Thank you, Cheng Ge, thank you!"
Mad dog dragon secretly frightened that he had tasted it. Mr. Zheng just made a decision casually, and it was impossible to change it for a large region.
Mr. Zheng suddenly added, "Where is the Queen? I haven’t seen her for a long time. Are you back? "
The horse has a female player with harmonious manners and outstanding temperament. "Sir, I came early in the morning, but you are too busy to come upstairs now."
There is a sense of blame in this statement, but it is beautiful from her mouth, which makes people care.
Mr. Zheng smiled and said, "You should come back and walk around me more often. Usually, they boys are always missing something when they walk around. This place should be in harmony with Yin and Yang."
The queen also smiled. "Didn’t Xiao Gu go back to the headquarters this year?"
Mr. Zheng immediately said, "What about Xiao Gu?"
Gu Xiaoyue immediately got up with Mad Dog Dragon. "Mr. Zheng, I’m here!"
Mr. Zheng stared at her. "I didn’t expect that we independent women would marry one day."
Mad dog dragon had to admire Gu Xiaoyue’s acting skills. As soon as his face "swish" became red, it made people feel hot when they looked at it.
Gu Xiaoyue respectful way "Mr. Zheng he is my husband …"
Mr. Zheng nodded. "I know that in the past two days, more than one person named him to me, and even the heavenly king’s sword was defeated by him. You not only have a good eye, but also are blessed."
Gu Xiaoyue quickly responded, "Thank you for your praise!"
Mr. Zheng suddenly turned his head again. "What do you think of him, Lao Fan?"
There is nothing special about the old pedant in Tang suit looking at Mad Dog Dragon. He said slowly, "Being calm, energetic and ambitious, and being stunted is both plastic and great!"
Mr. Zheng suddenly smiled. "I also see that he is a good boy!" "
He praised others in the hall with envious eyes. Gu Xiaoyue and Mr. Long Zheng, the mad dog, don’t appreciate a person easily at ordinary times.
Mad Dog Dragon suddenly found that the control panel indicated, "Will the New Century Guild send you an invitation to join?"
Mad Dog Dragon chose "Yes" without hesitation!
However, he didn’t choose a horse to check the guild information. Now is not the time to do it. This hall is full of a peaceful and tense strange atmosphere that makes people afraid to go out.
Mr. Zheng suddenly added, "Xiao Gu, you seem to have been working in the Golden Rose Industry for almost a year, right?"
Gu Xiaoyue immediately replied, "There is still more than a month to go."
Mr. Zheng nodded. "It’s been a hard time for you these years. You went to Zhongtian Building to report that you took over Lanping workers, Jin Rose workers and Xiaomei picked you up, and your husband followed you."
Gu Xiaoyue immediately bowed his head respectfully, "Thank you Mr. Zheng."
Mad dog dragon heard secretly surprised Gu Xiaoyue is really good at calculation, not only fine, but also accurate. She really got promoted.
The wind suddenly said, "Isn’t the old blue industry developing very well? Isn’t it a little hasty to go this time? "
The beauty suddenly said, "Xiao Gu has been in Golden Rose for years, and he is good at guild trading and bulk goods transportation. The foundation in Shuiyun City is already very deep, and Xiao Gu’s style is more stable than that of Lan Ge, which is the best candidate to succeed him."
Take the wind and stop talking immediately.
Mr. Zheng said, "There’s another reason you didn’t say."
The beauty said, "Oh?"
Mr. Zheng looked at the mad dog dragon and smiled. "Xiao Gu is a couple now, and he is more mature and steady when he is a family member!"
The beauty smiled and said, "Yes!"
Mr. Zheng looked at the wind tunnel again. "You should learn from Xiao Gu. You are the most important hub of our society, not a machine."
Ride the wind and nod, "I remember Mr. Zheng"
Gu Xiaoyue finally took out the long red brocade box. "This is a gift from me. I hope Mr. Zheng will like it."
This is the box that Mad Dog Dragon paid a huge price to get back. Now the box has finally been hit, and there are two long scrolls inside.
Mr. Zheng smiled, "I didn’t say anything wrong. This married person’s mind is more meticulous than others. This room just needs two paintings to hang up." To be continued.
Chapter six hundred and twenty-six At first sight
The first painting is a sketch. In front of a bamboo forest, a young couple are talking and laughing and strolling through the bamboo forest. The stream is flowing like a fairy couple living in a paradise after retirement.
The characters are not only lifelike, but also the pictures are extremely beautiful and artistic, just like real people, and they are deeply attracted at first glance.

Thomas is still fighting at point B. He thinks that the other side will not attack point B in the next round, and this round will definitely come to Ye Qing, so he will go to point B.

Thomas couldn’t help but tunnel "what are you doing here?" Don’t steal my business! "
"If they five people to attack point B? Can you stop it? I’ll help you share some pressure. You should thank me! " Ye Qing said with a smile that he had entered the warehouse full of boxes at point B.
No sooner had he rushed into the gate of Bridge B than he threw in a smoke bomb and a flash. Fortunately, he was able to retreat again. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough, and the flash had retreated outside before landing, so the flash was not for him.
Judging from a smoke bomb and a flash, at least two people from the other side attacked point B, but Ye Qing felt that there must be more than two people, and it was estimated that there were three or four, maybe five. He dared not risk rushing in to stop the other side. If he was outnumbered and killed, it would be tragic.
He squatted at the door on the right side of the stone steps. If the other person rushed out, he might die one or two. But Chengdu athletes were very cautious. They did not rush out directly when they entered the warehouse, but quickly found out the warehouse situation under the cover of smoke. At the same time, someone quickly flashed through the window to observe the situation at point B.
Thomas is also very experienced. He didn’t expose himself to the air to startle him. If he had shot at the first time, he would have exposed the other side if he didn’t hit his position. He would certainly come directly to surround him, and then he would be unable to escape.
Now, at point B, Ye Ye lurks in front of the warehouse. Thomas can wait for the other person to fight with Ye Ye Ye and then suddenly flash out to launch a raid. This way, he can be completely sure that one of them will be killed and the other party’s firepower will be attracted by Ye Ye. He can return safely after killing one person.
Ye Qing didn’t know that Thomas had wishful thinking in his heart. When he saw that Thomas didn’t make a move, he still praised Thomas for being calm. After observing a situation, Chengdu competitive people rushed out in groups of two, and the snipers dragged behind.
The first two people who rushed out were CDJJ, CDJJ and Xiang Fei, and they said before flying that these two people had always been inseparable. They would all be together at any point of attack. They didn’t expect that there were people outside the door, and both of them rushed out very carelessly. As a result, Ye Qing suddenly stood up and was shot with a gun.
After he got K’s advice, he has practiced perfectly. Few people in the world can match this fire, so he instantly shot CDJJ and Xiang Fei together to make both of them come and not respond.
Thomas was surprised. He wanted Yuzryha to attract fire and create opportunities for him. I didn’t know Ye Qing was so fierce that he directly killed the other two people. He couldn’t help but worry that he was too late to catch a hair.
He didn’t know exactly how many places the other side attacked point B. He immediately flashed out, but just saw CDJJ and two people behind them rushing out. The two people had already discovered that Ye Qing was about to shoot a gun when a sniper shot rang from a distance, and one of them fell.
The remaining man threw his gun at Ye directly regardless of the willy-nilly. Ye had already shown his posture at the moment when Thomas shot, and then he fought with the remaining machine gunner. Thomas was about to return when he hit his hand. Suddenly, another sniper shot rang, and his body fell back heavily. At that moment, he was very annoyed when Ye was unable to decide whether to kill the other machine gunner or sniper first. Chengdu Athletic had not hesitated to throw his gun at Ye at the platform, and the machine gunner ID was CDJJ!
Ye listened to the gun and didn’t dare to turn around. He turned his posture to the extreme. He stared intently at the place where the sniper had just squatted. It was the biggest threat to him, and it was still very lethal. If he turned his back on the sniper, he might be killed by a shot and turned his back on the gunner. Maybe he could last a little longer.
CDJJ, just one shot and three shots will definitely blow off the leaf’s head. Who knows that a few shots suddenly came from the trail, and CDJJ was blown off his head suddenly. Because he was too careless, Ye turned his back on him and needed to show himself, which made the path people pick up a bargain and easily blow his head off.
Ye Qing saw the death information in the right corner of the screen and couldn’t help but kill CDJJ with a vibration. It was the former attack trail Lin Qiuye CDJJ, and the sniper was even more afraid to show up because he knew that Ye Qing must have been aiming at his position now.
Ye Qing stared at the screen and said to Lin Qiuye, "Well done! How did you come back? "
Lin Qiuye hey hey say with smile "you when I don’t have this consciousness? When I heard the gun, I knew that there was a business at point A. I ran back and found a bargain. "
Chengdu competitive sniper squatted and moved to the left for a distance, expecting that the other machine gunner should not know his specific position now. He flashed out at this time and the other side must not kill him at that moment, so he suddenly got up.
As soon as the camera flashed, CDJJ and Hulu fired. His sniper rifle method was equal to that of Thomas, which was also considered a very powerful sniper. Unfortunately, he encountered a strange posture. Ye Qing shot him naturally, and his shot was very hasty. The reason was that he could not be exposed for too long and had to squat down quickly after finishing the gun, otherwise he would definitely be shot in the head by Ye Qing.
Although his coherent movement is very fast, Ye Qing has Lin Qiuye sitting behind his heart at this time. Without any worries, he easily entered the realm of integration of man and gun. Now, he refers to the sniper gourd. As soon as he took the lead, he quickly dumped his aim. He shot a gun and shot it, and it penetrated the eyebrows of the gourd. He fell down before he made a squat.
Ye Qing’s shot was like a stroke of genius, and the gourd gasped at the air conditioning. He didn’t expect that he was so cautious that he still couldn’t escape Ye Qing’s AK47 strangulation, and the other party shot a golden skull.
This Chengdu athlete was annihilated by the Ministry. At point B, the sniper Thomas granules were collected. Even the enemy was not seen. The IC club finally played a beautiful turnaround and swept away the evil spirit. Ironically, the victory in this round was largely due to Ye Qing’s failure to participate in the command. Yuzryha Qing was very hurt
Lin Qiuye mercilessly told Ye Qing, "See if we are free to play much better than when you command? What we will lose in front of us is because your tactics are too cheating! I suggest you don’t be a conductor. Forget it. This position will limit your play! "
Ye Qing smell speech a face of wry smile way "you and I want to be a conductor? But I don’t command. Who will? Can you? "
Lin Qiuye thought for a while, although he felt that his command ability was definitely a little stronger than Ye Qing’s, it was only a little stronger. To say how well he commanded, he didn’t have the confidence. He waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I can’t do it either. I think our problem now is not the strength but the lack of a good command. If there is a good command, then our team will explode with a very strong attack force that will make the team feel scared."
Zhao Xiayang and others couldn’t help but look at each other when they heard the news. Now the team formation is neat. If there is still a lack of a conductor, who will make room for the new conductor? Zhao Xiayang believes that his command ability is not good, and sniper Thomas doesn’t have Jiang Yuhan’s overall planning ability. He also dare not say that his command is very good. Dong Laoer has always been a leader, and he is even less likely to take command.
Ye Qing didn’t command well in this game, but his former command was quite good. Lin Qiuye had never seen his former command post. Ye Qing smiled wryly and said to Lin Qiuye, "If you have a good recommendation, I can step aside. If not, then I can reluctantly continue to be a conductor."
"Well, I didn’t recommend it, even if you have it, you can’t dig it. Now the commanders of major teams are the key care objects of the team. It is impossible to let people go. I hope that your command can be a little level. Don’t be too pit. After all, our team is not weak in terms of strength. It would be a pity if it is lost in tactics." Lin Qiuye is very serious and tunnel.
Ye Qing felt that what Lin Qiuye said was also reasonable. He was not angry but said, "Come on, you will live up to your expectations. Wait and see."
"I’ll really wait and see, but forget about this game. Let’s play freely, or we may lose badly." Lin Qiuye said.
"OK, I’m too lazy to think about tactics, but this team is likely to be our strongest opponent in the future. I have to study a video of this game after the fight. I want to see if the other party’s command is to arrange tactics and be psychologically prepared when we meet again in the future." Ye Qing nodded.
Lin Qiuye and others have left the base and fought in their own way. Ye Qing walked out of the base slowly. He looked around outside the middle gate and didn’t know where to go. He had arranged the tactics and took Dong Laoer to fight according to the tactics, but now he doesn’t know how to fight without command and tactics.
Recall that when I was in Julong Internet Cafe, I went on a rampage alone, and I didn’t need anyone to direct me. I was still playing well with my own consciousness. Why don’t I know how to play now that I am stronger? Ye Qing gave a wry smile and then went directly to point B.
Thomas is still fighting at point B. He thinks that the other side will not attack point B in the next round, and this round will definitely come to Ye Qing, so he will go to point B.
Thomas couldn’t help but tunnel "what are you doing here?" Don’t steal my business! "
"If they five people to attack point B? Can you stop it? I’ll help you share some pressure. You should thank me! " Ye Qing said with a smile that he had entered the warehouse full of boxes at point B.
No sooner had he rushed into the gate of Bridge B than he threw in a smoke bomb and a flash. Fortunately, he was able to retreat again. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough, and the flash had retreated outside before landing, so the flash was not for him.
Judging from a smoke bomb and a flash, at least two people from the other side attacked point B, but Ye Qing felt that there must be more than two people, and it was estimated that there were three or four, maybe five. He dared not risk rushing in to stop the other side. If he was outnumbered and killed, it would be tragic.
He squatted at the door on the right side of the stone steps. If the other person rushed out, he might die one or two. But Chengdu athletes were very cautious. They did not rush out directly when they entered the warehouse, but quickly found out the warehouse situation under the cover of smoke. At the same time, someone quickly flashed through the window to observe the situation at point B.
Thomas is also very experienced. He didn’t expose himself to the air to startle him. If he had shot at the first time, he would have exposed the other side if he didn’t hit his position. He would certainly come directly to surround him, and then he would be unable to escape.
Now, at point B, Ye Ye lurks in front of the warehouse. Thomas can wait for the other person to fight with Ye Ye Ye and then suddenly flash out to launch a raid. This way, he can be completely sure that one of them will be killed and the other party’s firepower will be attracted by Ye Ye. He can return safely after killing one person.
Ye Qing didn’t know that Thomas had wishful thinking in his heart. When he saw that Thomas didn’t make a move, he still praised Thomas for being calm. After observing a situation, Chengdu competitive people rushed out in groups of two, and the snipers dragged behind.
The first two people who rushed out were CDJJ, CDJJ and Xiang Fei, and they said before flying that these two people had always been inseparable. They would all be together at any point of attack. They didn’t expect that there were people outside the door, and both of them rushed out very carelessly. As a result, Ye Qing suddenly stood up and was shot with a gun.
After he got K’s advice, he has practiced perfectly. Few people in the world can match this fire, so he instantly shot CDJJ and Xiang Fei together to make both of them come and not respond.
Thomas was surprised. He wanted Yuzryha to attract fire and create opportunities for him. I didn’t know Ye Qing was so fierce that he directly killed the other two people. He couldn’t help but worry that he was too late to catch a hair.
He didn’t know exactly how many places the other side attacked point B. He immediately flashed out, but just saw CDJJ and two people behind them rushing out. The two people had already discovered that Ye Qing was about to shoot a gun when a sniper shot rang from a distance, and one of them fell.

It’s a pity that there is no if in this world, and now I can face you alone at most. "

Scratched his head, Pang Xia said with a shy crayon Xiaoxin, "I’m not as good as you said."
Silent for a hundred times, the enchantress said, "I didn’t praise you."
"Oh, you just spoke so highly of me, aren’t you praising me?
In fact, you said that if those people joined forces, I was no match.
Five large and medium-sized gangs and individual players, after all, there are many people.
The best I can do is to deal with the five large and medium-sized gangs
I can’t play games easily with more money. "
Chapter 522 Knife and staff together
Pang Xia’s words made Peony and Prince have some words.
It’s the first time they’ve seen such a shameless person, such a shameful, dirty and wretched person.
Oh, it’s not the first time the prince has met Pang Xia.
However, in the impression of the prince, the former Pang Xia is a decisive and cruel devil.
He had never seen such a shameful, dirty and obscene appearance as Pang Xia at this time.
Pang Xia has no good image in the prince’s heart, but the image still collapses.
Silent for a long time, the ever-changing demon Ji looked at PangXia and said, "On the whole, your presence is beneficial to the situation."
This inflammatory ghost just needs you to kill the magic weapon, and let’s talk about it after the death of the inflammatory ghost. "
"Ah, you said that I would go to kill the inflammatory ghost, so I wouldn’t have no face.
I’m not your summoner. I’ll appear as soon as you call me, and then I’ll have to deal with your enemy.
How do I think all think it is … "
Before Pang Xia could finish speaking, he couldn’t listen to the inflammation ghost, and he was already waving a burning stick to Pang Xia.
Face a stiff PangXia backhand sword box out split magic combating Dao directly blocked the burning stick bombardment.
At the same time, Pang Xia’s gloomy face looked at the inflammatory ghost and revealed a murderous smile.
"I understand that you want to die, so I will send you to see Marx.
You don’t know Marx? Then you must know the bodhi old zu in efreet.
I’ll kill you and send you to see your master! "
Bi Pangxia’s hands are holding knives, and a huge murder burst out.
Then those murders were quickly classified into the magic chopping knives, which made the magic chopping knives painted black.
And accompanied by filar silk black light flashing in the blade, like a series of dark cracks constantly jumping.
At first, it is the second type of "Three Pole Knife". Obviously, Pang Xia also has a quick victory in his heart.
Holding a knife in both hands and chopping out the blade directly into the ground ice.
Immediately the ice cracked inch by inch, followed by several black knife gas from the crack * * *.
Then these black knife gas intertwined into a black energy beam directly engulfed the inflammatory ghost.
After a knife, the energy beam slowly dispersed, revealing a deep gully on the ground.
While watching Pang Xia’s knife cause ever-changing results, the demon Ji looks pale but can still maintain her expression in front of her.
But the peony and the prince are more shocked than shocked.
This level of power in their view, the root should not appear in the player.
Pang Xia sighed at the results he caused.
Then pretend to say, "It’s really sexual to consume ten thousand points of true qi."
Listening to Pang Xia’s words, the corners of her mouth twitched constantly.
Ten thousand points of true qi, none of them has so many true qi.
The ever-changing enchantress is the one with the most, but it is only a little more than 1,500 points, and it is still some distance from 10,000 points.
So he knows very well how difficult it is for the true qi to rise.
And what does a move that consumes ten thousand points of true qi represent like nothing?
"It’s really not the kui is a leader named to pull in factions, and its strength should be the same as that of the three deputy leaders, right?
When the deputy head naturally fought with him, he did not exert his strength.
But now naturally, you should be able to exert your strength.
I can’t match this monster level strength.

He kept rushing out and was killed by the shocking wind, and the death toll soon exceeded the number of people killed. His record was in a mess and he ranked at the bottom, which is very rare. Didn’t he want to kill 70 people before?

Jingfeng marksmanship is more stable than Ouyang Yu’s, and the rate of head shots is extremely amazing. Ye Qing’s rush out is almost an ending and he is constantly being killed! However, Jiang Yuhan, the sniper god, once said that all the masters are abused, and Ye Qing also learned a lot from the frightened body in this process.
A remarkable feature of Jing Feng is that Ye Qing was observed by the cost of head shots several times, that is, every time he confronted Ye Qing with a gun, he would stop at the same place for a few shots before showing himself, and often those shots could directly blow Ye Qing to the head.
Naturally, the most stable surprise in a stationary bullet path is to show yourself quickly after a few shots. The purpose of this is to prevent the previous shots from blowing off the other side’s head and let the other side retaliate. Showing yourself can effectively avoid the other side’s bullets.
Ye Qing thinks he can imitate this kind of play, but it’s very risky because when you are in the same place, you are easily shot by the opponent’s first hand, and then you can still hit an animal. After all, every gun is aimed at a still object and you can’t hit it. Then I can tell you responsibly that you are not suitable for playing F. No, you are not suitable for shooting games!
Jingfeng’s style of play requires a lot of marksmanship, so it is necessary to kill the opponent in the first few shots and it is suitable for one-on-one combat, otherwise the opposite enemy can’t kill you and the sidekick can kill you from the ground.
There is another characteristic of Jing Feng. Once he shows himself, he abandons the speed point and three bursts, but the department pursues the headshot rate very much, but his headshot rate is really good, and the hit rate is very high, almost reaching the level of even.
Chapter seventy-three Five Gun God
"How do you practice marksmanship and how do you have such a high rate of head shots?" Ye Qing was depressed after being killed by Jing Feng, but he couldn’t help asking Jing Feng to answer him quickly. "There is no shortcut to this, that is, killing people until they are soft."
"I killed a lot of people, too, but not as bad as you."
"Keep killing"
"Well, I will definitely continue to kill you. Are you a professional player?"
"Hey hey … you see it"
"Are you here to practice guns?"
"No, I just came in to vent a little upset."
"Add a friend and practice guns together."
"Ok, you can add me when you get out. I’m usually here every day."
"Well, a good professional player must be here every day." It didn’t take long for Ye Qing to talk to Jing Feng, and the game was over.
After leaving the house, Ye Qing and Jing Feng made friends with each other, and then they made an appointment to go to the same room to fight in the desert for 1 day. In fact, no matter how powerful the ak gunner is on other maps, it can’t be called a god-class ak player. This map can dominate the main road, and the ak gunner can be called a god-class ak player.
Even is famous on the main road of this map. He can overwhelm the other side in the main road, which can make the other side have no chance to bridge the bridge. If an ak machine gunner can dominate the main road, he can be called a god-class ak player.
At present, there are no more than five ak machine gunners in China who can completely suppress opponents in the main road. In this era of Ye Qing, in addition to a new generation of sniper gods 7kg, there are five major gun gods, namely ak gun god K. In fact, some people think it is even, but K became famous earlier, including m4 gun god Lan Bao, aug gun god Luo, 94 gun god Ji Xiaofeng and 95 gun god Feng Xiao.
It goes without saying that Lan Bao was ashamed of the m4 gun god. In that year, an m4 was an enemy in the F world and was selected as a sniper in the national team. Jiang Yuhan became a teammate. In that year, the wg world champion aug gun god Luo became famous late, but his reputation was not weaker than Lan Bao’s. In the F world, aug people rarely made even fewer aug players, and Luo aug was so superb that he could shoot his head off from a distance, which was very sharp. After the mirror, he could be used as a sniper rifle. After the mirror, it was a single-point headshot shot, which was fatal and achieved the
In the F professional circle, Luo is a special one. He is said to make aug an enemy and abandon aug, but he is abused by the sky. That is to say, he can cook other guns incredibly. If he doesn’t, an amateur can torture him to death, but once he gets the five gun gods of aug, the other four are afraid to win. Many snipers are terrified in front of him. Although he is famous, he is the weakest one of the five gun gods in terms of comprehensive strength.
Ji Xiaofeng, the god of guns, is also a controversial figure, all because he made the weapon controversial for a long time. The biggest controversial point is that this gun has a recoil. Everyone who has passed this gun should know that this gun has almost no recoil, so it is very cool to shoot without recoil.
Ji Xiaofeng’s attainments in this gun far exceed those of other gun players, which makes his rate of shooting head shots reach an astonishing 95%. Almost one shot is just a few times of head shots, which makes him hang up. What is better than Luo, the gun god of aug, is that besides being good at 94, he is also good at m4. Its dependence on 94 is not as serious as Luo’s dependence on aug, but because of 94, Ji Xiaofeng’s comprehensive strength ranks second to last among the five gun gods.
Type 95 automatic rifle is a weapon made in China. At present, it has been equipped in the army on a large scale. It is the first large-scale automatic rifle made by the China People’s Liberation Army and the Armed Police Force. Only F members can buy gp guns. Once it was called a member gp gun, it is said that the performance of this gun is still very good
The recoil of 95 is not very high, and the trajectory is smooth when shooting at a very high point. Feng Xiao makes this gun very sharp at a single point, and the rate of head shots is also very high. It is not as bad as Ji Xiaofeng’s, and his close-range shooting is also very fierce. However, Feng Xiao is actually good at guns not qbz95 but m4a1s, but there are too many m4a1s masters, so he is most famous for his 95 marksmanship.
There is a saying in the F professional circle that if these five people are combined into the same team, hey hey, it is simply a natural enemy. Even Jiang Yuhan, the sniper, has to stay away from the edge. Even with 7kg of Liaoning Qingcheng, it is impossible to win in front of the team composed of these five people because their suppression ability is too strong. Who can stop them from attacking together?
Fortunately, however, these five people will never be able to get together, because two of them have a deep feud, and they will fight hard as soon as they meet. These two people are Feng Xiao and Luo, and the reason is that only a woman can make two men feel like fire and water. This woman is Pearl Krabs, the captain of S female team.
These two people fell in love with Pearl Krabs at first sight in a big competition, and then they showed fair competition. But in fact, in the process of pursuing Pearl Krabs, they were both pregnant with different intentions. Where can they talk about fairness and sabotage each other? In the end, they failed to win Pearl Krabs’s heart, so they became enemies and wanted to strangle each other as soon as they met.
The contradiction between the two is irreconcilable. They can’t be in the same team, while ak Gun God K is easily dug by other teams. He has a strong love for Sichuan, and he will never consider the team outside Sichuan. Moreover, in the whole F world, there is no team that is attractive to him. In his mind, the team where Jiang Yuhan is a sniper has a fatal attraction to him, because Jiang Yuhan means champion means trophy!
For various reasons, these five people can never be combined in a team, although many fer want to see them together. What a powerful team it will be. In the future, there may be a team comparable to these five people in the F world, that is, joining the team after the sniper returns, because it will attract K, Yan Yue and shine in the superstar to join a top star array team, which will definitely make the F professional circle suddenly change.
In fact, these five people are all first-class kings in the main road, but when it comes to the main road, there are two ak players, K and even, who are ashamed. The other four ak players are all incompetent, and the ultimate goal is K and even.
At this stage, Ye Qing’s strength can’t be the opponent of these two people. At present, he is most eager to catch up with Zhou Wei, the tiger brotherhood. That’s his closest goal, and Zhou Wei is a disciple of K. If he can beat Zhou Wei, he will initially have the strength to challenge K.
Although Jing Feng was fierce, he didn’t watch Jing Feng Competition because of Ye Qing. He didn’t regard Jing Feng as a goal to surpass, but regarded him as a sparring partner. They became teammates in the desert for one day and killed them together on the main road.

"This means Alcatraz?" The boat looked around at the dense fog that showed no signs of dissipating. I had to have a new recognition of this magical Alcatraz-the world of Alcatraz seems to be composed of white fog, and the atmosphere is full of subtle changes.

"This place is so thick with white fog that you can’t see anything! We’re not going to take risks here, are we? " The visibility of such a small priest as Long Xiao is low, and then it is reduced by the white fog around Alcatraz Island. At this moment, the visibility is probably less than half a meter.
"That is to say, Alcatraz? What a strange place! The white fog is so thick that even the archer’s eagle eye can’t see how far away it is. "Crystal Crysal is also a 20-level magic archer’s own visibility is naturally much higher than that of a 10-level priest Dragon Smile.
But Rao is so, she can also see things clearly at a distance of one or two meters.
"Damn it, I can’t see anything five meters away in this Alcatraz even if I eat double visual effects." Crystal Crysal and Dragon Smile are much farther away from my visual range. After all, I am also the Avenger, and the visual range of Dragon Soul will naturally not be weak.
"Zheng Zheng ………….."
Just when the four of us had just arrived on the island, the wonderful guzheng was suddenly handed over from all sides of Alcatraz. Even a layman like me was fascinated by the beautiful piano sound. What’s worse, crystal Crysal and Long Xiao, two beautiful women who know a little about piano sound?
Just when we were listening like a dream, the god-devouring drink was suddenly mixed with a little awe-inspiring righteousness and directly handed it to our ears. "Don’t listen to this piano, it’s a deadly sound. A kind of advanced magic will directly consume your life and make you die in a dream."
Looking at damage per second floating from the top of my head and Crystal Crysal Dragon Laughter, I know that I have just been attacked by piano sound waves when I was dreaming, but fortunately, this wave attack is divided according to the proportion of the player’s total health, so although both women are damaged, the output is not fatal.
"Five gas toward the yuan! 」
Although the piano attack was not fatal, I still released the five qi of Shushan therapy toward Yuan for safety reasons. Therefore, at the same time, the injuries suffered by the two women were instantly recovered at the same time in the third +354 treatment output. In my case, there are more than 2,000 left, but these can rely on life potions. Don’t worry.
"What an Alcatraz!" Looking at Alcatraz Island, where the piano stopped spreading, I curled my lips and muttered slowly, "I didn’t expect that we were directly attacked by the island residents just after the island. It seems that this trip to Alcatraz is quite difficult!"
Chapter 16 Strange Door
"What on earth is there in Alcatraz, the God-eater?" Now that I have landed on Alcatraz, I naturally want to know more about the guardian, so that I can know more about Alcatraz. After all, this is a big matter of rank and we can’t be hasty.
"Dang dang dang dang …"
"Alcatraz some what things? Now that you’re here, I’ll tell you something! " Just as the bite god was going to say when the white fog was winding around Alcatraz, the bell rang suddenly, so the original words had reached the tip of his mouth. Suddenly, the bite god changed his mouth and said, "If there is anything in Alcatraz, you will know if you follow me. Well, you should hurry up and follow me, otherwise you will be slow and have to wait for 12 hours again."
Due to the acceleration of God’s urging, we have to follow him closely. After all, Alcatraz has his way. If we don’t follow him, I’m afraid we will commit suicide and go back to the city. After all, the white fog here is too thick. Without someone leading the way in front, we can’t move.
We were used to the white fog when we traveled in it for about 1 minute. We suddenly saw the white fog around us disappear, and we couldn’t help but feel a little wrong. Yes, the place where God led us was nothing but a small room.
The white fog around stayed ten meters away, which was so weird that it didn’t flood in. It was as if the front room had a special magic that it could generally isolate the white fog around ten meters, so it can be said that this special place is the only place in Alcatraz without white fog.
Of course, we don’t know that this small room is also the center of Alcatraz.
"Gambling room?" Looking at the two gambling dice hanging on the front of the small room, I was surprised to see the words "gambling" and "room" marked in the red heart of the two dice. I didn’t expect that there would be a gambling room in Alcatraz, which was so boasted.
"Dragon Soul Leader, this is the mystery of Alcatraz, and it is also the place where my level has soared." When God looked at the gambling room with a size of 20 square feet in front of him, he had already jumped into the house from the main entrance. Before he left, God did not forget to wake up and said, "The gambling room will ring every 12 hours. Only when the bell rings can you enter the gambling room, or you will have to wait for another 12 hours."
"What do you bet on in the gambling room?" I just asked out, but unfortunately, God has entered the gambling room, and naturally no one will answer this question.
"Crystal Crysal Dragon Smile is not the way to look outside. Why don’t we go in and have a look!" I came to Alcatraz for the first time, but the’ guide’ has already entered the gambling room, so I can also enter the gambling room with my second daughter to see. After all, this is the gambling room of Alcatraz, and it is also a secret of soaring level of devouring gods. How can we not enter it?
When the three of us entered the gambling room, there was nothing around us. That’s right, not to mention the gambling table. Even if we just entered the guardian, we ate the gods and disappeared to the whole gambling room. The three of us were chilling. It felt more like a haunted house than a gambling room.
Hmm? Wait, there’s nothing to say, but it’s not surprising
Because we saw a very strange door in the middle of the room-the door is a door. This door body is made of black metal, which doesn’t make me feel strange, but what makes me feel a little strange is that this facade has a face.
A suffocating face.
Even if the crystal Crysal dragon looks delicate and charming in front of this Facebook, it will be eclipsed, as if the appearance of two women is just a foil to the face of the present. I am afraid that today’s world can compete with the face of the present, and there will be the first beauty in the world-rose purple!
"Welcome to Alcatraz!" At this time, frontispiece, whose beauty is breathtaking, spoke, "Let me introduce myself first-I am the general manager of Alcatraz and the controller of this gambling house. You can call me Spferro."
"Are you Spfilo?" I remember this name as a ring NPC, but I didn’t expect it to be a door-and a door with an angel’s face. Well, to be precise, she is still a door!
"I know what you came for!" Frontispiece Spfilo said slowly, "Do you want a ring? Of course, I can’t give you away for nothing. Well, I’ll tell you what. If you can win ten games in a row in my gambling room, I’ll give you the ring for nothing. "
"All right, deal!" At present, Spfilo is a door to rob, but it is definitely not possible (who has seen robbing the door? I’m afraid it won’t work if you steal or steal. Have you ever seen stealing from the door? ) I can’t help but promise to break into her gambling game and win ten consecutive victories so that she can give away the ring for nothing.
"Well, since it’s a deal, what’s your gambling method here?"
"I’m a gambling house. You can win everything reliably, and of course you may lose everything," frontispiece Spfilo said slowly. "At the same time, I have an agreement with you that if you can win ten games in a row, I will give you a ring of fame in addition to winning the gambling money!"
"Reliable gambling can get everything?" I looked at the breathtaking beauty in front of me. frontispiece asked slowly, "Anything?"
"Of course, if you can afford anything, you can gamble, so you can get everything if you win."
"Can super artifacts be used?"
Spferro took a look at my beautiful face and nodded at the door. He said slowly, "You have two super artifacts. Apart from the universal mirror, sharingan is a special pupil prop method. You also have Xuanyuan Excalibur, so if you want to bet on super artifacts, you must bet on Xuanyuan Sword yourself."
"Is it a win or lose?"
"If you win, you can get the third super artifact, but if you lose, I will deprive you of Xuanyuan Excalibur." Spfilo said harmfully, "You have a super artifact Xuanyuan Excalibur to bet on now. If you want to bet on the super artifact with me, you will have a chance."
If you win a bet, you will have three super artifacts, but if you lose, you will lose one of the only two-Xuanyuan Excalibur!
Bet or not?
Chapter 17 Gambling-
"Come on, I’m just a super artifact Xuanyuan Excalibur. Who am I going to cry to if I lose?" It’s good to gamble on this thing occasionally, but if the bet is too big to lose and then turn over, then be careful. "Spferro, tell me about how we gamble?" You can’t just play dice, can you? "
"Bet on size? This gambling method has long been out of date. "frontispiece Spfilo despised it and said slowly," Now we are all betting that you can finish it in the map I sent, so even if you win, your bet will be paid to your account. Of course, if you don’t finish it, it will be natural. Even if you lose, I will deprive you of your bet. "
"How do I know if it is possible to complete it if you issue it?" I said slowly, "and we should gamble, right?" Gambling should be based on luck. Can it be regarded as gambling to do this with brains? "
The original gambling method will be the same as in the real world, even if it is not dice gambling, such as poker, pai gow and so on, but I never thought that the original Alcatraz gambling method was actually done.
This is really a strange gambling method! However, I like to giggle. Anyway, the completion rate is as high as 1% so far. The tough players have not given up or have not finished this gamble. Isn’t it just right?
"Since everything can be used to bet on experience value, can it be the same?" It suddenly occurred to me that God said that the level was soaring. If you follow what Spfilo just said in this gambling house, you need to take out the corresponding experience value and you can gamble more experience value.
Well, if you really play according to this gambling method, it will be understandable that the experience of eating gods is soaring. After all, if you gamble with experience, you will be very rich. If you are not lucky enough to drink water, the probability of soaring grades is naturally very high.
"I now have more than forty-nine million experience values from the upgrade! Well, why don’t I take 50 million experience values as a bet and finish it just to upgrade? "It will be very difficult to bet on the super artifact, so I decided to bet on experience after thinking twice.
After all, now that we know the experience of gambling in Alcatraz, it will become a common practice. Now it is natural to be prepared for the test.
Ding! Player Dragon Soul, you bet 50 million experience value! Please select the plan to enter! 》
At the same time, the seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple rainbow suddenly appeared in front of me. Just when we couldn’t figure out the head cap, frontispiece Spfilo explained, "This is the seven colors of the rainbow corresponding to seven different difficulties. Seeing that you are newcomers, I especially wake you up. The seven colors of the rainbow are randomly generated."
"Well, to put it simply, the seven difficulties of red and purple are sometimes increasing in difficulty, but sometimes decreasing in difficulty." frontispiece Spfilo said slowly, "You won’t know whether the difficulty is increasing or decreasing until you receive it."
"I choose green!" On second thought, I decided to choose green.
Frontispiece Spfilo looked at me in surprise and said appreciatively, "Yes, yes, on how to increase or decrease the difficulty, green is in the middle, but it remains in the middle, and it is in the middle. When you come to Alcatraz gambling house for the first time, you will be able to realize where this green key is. Your insight is no less than that of the green guardian who has already entered the green guardian."
"Ha ha you praised!"
Whoo! I can’t believe that the God-eater Wang also chooses green. It seems that the tacit understanding of the strong always coincides with mine. I can think of things, and so can the God-eater Wang.
"Since you choose difficulty green, good luck! Gambling-!" In frontispiece, Spfilo motioned for the green light to shine on me immediately, and then changed quickly, so I disappeared into the gambling house in a second.
"Crystal Crysal dragon laugh? Are you going to play too? " Send me away, frontispiece. Even if I was bewitched by the two women, "the gambling house will be put on every twelve hours, and each person can gamble on the outcome. It is said that if you miss this opportunity, if you want to gamble again, you will have to wait another twelve hours."
"Anyway, being idle is idle. Why don’t I go in and play?" Crystal Crysal is naturally curious about this Alcatraz gambling game. At this moment, the dragon soul is not in nature, so she directly took out the gold bow from her bag and said slowly, "I bet this gold bow is simple for what I need, just the most beautiful outfit in Say!"
The golden class bow and arrow is nothing for Crystal Crysal. After all, she doesn’t go to fight monsters and train, and she won’t participate in special events such as national wars. Keeping this golden bow can also be used as a decoration.
Therefore, at the moment, with a fun mind, she directly bowed the gold to see if she could get what she wanted most. I have to say that everyone who loves beauty has a crystal Crysal, and it is no exception.
"Deal!" Golden-class bows and arrows are good in class, but what she needs is ordinary ornaments, so frontispiece Spfilo directly agreed to the gambling deal. "Please choose your difficulty!"

It is very cold and soft, hoping to offset this terrible attack by making yourself powerful.

But at this time, Michelle has landed "choking" Yi Long’s song, and the dawn knife is finally drawn.
"Not good!" Although Ma Rufei saw the clue in the distance, he could not come.
Xiaojia incarnates the colorful pupil and hurries to the second floor quickly, giving her a knife while Lengrou is still dealing with the ball of light.
The three special effects of fairy light, colorful holy light and knife gas make people feel that Xiaojia is like a dancing butterfly.
Even more unexpected things appeared cold and soft. At this moment, the real body disappeared. There was a Lei Yun storm at the fence on the second floor. It was a swirling black wind shield, and there was a constant current winding on the outside. From a distance, the shield was faintly hidden with a demon head.
This cold softness can come out with a variety of shields. The arcane mage has reached this level, which is the pinnacle.
Xiao Jia immediately felt great resistance as soon as the long Dao was waved away. The shield seemed to gush out and exhaust the airflow, blowing people’s field of vision into chaos.
But this is not the case in the eyes of Ma Rufei and others. Xiaojia was blown by the shield and fell headlong.
"Good opportunity!" Take the lead against the sky and stab with a pike.
"Dream on!" Flying upside down, Xiao Jia’s long knife "ding" hit the gun and was sharp, and the whole person bounced high again.
This dragon’s eye and sword shook the inverse sky back five or six steps, and this time he finally learned the truth of this female warrior.
Whether the attribute is high or not is terrible. It is impossible to ask yourself whether the attribute is perfect or not.
At this time, a more amazing and magical scene appeared. Xiaojia was actually suspended in the middle. She held a knife in both hands and covered it with a vertical knife, just like a most devout believer holding a sacred object, which seemed to welcome the arrival of the true god in her heart.
This time, it is a mirror image of a young and beautiful elf. Xiaojia’s body is slowly rising and getting bigger, but Xiaojia’s image is gradually fading. Only the long blade gradually emits the most dazzling light.
Ma Rufei four people completely dumbfounded. What is this? Is it skill or arcane? It seems that it is not because Xiaojia’s figure has disappeared, and it seems to have evaporated in the air.
Now, the colorful mirror image of the leftover female elf slowly raises her hand and gently pulls a water-blue magic bow, and the dawn knife is placed on the string.
This is the special effect of thunderbolt strike on the knife surface at dawn, which evokes 2% of the maximum life, strength, spirit, physique, mana and moving speed of the victim of the sun demon spirit to urge the demon spirit to make a fatal blow. This special effect is no less than the awakening of the mad dog dragon.
The genie gently sent a magic bow, and a ray of light suddenly flashed on the fence on the second floor.
This ray of light is really as thin as a thread, which is hard to see with the naked eye. If it weren’t for the flash of strong light, you would have dropped the arrow.
Golden Injury Value "-192!"
In fact, this value is even more frightening because it was generated after the opponent’s shield was broken.
Demon shields and crazy screens suddenly disappeared, and the ball of light slammed into the cabin on the first floor and seemed to roll into the bottom cabin.
Look at the broken fence on the second floor. Xiaojia is now real.
Dawn knife was slowly inserted into the sheath by her in an elegant posture, and the cold and soft body was lying on her back in the heart of her foot, bubbling with blood.
What a terrible person! What a terrible attack! What a terrible strength!
Ma Rufei’s four hands and feet were cold, and it felt like seeing a real god of death. He lost the courage to fight back, and the four people’s will collapsed at this moment.
Steel wing eyes looked at them, and after a flash of cold light, Michelle jumped into the sea from the second floor.
Ma Rufei four people didn’t move, just like being killed by four invisible nails. Maybe Big Star Jun three people don’t know what the other party won’t do, but Ma Rufei knows very well that the other party doesn’t kill them, but disdains to kill them.
Now the players on the foredeck are yelling, and the hull is not only shaking violently, but also tilting at an extremely fast speed.
The ball of light smashed through the bottom of the boat, and it was ten minutes before the boat sank.
In the deep fog, four bloody elite ships have been completely sunk, and pirates are rowing boats in groups of four to pick up debris and objects on the sea.
Pirates are no better than land players. What is found in the dish is food.
The doctor likes to watch this picture of his own cleaning up the mess. Suddenly, the sound box vibrates, picks it up and looks at it. After that, he takes a long breath.
Next to the eternal and charming curiosity, "What happened?"
The doctor raised the sound box and said, "Look for yourself!"
Eternal and delicate and charming and Gao immediately put their heads together. There was a short message from mad dog dragon.
"The bloody elite main ship has sunk and the main ship has been killed. Your representative will go to Spicy next door to find a night rider and he will pay you."
Eternal and delicate swallowed "cow!"
Gao sighed long, "This is the real master."
The news of Lengrou’s murder almost instantly returned to the office of Xintian Building in the southern horizon, and Mei Jie came in directly without knocking at the door.
"Is there news?" Gu Xiaoyue looked up and asked
Mei Jie was pleasantly surprised. "The bloody elite fleet was attacked by a group of pirates at sea thirty minutes ago, and five ships were sunk. In addition, Xiao Ai succeeded in killing Lengrou and is now on the way back."
"good!" Gu Xiaoyue slammed her face on the table, so she couldn’t hide her smile. "I didn’t expect it. I didn’t expect it. She acted alone?"
Mei Jie must have nodded. "The pirates attacked the bloody elite and covered the main ship to escape, but she was chased by Xiao Ai in the process of escape. As a result, Xiao Ai single-handedly destroyed Lengrou."
Gu Xiaoyue knows that he is very excited and his chest is fluctuating. "Ma Rufei, Daxingjun, Inverse Sky and Huayuqing are all first-class players. Adding a super master to be cold and soft can’t stop Xiao Ai. This is really … I am a natural enemy of this generation in the new century."
Mei Jie laughed. "Little Ai is now at level 6. Don’t forget that she also ordered a set of steel armor in the Eastern Dynasty to kill Lengrou."
Gu Xiaoyue smiled. "I really want to see what expressions Skyfire and Dark Zeng have on their faces now?"
Mei Jie couldn’t help laughing. "It must be wonderful if you don’t watch it."
Gu Xiaoyue asked again, "Where is my man?"
Mei Jie said, "Cucumber is still in Shadow Island. By the way, do you think he is in danger now?"
Gu Xiaoyue shook his head and said, "The dark has never been difficult for him. Of course, I hope that the dark has been difficult for him, so that we can stand up more."
She don’t understand, "xiao yue, I’m not too white. What shadow island are we going to win this time? I admit that its strategic position is important, but it doesn’t take so much effort to fix it? "
Gu Xiaoyue smiled meaningfully. "It won’t be long before you know that I did this for a reason." To be continued.
Chapter seven hundred and fifty-three Hit the face
At noon, it was still the Golden Emperor’s Club, and the mad dog dragon was once invited to eat here.
Except for the two bosses, the main characters are still those lonely people, a bottle, the captain of mine clearance, Dark Glory and the oath.
But today, there is no peaceful and lively atmosphere like last night. Several lonely faces are covered with a layer of frost, and it can’t be colder.
It’s a strange thing that the atmosphere of this table is good when players know that the mainland has a little tentacles.
However, Dark Zeng was different. His expression was as natural as welcoming Mad Dog Dragon last night. Even Mad Dog Dragon had to admire this person for his strength. His wife was killed and he could still sit so firmly.
If Michelle or Gu Xiaoyue is killed, it is estimated that he must go on the rampage and immediately reach out to the gallbladder.
However, mad dog dragon didn’t think deeply about this idea. After all, this idea is not very pleasant.
After a few chopsticks and dishes, I secretly raised a glass. "Please ask Brother Gua to come here. I want to congratulate Brother Gua."
Mad dog dragon also raised his glass and asked curiously, "Congratulations?"
Dark Zeng’s expression "Congratulations on the success of the attack on our bloody elite fleet this morning in the new century"
Say this, the solitary five people all look at the mad dog dragon, and everyone looks like a sharp knife.
Mad dog dragon asks, "Brother Dark also thinks this is our new century’s work?"

Due to the absence of these laid-off employees, they can re-recruit in Xindu, which will not have much impact on the workshop.

Now Tang Desheng doesn’t want these unimportant employees to pay thousands of rmb.
Thousands of rmb is enough for Tang Desheng to pay them two months’ salary.
Now that Tang Desheng’s funds are insufficient, it’s more valuable to spend a little less and bring this province to other employees’ bonuses.
The next day, Tang Desheng and his 120 employees appeared at the same time in the letter delivery.
These 120 people are all coming to Xindu for the first time.
For players like them who don’t fight on the battlefield and don’t like to take risks everywhere, if they are all in one city, they rarely go to other cities, let alone cross counties.
Tang Desheng’s remaining 120 employees chose Luoyang when they first came out of the novice village and have been in Luoyang for more than a year.
To tell the truth, not many people would like to leave Luoyang if Tang Desheng didn’t send it and received good treatment in Tang Desheng’s hands.
After all, I have lived in Luoyang for a year and a half, and both my brothers and sisters in the real world and my friends in the game are in Luoyang.
Chapter 13 Shops
Lingyun can’t see the inside of the array outside the array. Yesterday, I learned that Tang Desheng came to Lingyun today and waited outside the array early.
At first glance, Tang Desheng saw Lingyun coming towards Lingyun with his employees.
Most of the 120 employees behind Tang Desheng have never seen Lingyun, and they all look at Lingyun curiously.
Like ordinary people in the real world who are curious about big shots, Lingyun is now very well-known among players in the game.
Even if these players don’t care much about war and court affairs, they all know something about Lingyun more or less.
These players who are willing to follow Tang Desheng to throw friends and relatives in Luoyang City are not only treated well by Tang Desheng.
Expectations for Lingyun also account for a large part.
It’s good to pay attention in Luoyang city. There are always other workshops that will be treated as well as Tang Desheng.
These employees are not brainless people who are willing to follow Tang Desheng’s letter, and they all have their own plans in their hearts.
Now Tang Desheng workshop is in a difficult period, and Tang Desheng, the boss, gives them a good job, knowing that if the workshop goes through difficulties, Tang Desheng, the employee who accompanied the workshop through ups and downs, will never treat them badly.
With the development of the workshop, these old employees will be able to walk more easily, with better income and higher posts.
If you don’t know that Tang Desheng knows the "odd player" Lingyun, these employees will definitely have low confidence in Tang Desheng.
Although Luoyang is not easy to mix, letters are not necessarily easy to mix.
If Tang Desheng can’t get along in Luoyang, he may not be able to get along in the letter.
This is the big environment of the Han Dynasty now, and it is the same in Luoyang and Kyoto. These employees who have never been to Xindu will not be much better than Luoyang.
The only difference is that Tang Desheng does not have a solid backer in Luoyang, and Tang Desheng has a good lingyun in Xindu.
Therefore, all employees are full of confidence in the future of the workshop by moving it to the letter.
A pair of workshops have confidence in the future.
Second, I am satisfied with the boss’s attitude towards employees. Now I am in trouble with the workshop, and I will be able to enjoy the happiness with the workshop in the future.
Three are satisfied with the treatment given by the workshop.
These three reasons make them willing to follow Tang Desheng’s letter, all of which make them willing to temporarily leave their relatives and friends in Luoyang.
The third reason may be mainly the first two.
Even if Tang Desheng doesn’t give them a good treatment now, he will still follow the letter if he takes a step or two.
A few short-sighted people take a step and look back. Naturally, they can’t see the first two factors. It is reasonable to lose the third one and leave the workshop.
Pick up more than 100 people from Tang Desheng and Lingyun will take them to the place that has already been arranged.
Two days ago, Lingyun had found a very good pavement for Tang Desheng in Xindu.
Lingyun came to buy it directly, but once he asked the price, Lingyun could change the rent.
If you move out of the state shepherd’s house and move out of the name of Huang Pu Song, Lingyun can naturally buy pavement at a very low price, but this is not in line with Lingyun people.
He can bully others. He can bully the enemy, not the ordinary people.
The name is that a pot of fragrant soup accumulated bit by bit will make people lose their appetite because of a fly.
Wanting a good name will also be destroyed by an intentional act at ordinary times.
People have done a generation of good deeds, and because they have done a bad thing, they have piled up their good reputation and turned it into a curse. Such things have been reported for thousands of years.
Lingyun, whether famous or in principle, won’t let himself make oppression.
Lingyun looking for this pavement is not the most prosperous street in Xindu, but it is also the second busiest street in Xindu.
Sheng is large enough for Datang Desheng to rent that three-story shop in Luoyang, and Lingyun has also been there.
By contrast, Lingyun is looking for this pavement in Xindu, which is bigger than Tang Desheng’s in Luoyang.