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Round-faced beauty ourtenant put a glass of water and slowly got up and walked to the front of the waters.

Waters smiled. "Busy sister and chick are very busy!"
Everyone immediately screamed at the crime of love and was a little surprised. "How can you tell?"
On the smile, "Busy elder sister looks hard to distinguish, but she is calm when fighting at ordinary times. In any case, I will keep a copy. As soon as I look at her posture, I know it is her."
The chick was very busy and immediately gave a thumbs up. "It makes sense that so many people are angry with Wu."
The crime of love pointed to another person in the booth and joked, "You won’t ask someone to get up and walk again this time, will you?"
This time, this one is dressed in a bright long blue trench coat, with bright brown hair but no smile on her face. She looks cold and beautiful.
On thoughtfully, "Sister Leng is as cold as ice!"
As cold as ice, I couldn’t help saying, "Are you being deceived?"
"no!" Waters laughed. "Because I saw Xiao Ai sitting next to you just now, and you talked very much. I’m sure it was you!"
"You are really an eye!" As cold as ice, she smiled bitterly and pointed to the sofa opposite her. "Then guess who she is?"
Waters turned to look at this one, who looked very quiet and plain, wearing a purple sweater and a pair of blue trousers, but her facial features were very normal, and she didn’t smile. But if you look closely, you will find that her face naturally exudes a smile to make people feel more cordial.
"This is the least difficult!" Jiang Hua smiled, "Who can it be but a sunny day!"
"Ha!" I couldn’t help laughing on a sunny day. "I stopped laughing for a long time and you recognized it at a glance."
Love crime points to sitting on the corner of the sofa. "You can guess this time, then I am really you!" "
At the corner, a person is sitting in a purple cheongsam, wearing a black shawl, black sunglasses and a black felt hat, but she can’t hold back the scattered hair. This beautiful woman gives people the feeling that she is dignified and elegant, and mysterious and moving.
On staring at her for a long time before saying, "Where are the eagle and the cheetah?"
He suddenly said, everyone is curious.
The eagle and the cheetah have come to him. "General Wu!"
Jiang Huachao cheetah laughed. "I heard that feiying always likes to stink at you. Why should he stink at you?"
The cheetah immediately blushed and bit his teeth. "This little thing is that he likes to play tricks on people."
The eagle laughed. "Do you blame me for being too timid to confess?"
Everyone stared at him curiously, and everyone knew that there must be a purpose on this.
Sure enough, the waters said to the cheetah, "You can rest assured that he won’t blame you for my presence while everyone is giving you a chance now."
The cheetah’s eyes lit up. "ok, I’ll tell you something about the embarrassing story of the flying eagle. What do you think?"
"Speak well and speak quickly!" China old three a group of people excited.
The cheetah waved his hand and said, "feiying once went to a class reunion for dinner and then went to kv to sing the song. After that, the class flower asked feiying to send her home alone. Guess what feiying said?"
"What did the eagle say?" The crowd poured in
Cheetah deliberately with a straight face to imitate the eagle expression "I said you fucking drink will be drunk? You go back to your old self, thanks to your old cleverness, or you’ll delay my brother’s going home to play "The Ninth Mainland" … "
"Bang" a whole hall broke into a violent laugh.
The eagle blushed like a monkey’s ass in its place.
The cheetah continued, "A group of friends got together at the Eagle’s house. After everyone left, a sister left a note saying that she would play with the Eagle and let the Eagle take a bath first. Guess what the Eagle did next?"
Everyone is curious again. "What did you do?" to be continued
Chapter six hundred and fifty-five Excellence in science and technology
The cheetah is really an expert in tracking and searching. It not only learns like a wolf barking, but also imitates a flying eagle. "At that time, the flying eagle kicked the sister paper out of the house. He said that his mother wanted to break the old" Ninth Continental "helmet while taking a bath? Being an old fool? Thanks to my fucking wit … "
This time, he didn’t finish, and a large group of people had already laughed.

"Oh, it’s the hoof!" Beique discovered this.

However, the answer is that Zuo Tangtang still coughs desperately.
"Hoof, what’s wrong with your voice!" Flow Shang is very cut asked.
Zuo Tangtang rolled his eyes and kissed you. This is a sign that things will be over soon, okay?
These people have poor eyesight!
"Ahem, I remember what you have to do in Laobei, right?" Zuo Tangtang made this move when he saw that coughing was not working.
However, I forgot that there are really emotional intelligence negative people in this group.
"We have nothing to do ~" Liu Shang said with koo.
Angry Zuo Tangtang almost vomited an one mouthful old blood.
However, at the key moment, it was Lao Bei, who was mixed up in the Jianghu, and quickly pretended to remember it. He took a quick roar and said, "Right, right, we have to go to Emei to see Xiaoqi looking for a sister paper, right?"
"Looking for sister paper?" Liu Xiao is still full of doubts, but listening to Lao Bei’s strong tone, I really think back in my mind whether there is such a thing and say "yes, yes, yes, looking for a sister paper" in an uncertain tone.
Zuo Tangtang was pleased to see all this, so it would be much better.
There are only Mu Yunxian and Zuo Tangtang left in the crooked room.
Zuo Tangtang looked eagerly at the light in front of Muyun’s idle name and expected him to say something first, so that she could pick it up as if nothing had happened.
However, she left and right, left and right, and looked forward to Muyun’s leisure without saying a word.
The whole channel seems to be still.
Zuo Tangtang couldn’t wait, so he hesitated slightly. "Mu Mu …?"
Unexpectedly, as soon as she spoke, it was like pressing a button, and the picture suddenly moved.
Mu Mu, he’s gone
What! Zuo Tangtang muttered dissatisfaction, but in an instant he was defeated by frustration and loss.
Mu Mu seems to really ignore her.
It’s been several days, and she hasn’t said a word. Is it true that she has gone too far?
But she … Zuo Tangtang tried to defend herself in her mind.
It’s just that Zuo Tangtang sighed. This person is gone. What’s the excuse?
Zuo Tangtang’s mood is very gray. In her opinion, the channel is full of gloom, and she is waiting for a moldy look. After staying, she doesn’t understand the channel, and the group of people who are about to lose control are watching.
There is nothing wrong with that group of people. Of course, they are our famous little creatures in the Jianghu.
These two days, the soy sauce gang simply can’t stand their sister’s paper being so polite and attentive, but Mu Yunxian’s goods still put on a face!
Look at that! Look at that! Although they don’t know what the channel said, they can see what happened! Since Beique and Liuxiang left our sister paper and Muyun idle, they were still worried about what happened to their sister paper. This Muyun idle just left like a pair of impatience.
Is this when their brothers are dead?
His sister paper gave him some color, and he dared to start a dyehouse!
Let’s go, sister paper. We’re not buying it!
Playing soy sauce to help everyone prepare to jump on the channel and pull their sister paper out of the nest
A voice suddenly sounded "I’ll do it"
Zuo Tangtang is really uncomfortable. It’s been several days, but she hasn’t said a word to her. She’s still joking. It’ll be fine after a while, but it’s been so long.
Zuo Tangtang bowed his head and hid in his own little world, drawing circles suddenly.
Zuo Tangtang looked up at the brain channel and did not see the false mother for a long time.
Before Zuo Tangtang’s mouth was clear, Wan Li pretended not to know anything and said, "hooves, you seem to be lazy after stealing for a long time. Come and discuss with me to see if there is any retrogression?"

"You just, you have the skill of slaying. Let you see my powerful ice goddess spear." The ice goddess spear with coke and ice has also been put to good use. You know, the ice goddess spear used to hit 10,000 super injuries in those years, but for the death of Qinglong and the half moon sword, it was the first to hit coke with ice and hit the top four without coke and ice.

These two kids shouldn’t be serious, right? The thunder breaks the VS ice goddess spear, and the final result is that both sides hang together. If it develops, I’m afraid that the most heated discussion in the forum will be the contradiction between the Dragon Soul Organization Department in three minutes. Ray Magician Coca Cola VS Ice Magician Coke and ice, and both sides will eventually lose both sides.
"Xuan Bing Stream" wants to stop this disaster. It’s only possible that the dizzy and frozen class can make people pause. The two of them cracked and stabbed on my left and right sides, and one move stopped them from trying hard. Even if they could suppress the two people with one move, they would definitely return to the city. After three minutes, I’m afraid the forum will report that the dragon soul gang is full of contradictions. The Avengers killed the thunder wizard with one move. Coca-Cola Ice Wizard with ice.
So in the end, I chose Xuan Bing Stream. Although it is also very powerful, it is not enough to kill Coca-Cola and Coke with ice.
"Bite your malicious PK player Coca-Cola, the other side is good for self-defense" and "bite your malicious PK player Coke with ice, the other side is good for self-defense"
Ignoring the unified sound, I simply said, "You two should wake up for me." Xuan Bing Stream deserves a 5% freezing chance plus my lucky value. Coca-Cola and Coke with ice were immediately frozen by Xuan Bing Stream, and finally their skills were interrupted.
Five seconds frozen, short, short and long, Coca-Cola finally calmed down, slapped his forehead and scolded himself for being careless, and even had a magic blood necklace, fighting a bloody battle.
"I’m sorry to add ice. In fact, this magic blood necklace should be given to you. After all, I have a Lei Guangdun to offset 9% of the damage. Although I can save my life for a few seconds, you have no defense against energy shield. This magic blood necklace is the most suitable for you to wear."
Coke with ice is also a dark curse for being confused. Seeing Coca-Cola apologize is even more guilty. "I have something wrong with Coke. This magic blood necklace is still yours, so that your life value can be guaranteed even against powerful melee fighters."
"There’s no tournament now, and I don’t want a magic blood necklace." Coca-Cola laughed. "I’d better leave it to you. Later, we’ll go to the fierce monster area and blame you for wearing a magic blood necklace, so we can rest assured."
"Dear eldest brother, where are we going to upgrade? Also, when I change my job, I need to go to Wanku Mountain to wipe out the gang leader Azurite and get Azurite’s head. When will we go? If I can’t change my job, I won’t be able to talk about my professional skills. "Crystal Crysal is dissatisfied at this time. At least she is also a big star. These people around her are too disrespectful.
Coca-Cola remembered at this moment that there seems to be a girl next to the boss who set her eyes on her and asked curiously, "Who is this little girl, boss?" It’s so beautiful. It’s not your girlfriend, is it? " Because Liu Lingfei changed her appearance, they didn’t recognize the girl in front of them as an international superstar.
"If I have such a beautiful girlfriend, I don’t know how many years it will take to repair it." I took out the magic blood necklace and gave it to Coke with ice. I smiled lightly. "Well, hurry to train. Since Crystal’s hidden career is in Wanku Mountain, why don’t we go there and have a look? By the way, we can also help Crystal complete the hidden career."
A group of five of us went to Wanku Mountain, and all the way were bandits of grade 15 and 16. These bandits are difficult for level 1 players to change jobs, but it is simple for people in our line.
"Hey, you guys, Wanku Mountain was brought here by our Feilong gang today, so you have to leave quickly …" At this time, seven players suddenly stopped our road, and one of them said with a combat knife, "Otherwise, you will be hanged."
"What is the origin of Feilong Gang?" It’s the first time I’ve heard about the name of Feilong Gang, so I asked Coca-Cola in a low voice.
Coca-Cola pondered a little and said, "Feilong Gang is a second-rate gang in China area, even the top ten gangs. However, Wang of Feilong Gang won a sword array secret book because he completed a hiding, so they are also considered a local strongman in Nuwa City. Because they occupy almost all low-level monster areas and have a guard sword array, they have not been wiped out by those big gangs."
"Wow, is there any law to cover Baoshan?" Crystal Crysal was upgraded with us in Novice Village, but it didn’t encounter looting or occupying the site. It was a surprise when I saw it for the first time today.
Just now, when the player saw the crystal Crysal’s appearance, he suddenly showed his bedroom eyes and laughed. "What a beautiful girl! Why don’t you keep it with our boss?"
Before the player’s words were finished, suddenly there was a flash of cold light, and a white frost wyrm rushed over. The place where the white frost wyrm had passed immediately floated 157 bright red numbers. In the rest of the players, the players were killed by frost wyrm and immediately fell to the ground with a face unwilling to kill.
Hey hey! After the Kyubi no Youko fox, the carriage brigade and the appraisal equipment, I have just killed the mobsters. Now I am out of the three-hour vice state of the sky. It’s really bad luck for the player to eat me head-on and break frost wyrm’s luck.
"Damn it, you dare to start work with our Feilong gang. Everyone hangs them together."
It’s sad that the courage to dare to shoot us is commendable, but the strength can’t be compared with the fact that there are only five or six players left, and we will solve it immediately after a face-to-face meeting. There is no chance to even put an ambush on the companions of Wanku Mountain.
Solved the road, players, and we slowly went to the top of Wanku Mountain.
"Which way is the gang friend ran a cave mountain? How dare you kill my brother Feilong? " Not long after our mountain, the second batch of road blocking players immediately appeared again.
Because there are the first batch of mountain-guarding players in front, they can come here, either from the gang or other mountain-killing players. Obviously, the players in the gang have gathered in Wanku Mountain, so this time the mountain-rushing players must be other gangs and probably come to smash the gang players.
I’d like to see if these players dare to intercept members of our Dragon Soul organization. It’s a rare trip to a low-level place. I can’t believe that it was intercepted by a second-rate gang. The majesty of Dragon Soul doesn’t humiliate this second-rate gang, otherwise we wouldn’t stay in the story.
The five of us will play out the arm organization mark’ dragon soul’ and immediately show off in front of each other. The other party was taken aback at the sight of this mark. Dragon soul organization. This is a powerful organization that even the first-class gangs such as God Eaters and Four Holy Beasts should be afraid of three points. It is not a small dragon gang that can afford it.
The elite player immediately called the communication system and sent the things here to the top of the mountain, the boss of Feilong Sect, Feilong Chongtian. Things here are no longer up to their minions, so they immediately asked Wang Feilong to come here and negotiate with Dragon Soul.
Chapter ninety-five Blasting sword array
"Fei Long, the leader of the Fei Long Gang, didn’t know that it was important for the Dragon Soul to organize friends to come here?" In a short time, a large group of players rushed from the mountain, and a mighty and extraordinary young man came out from the Feilong gang, with a Chinese face and an extraordinary appearance.
"It’s nothing. My sister picked up a head that needs azurite. You also know that azurite is a mountain with thousands of caves. BOSS needs to get his head. There’s a way for Feilong Wang to rest assured that we’ll leave as soon as we get azurite’s head." So as not to let the outside world mistake us, Dragon Soul Organization is a bully.
Hearing that we were going to kill the BOSS of Wanku Mountain, Shi Qing Feilong’s face changed slightly, but he immediately recovered and sneered, "There are many reasons for the dragon soul to organize people to rob monsters. Hum Avengers, Coca Cola and Coke with ice. Although you are all players in the master list, it is not easy to break through our defense."
"oh? That I will be interesting to see how you more than a dozen players stop us from Coca-Cola and Coke with ice. Let’s let the three of us try their skills. You two help us. bring up the rear "Crystal and Stars are new members of the organization. Although the level of the two people is not bad now, it’s ok to deal with hooliganism, but it’s not good to meet big battles."
So this battle can be hosted by me, Coca-Cola and Coca-Cola with ice. Crystal Crysal and Xingchen Wutian can’t help us in bring up the rear because of lack of experience and so on.
"disposal! Blasting the sword array! " Feilong and six other swordsmen came to the scene quickly, and the seven swords were silvery and surrounded the three of us.
"Boss, be careful. Blasting Sword Array is a flying dragon sect. The attack power of the sword array is not strong, but the defense force is hard. It is said that the most powerful and powerful feature of Blasting Sword Array is to share the damage of players equally, which means that if you attack one person, the damage will be 7, so if you share it equally, everyone will suffer 1 point of damage."
Coca-Cola frowned slightly and woke up at the sight of seven swordsmen encircling us.
"Share the damage equally? It seems to be more troublesome. Coca-Cola, Coke with ice, let’s try it together. "The grass shovel sword" Yi ",a Xuan Bing stream started quickly! The cold current swept away in all directions, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, 754, and 754. Seven identical injuries floated from seven players.
Although the sword array can share the damage equally, my move is a group injury. Even if they want to share it equally, the damage will still be similar to the original one.
Fei Long soared to the sky and looked at himself and six other people. The injury was astounding. Ah, it was so high that the Avengers were worthy of saying that the strength of one of the best players in the world really could not be matched by a thundering sword array.
"frost wyrm is broken!"
The seven injuries of 171, 171, 171, 171, 171 and 171 made my eyes almost pop out. frost wyrm’s broken injury was even inferior to 2, but I never thought that frost wyrm’s broken injury would be lower than Xuan Bing’s and so much lower.
"Hao Tianjing!" Feilong quickly sacrificed his own protective treasure, hoping that this powerful treasure could be the first to strengthen the mirror surface of the celestial mirror and scatter three white lights to illuminate the three of us respectively.
Heaven Mirror of Science This is another reward after Feilong completed hiding and obtained the Sword Array of Blasting. It is a good skill to make the damage of Heaven Mirror twice as much as usual, but if the damage is doubled to 12 times in the Sword Array of Blasting, it has reached the realm of terror.
Lei Guangdun! Coca-Cola doesn’t know the power of the Mirror of Heaven, but it won’t be too weak, so it quickly launched a Lei Guang shield that can offset 9% of the damage.
Ground fissures and spikes! Because I don’t have any defensive skills, I used my unique skill to crack and stab.
Magic blood necklace! The characteristic of this necklace is that it can transform damage into mana consumption, but the magic attack of the necklace is too weak. Therefore, when playing ordinary mobs, coke with ice is often a high-level attack equipment. Now, for Haotianjing coke with ice, I dare not change the magic blood necklace immediately.
When we were ready, the light of the mirror of heaven also came to us. Three injuries, 34, 1764 and 324, floated up from Coca-Cola and my coke with ice.
After all, Lei Guangdun has replaced him to offset 9% of the power. The damage of 1764 is so-called for me. After all, my health has risen to a height of 4, which is a real blood cow. However, the damage of 324 floated from the coke with ice really startled us. I wonder if coke with ice can resist such high damage by relying on the magic blood necklace.
God really bless coke with ice. The magic limit is about 312, plus nearly a few health points. Together, it can just offset the damage of the Mirror of Science. Although it has not been killed, the health has been low. I am afraid that a gentle attack will kill him.
Just as Feilong Chongtian was going to further prepare to kill Coke with ice, the ground quickly cracked, and our split spikes started. Haha, the sword array is characterized by being able to share the damage equally, so the negative skill damage is also shared equally. Seven disposal players have 42 head injuries and dizzy for 1 second.
(The shortest time for dizziness is 1 second. If there is a dizziness effect but it is shorter than this, it is mandatory to stun for 1 second.)

But the demon also built a cave next to him, where the demon Yuan Ying was put. The demon planned to attack and seduce the monster with a violent mental shock at the moment when Yuan Ying first became a god and dispersed heaven and earth, and then let him break the seal himself and devour him when he came out.

It took thousands of years for Yaona Yuanying to have a baby, and it took painstaking efforts to form a fetus. On weekdays, Jane’s life said that if she had another hundred years, she would be successful. Now she was seriously injured, and the situation of this Yuanying must be even worse. The fiasco was seriously injured, and the demon would be angry and take some extreme measures.
In those days, she once told me that if she was attacked by a strong enemy, she would rather have lost an avatar and penetrated the tunnel to lead the Yuan magnetic fire. Whether she could survive or not is unknown, but it is certain to let the enemy die here together. If that happens, she will not be able to wait until the end of the ten thousand years. Although it is a pity, after the disaster, there will be a way to meet the remaining Yuan Shen Yuan Ying.
Take the opportunity to cross the noon line and fly to middle-earth to find an ancient cave in a deep mountain, and practice for a few years. When Yuanying grew up, Yuanshen became a beautiful woman and was born again. At that time, she was talking about loneliness at ordinary times, but she didn’t expect that the Aurora natural barrier had many people flying over it one after another, but she was arrogant and didn’t see that we were badly forced to this point.
So I think she may hide her Yuan Ying there. If we can’t get through it, we might as well look for it and do it in a tunnel. Maybe if we find the uber Yuan Ying, we will catch Yuan Ying, whether by hand or otherwise, so there are many ways to deal with her.
The demon must have given up on Yuan Ying and refused to give up his revenge. Then it is estimated that she must want to trick us into taking Yuan Ying back. She wants us to be alert and guard against the phantom and fool her. Then we will set a trap for Yuan Ying to seduce him. How can we destroy her?
Even if she sees through it, it will hinder the demon. It must be that the boat is afraid to move. When the time comes, we will discuss it with us and prepare for a slight gap. We will immediately change and invade and retake Yuan Ying to kill us and avenge us. I have known her temper too well for so many years. When I was confused, I woke up now.
I know, that’s all. I wonder if I can have it for everyone. "The dragon said that he couldn’t help but look lonely to one side, but he thought of the past. Although his mouth said it was not serious, at that time, after all, he gave his heart. Now, in the end, it is only a dream that he has done everything himself. It is certain that he is lost.
The 40th volume Cave reappearance Chapter four hundred and seventy-five Meet in tunnel
Lonely in Zi Long, everyone didn’t care about Song Chang-geng and others were thinking about him, but Ji Jinchan didn’t know it. They intended to see them not talking and asked strangely, "There is a channel here. Do you need to give up here and go another way?" Can’t you three join hands to deal with the channel blocking array? "
Song Chang Gung looked at him like an idiot and turned away without saying anything. Qian Kang didn’t like the Emei Sect and didn’t have any ill feelings. He also ignored what he said to him. He was defeated because he was a friend of Zheng Yin’s who helped attack the Emei Sect.
Long Mei, a real person, let him go without killing him. He has always had a good impression on Emei Sect. Now when he saw Qi Jinchan embarrassed, he explained, "That’s because you didn’t know the problem here. It was easy to go when you came last time, but it’s okay not to take this mountain ladder. But now we can’t see the whole mountain. There is no other way except here."
Other roads are closed by the forbidden law. The supporting point of the forbidden law is that if the whole mountain is broken, it will destroy the whole mountain. However, it is impossible for us to walk easily. This Uber has set up such a bureau here. Of course, we know that it is ok to fly over, but the problem is that flying over the opposite side is the blocking array.
We have been familiar with the array here for such a long time. With our experience, if we fly over to break the array, it will lead us to create a new array where we are now. At that time, the road before and after will be blocked. What should we do if we melt the ground and the ground is forbidden?
That’s why we’re sitting here trying to figure out a way, not to break the law, but when it’s needed and when it’s not here. Now it’s a stand-off. Just now, Zi Long said that there is some truth. If we take another road, there will be another way. The problem is that Uber is also unusual. What can we think of? How can the other party not think of it? "
Song Changgeng said at this time, "It’s stuck here and can’t move forward. I don’t think it’s better to go and see as Zi Long said, but if it doesn’t work, everyone will give up. If it does, we’ll find a way. I don’t think Bai Qi and them can follow us. I think it’s better to let them go back to the Taihuo barrier from the original road and wait for us. We don’t know what the two are like?"
Qian Kang nodded, "There should be no problem. I think we should split up Song Daoyou and Naked Daoyou to find Yuan Ying. You take the geography of Zi Long and I’ll stay here and think about the countermeasures. I think Zi Long said it might be a real Uber. It’s not necessarily true that you will go this way. If you have anything there, I’ll go there again."
Song Chang Gung nodded his head and turned back to Qi Jinchan and others. "You are going back now. Follow our way out and go to the edge of the light. We really don’t have time and energy to take care of you young monks. Among you, you have the highest skill, your dharma is good at defending them, so you are oversensitive. Let’s be alert."
Although Ji Jinchan and others don’t want to, they also know that he is right. Their skill is too low, and there is nothing at all. However, being so despised makes them angry but they can’t refute it.
After they got up and left, Song Chang Gung and Naked Body also joined hands with Zi Long to go to Qian Kang. Song Chang Gung and Naked Body kept themselves at the passage and gradually searched for a place in Zi Long. Zi Long pointed to a place for a while and said, "If I didn’t miscalculate, it should be almost here."
Song Chang-geng flew up with purple flames in his hands, and when he caught it, he saw that a three-story light curtain suddenly appeared inside and outside, and Song Chang-geng couldn’t stop, and his expression was also quite nervous. Zi Long knew that this master was a fairytale, even if he didn’t lose his flesh, he couldn’t compare with it. After all, the realm was different, and the towering trees were thicker and taller, but he lost to a steel axe.
Zi Long knows that although the master is not a mana edge, he has always been as light as a fiddle. Now he seems to be serious. He also looked at it carefully. But after all, he can’t understand the ban here. At this time, he listened to the thunder and the earth-shattering sound, and then he saw a hole in the screen melting.
The naked body sighed, "Song Daoyou really has to let us go!" Say that finish pulled a handful of Zi Long two people take the lead in flying in from the hole, Song Chang Gung also followed, and after they went in, the hole has been quickly replenished, and the three people flew not far to the foot of the mountain. Naked bodies were found in Zi Long to give directions and find a place to drink and see a red cloud flying from their hands.
In an instant, the jade ground was covered with a large red cloud like fire, and then the red cloud shrank from big to small.
A red light mass in Fiona Fang is still broken by the naked body’s fingers. A dull mine then melts a hole in the ground. The thunder, with an explosion sound, dazzles and disappears into the earth.
After a few breaths, the naked god has been sinking into the ground with the light. When I was about a lamp of tea, I listened to the sound from the hole and asked them to go to Song Chang-geng to take the lead and sink into the ground for about a hundred feet. It was only after this that the naked body melted out of a small room with more than three feet that I saw them coming. I said hello to the naked body and still watched something on the jade wall.
It took a while to call "this should be the place", saying that the red light flashed obliquely and they continued to build up. In this way, they zigzagged forward for a while and zigzagged towards the road. It was always a three-or four-foot rest place from the dead body road every once in a while, which was so tortuous because he was looking for a forbidden gap or weak point to advance.
After more than a dozen times, they don’t know how long it took. Suddenly, when the naked body cheered, everyone followed up one after another. Although it was not very spacious, it was very similar to Song Changgeng’s earth axis when they came. Song Changgeng guessed that it should be that the earth axis channel was discovered by them.
The three men flew along the passage not far before they arrived at a small jade room. The three men looked around for demon traces, and their eyes caught a glimpse of a hole in the face. Suddenly, Song Chang-geng and the naked body changed their faces. As soon as they got on guard, they saw a naked woman flying out of the hole. It was a demon’s phantom shape. Seeing that her face was full of anger, she seemed to be going to Song Chang-geng and they were flying around.
I want to come here but I will bump into her across the street. Because I have eaten Song Changgeng before, I know that the other party is fierce. When I see the other party suddenly appearing here, I can’t help but be slightly indecisive. I have to jump to avoid Song Changgeng and the magic weapon of naked body, and the flying sword is already a rainstorm. Where will I go out in such a place? See the room filled with all kinds of brilliance in an instant.
The reason for the demon is that Nadan’s vitality is in harmony with Yuan Ling. At that time, she was in a hurry and failed to recover. Song Chang Gung took it away to know that the other party was powerful. First, she started the law and consumed the skill to ban the whole mountain of Heaven and then set a trap, but after all, she felt unsafe. She thought that if the other party was hurt, she might be able to break in.
I feel that I should prepare my retreat. She always thinks that Dan’s vitality is in harmony with Yuan Ling. Although I haven’t felt the trap for a long time, I think the enemy will temporarily break it.
Anyway, I thought that Dan Yuan should be accepted by the heart, but if God acts with a little warning, it is that Yuan Ying, although not complete, is just his last retreat. Although he has not finished his life in Yuan Dan, he still has to arrange it, thinking that the other party can neither break the trap nor be happy that it will trap the enemy and cover up his escape, so let him go.
Who knows that Zi Long has spied through her plan and unexpectedly came from another road to meet her now. She was caught off guard by Song Chang-gung and naked body magic weapon, wrapped her in need, and then the thunder exploded in this narrow place. Suddenly, the thunder was dull, and several people would defend themselves to the maximum, but they still felt great pressure.
The strong explosion made them unable to hear what the explosion sound was, but they heard a muffled sound, and then they felt like they were crushed in Wanshan, and they couldn’t move. Yao Ling also protected her strength to the limit and quickly retreated to the road. She was resentful and annoyed. It is conceivable that when she retreated, she moved to ban the passage here to stop this explosion force.
At the same time, I put my Dan in the air to defend myself. I was so angry and bitter that I couldn’t swallow Song Chang-gung and them clean. Song Chang-gung put his "mirror of heaven" out to defend for a while, and the aftermath of the explosion was eliminated here. When the residual gas was wrapped in his purple fire and red body, the shock wave narrowed, I was alert that the Uber had escaped.
Two people are busy transporting XuanGong and then continue to pursue it. The channel has been closed. They can’t help but be frustrated. Two people come back to the room just now. It was destroyed when they were afraid. It has expanded a lot. Three people are here to study how to act one step. From the Uber here, Zi Long said that I am afraid it has come true.
However, since it is obviously impossible for Uber to sneak up on each other and then steal Yuanying, it is obviously impossible to think of other ways. At this time, the witch Han Ling has returned to the place where Yuanying is hidden, and she can’t help but worry that she took out the mirror again, but because she lost the support of the center jade platform, she has been able to see the whole light scene through the mirror.
Chapter four hundred and seventy-six Hidden demon
Bloody shushan 40th volume cave reappearance Chapter four hundred and seventy-six Hidden demon
After a while, she felt that she was in a trap. The Dan gas seemed to be combined with the method of reducing shock. I didn’t want to take back this Dan yuan, but her life is connected with treasure. It is estimated that the other party has cracked her trap. Since I saw Zi Long here just now, the other party already knows that Yuan Ying is there.
This time, it should be to hold Yuan Ying’s anger and hate Zi Long’s betrayal. She bitterly thought, "It turns out that no one can believe that it is the most reliable to swallow them all into my body." She knows that if the other party breaks the trap, even if it is difficult first, the enemy will never stop.
Fortunately, there are two enemies who have been confined to the ground for a short time and will not escape from themselves for a while. Now she should think of some way to leave. She knows that she has lost her mind for a while, and now she suddenly thinks of "three people’s mana and dharma are so powerful!" I, Dan, have a connection between energy and soul, but I’m shattered by the other party’s methods, and I still have a residue to take back. How can I have nothing?
It seems that the number of people is divided to destroy the other side. If there is such a magical performance, it should not be like this. Unless the other side has a magic weapon to restrain me, the other side is really so powerful. Can I be an enemy? "But the mind micro-she is also white, that is, she is now living in a corner without a magic weapon before the French enemy, and she will be forced to this point.
Just as she was thinking about the countermeasures, she suddenly felt a shock, and just as soon as she got together, she saw a purple light, a red light and a light flying in. It was Song Chang-gung who had studied it carefully. This time, Song Chang-gung’s road Zi Long knew the general direction. Because of their experience in the road just now, although it was difficult here, it was hard to fight the road.

"Thank you, mayor," said Feng after putting away his purse.

"Well, please wait a moment for the two warriors. I’ll arrange a carriage to send them back to Mitte City." Mayor Knittel said and walked out of the office.
Entrusting Bloody Night has been completed.
Completion method: Team completion.
Personal contribution%
Commissioned completion evaluation is perfect
Gain experience value of 41 (gain 19 experience value for perfect evaluation)
Perfect evaluation rewards mercenary points with an additional 2%
"Your level has risen to 6 levels."
When the mayor of Knittel walked out of the room, a virtual panel suddenly jumped out. It’s a little strange that Feng finished two commissions before reading it, but he didn’t jump. Is it because this is a secondary mercenary commission?
"Eldest brother … I’m so sorry to team up with you …" The wind and rain said with a sad face.
"The evaluation is very low?" Feng asked.
"Well … the evaluation is that everyone is perfect before me!" The wind and the rain are sad, saying that he is white and perfectly evaluating how good the reward is.
"I didn’t say that you can be satisfied, then you can entrust and use your head more." Maple laughed.
Chapter 40 Stealing
Sitting in the mayor of Knittel, preparing the carriage to return to Mitte City, Feng went straight to the mercenary guild and the store entrusted it to him.
"You did a good job. Here’s your reward." Uncle Glasses behind the counter was very enthusiastic and gave them two wallets.
The reward is divided into two parts: one person and three silver. In the mercenary union, the reward is set as follows: before receiving the commission, the player needs to register with the mercenary union to participate in the commission, and then the reward will be evenly distributed according to the number of people received. This mechanism is to tell you that the fewer the group, the higher the bonus will be for the teammates.
"This is the first time I have made such a large sum of money," Feng Xiyu said excitedly after receiving the reward.
"Are you sure you don’t want the extra reward?" Feng asked that the extra reward was that the mayor of Knittel gave the purse a full 15 pieces of silver, which was very rich. Feng estimated that it was because they had paid a lot to complete this entrustment that they could get such a reward. However, when he was going to give it to the wind and play with the rain, he resolutely refused to show that he had nothing to do. I was embarrassed to take it, but it made Feng feel a little better about this honest and frank BOY.
"I feel guilty about taking half of it, but you are my big brother. It’s also right to take care of me," replied Feng Xiyu.
After laughing, Feng said to Uncle Glasses, "So what’s the discount on the gem?"
"20% off. Now you need to give me 24 silver to take this wind. Sigh, of course, it’s limited to one piece." Uncle Glasses replied.
I have to say that 20% discount is really a powerful discount, but the wind sighs that the original price is too high, and it is still scary after 20% discount. After considering it, Feng asked Uncle Glasses, "Can this gem be embedded in shoes?"
"Of course, you can’t have to have gemstone inlaid holes in your shoes, or you can go to Saran, a master jeweler in the city, and polish a inlaid hole in your shoes," replied Uncle Glasses.
"Thank you for answering that gem. Can I still enjoy this discount if I don’t buy it for the time being?"
"You are always welcome, of course." Uncle Glasses nods.
"Good thank you" Feng nodded and left the mercenary shop, and then the wind and rain followed.
"Shout … fortunately, the boss asked me, and I almost bought it with my teeth clenched." The wind and the rain said.
"It’s always right to ask more questions as a reward. It’s still worthwhile to accept the entrustment in this mercenary shop. There are still a few things in it that I’m very interested in, and the mercenary guild doesn’t draw perfection from the bounty." Maple replied.
"So, boss, will you continue to accept the entrustment?" Asked the wind and rain with a face of expectation.
"I still have a job to do, so you should go and find some entrustment to promote yourself."
After hearing Feng’s answer, Feng Xi Yu didn’t show any loss but said carelessly, "Well, I’ll try to find a way to get a second-class mercenary myself."
"I admire you if you have ambition" Maple nods.
Say goodbye to the wind and play after the rain, Feng comes to Keith’s room again.
"Finished?" Keith asked directly after seeing maple.
"Well, the body is here." Maple said and put the body of the demon in front of Keith.
"It’s faster than I thought, and it’s not worthwhile for me to help you see so much. This fear of magic is fierce enough." Keith said after looking at the body of fear of magic.
"I was almost bitten to death. The skin of this thing is too thick." Feng complained.
"After all, fear of demons is also ranked among low-level demons. You wait a little while and I have to study this fear of demons." Keith said and took out a bunch of tools from the drawer and dragged the fear of demons into the prayer room.
"This guy is really more see more don’t like a priest …" Maple looked at Keith that drag the body sample is a real saw killer.
While waiting, Feng naturally took out silver coins and practiced.
"The Stealing Conditions Department has achieved the acquisition of stealing skills"
"Inspired by jungle adventurer Edwin, the skill level of stealing has been upgraded to level 2."
Maple just took out the silver coin and turned it twice. Suddenly it rang, which surprised the maple.
Then maple carefully looked at the unified display and found that both the high wind stab and the stealth were jumped by level 2 under the guidance of Edwin, but this time it was raised by level 1.
"If I had known this, I should have pestered him to say more." Maple said with a face of regret. After that, Maple hit the skill bar.
Stealing (active skill)
Skill level 2
The effect has a very low chance of stealing things from the target. The more the target exceeds your level, the lower the chance of stealing things.
Remark: The result of being caught stealing … you know.
"Very low … it seems that this skill is not what you want to play in the early stage." Feng sighed after the introduction of stealing skills.
However, although I didn’t have this skill in the early stage, it still feels good to have this skill of getting rich instantly, so I continued to practice changing coins after I got the skill panel, and I can rely on it to raise this skill early and eat meat and soup.

Then it’s time to decide. Maybe a ball can decide fate!

The real Armageddon is now!
Not only do we have to find ways to get ahead by scoring goals, but we can’t make mistakes and be scored by the other side ~!
Next ten minutes, a goal will be fatal!
It’s a 3-3 score, which means that the defense lines of both sides are not stable, and it’s very likely to lose the ball again. It’s really a big adventure to take the game!
Sun Yao looked at the 3-3 score card and clenched his fist tightly. "You scored three times and still got the lead!"! What a tough game! Then come and score the fourth goal! "
Sun Yao Neil Macasola scored a goal each, and they will be Villarreal’s scoring point next!
On the other hand, although the other two goals except the goal of Squillaci defender came from fabiano, it is obvious that Seville scored many points!
Both sides must be careful!
The next ten minutes will determine the result of this ten-minute game!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PS: for recommendation and collection!
Chapter ninety Speed for ten minutes
At this time of the game, both sides’ physical fitness has slipped greatly.
Cramp Carney has been replaced in escudero!
Baal Vaild also made other adjustments, and Angel also replaced fuentes, who suffered some strain!
Seville also made a substitution. They still need to strengthen their attack. The older Canut Yard is also a Spanish star Gredo!
The game between the two sides continued, and it was glued and boring.
After all, it’s hard to play 1% when you are physically fit.
In the last ten minutes, it was too fierce for both sides to fight!
In this case, it is difficult to display the reasonable movement continuously, but the movements of both players are somewhat deformed. After several consecutive shovels, they are directly given a yellow card by the referee.
Fortunately, no player has received a red card so far!
"What a tough game!" Sun Yao silently way
This is indeed the most difficult game he has encountered since he participated in the professional league, and Seville is the strongest opponent he has ever met!
"It’s even more painful to touch Real Madrid Barcelona after a Seville team is so difficult to play!" Sun Yao silently way
After all, Seville is now in the top four in the league. At present, Real Madrid and Barcelona are in the first group in the standings, while Seville and Valencia are the second group! Other teams, including Athletic Bilbao, La Coruna and Atletico Madrid, have been left some distance by these two teams!
Seville team is likely to be the first in the Champions League group stage at present. Although their group is not very strong, it proves that they have always been a very strong team!
Champions League underdog! Sun Yao is also considering not knowing when he can play in the Champions League. Villarreal is currently participating in the Europa League, but Sun Yao has no idea about the situation of the Europa League!
"Win the game first! Next, no matter what game, play the best level one by one! " Sun Yao said silently, after all, there is not much time left in the game. At this time, we should pay attention to the final physical distribution to the last ten minutes!
When approaching both sides, opportunities appeared several times, but none of them were fatal, which didn’t bring much trouble to both goalkeepers!
It’s a pity that Gredo, a new field, got a single-handed chance, but he missed the chance to win!
"Wave opportunity is to be punished!" The poet He said this
Seventeen minutes into the game, the whole Pisjuan Stadium was frightened!
At this time, the short striker jonathan pereira has been replaced by the real striker J Lorant!
Seville has just finished an attack and is slowly defending Diego Lopez’s quick kick!
The ball is looking for Lorant this point!
Although Lorant is not very tall, he is 1.4 meters tall, which is beyond jonathan pereira’s comparison. This time, he resisted the opposing defender and took the lead in winning the ball!
Sun Yao and Nielma meet at Laurent’s side!
Both of them are offside at the same time!
The ball is more inclined to Nielma’s position. Nielma catches the ball and dribbles forward!
At the same time, Sun Yao also ran forward like crazy, but maintained a position parallel to Nielma behind the ball so that if Nielma gave him the ball, he wouldn’t be offside!
Two swords at once!
"Ah? Here’s your chance! Let’s see if Villarreal will form a winner this time! "
The entire Pisjuan Stadium is also surprised. "What’s going on!"
"Why? How can this ball be topped by the other side! "
Even some timid female fans have closed their eyes. This is an opportunity for two strikers to face the goalkeeper at the same time. Unless they are extremely lucky, they will lose the goal irretrievably!
In the face of such a situation, palop can bite the bullet and attack!
Nierma saw that palop attacked to a relatively close position and easily crossed it to Sun Yao!
In order to avoid being chased by the defender behind the ball, he also gave a front amount!
However, this amount can not beat Sun Yao’s "one step ahead" start!
Sun Yao took the goal!
Push shè!
The ball rolled into the goal from the goal!
4 to 3!
"The goal! It’s a goal! Sun Yao scored his second goal in the match in ten minutes, which is also her second goal in La Liga! He scored two goals, the first one for Villarreal and the last one to help Villarreal equalize the score and form a winner respectively! Although we are not sure whether this goal can be a winner, scoring such a key goal at this time has led the balance of victory to Villarreal! " Congratulations, poet, passionate way
"Just now, we were still discussing that the best fabiano will be the leading position! Now Sun Yao is more qualified to be elected! Villarreal scored four goals with Sun Yao! " Greeting poet excited way

After I helped the demon cry with the stars and the martial arts, we immediately showed our great power. We followed him around by falling angel wings, and the damage was reduced to just resisting like a trend. Of course, the great ape army strengthened its fertility. I also summoned the flying horse of the holy horn and the bat king with dark wings, released the light shield and the dark guard wall, and then added blood and defense, and then helped the great apes reduce their defense and attack.

At first, there was no danger when there was a light shield and a dark guard wall to stop us, but after a long time, the situation was not very optimistic. Even the red medicine plus the holy horn flying horse therapy eventually recovered a lot of lost health points
Of course, behind our high attack, the mage’s powerful magic attack on the great ape is definitely more costly. This is not the case. The percentage of experience I just upgraded has risen to 765% at the moment. If I don’t go out, I will soon be able to rush to level 34.
"Should we go out of town to help?" Attacking the idle great ape flying into the sky in the city is the first thing to lose your temper. "If you don’t go out to support me, I’m afraid the boss and the demon in the sky are crying, which may damage the hand of the great ape."
I love gold coins and shake my head to stop. "Now you are blocked at the gate of the city by wizards such as Coca Cola and Coke with ice. If we divide our forces to help now, once the great apes attack, they are likely to break through the defense line."
"That … let coke with ice release the ice goddess spear now! Anyway, there are enough big apes outside, and now releasing them can save the boss and temporarily alleviate the crisis. "Feilong Chongtian also knows that he and others can’t leave their posts now, so he proposes to let Coke add ice and release the ice goddess spear now.
Chapter two hundred and one Hurricane experience
Coke with ice shook his head and said, "Just now, the boss has told me that when he releases me, he will release the ice goddess spear. Don’t worry, boss, can’t you trust me?" And now there are stars Wu Tianhe and demons crying to help fight. It should be no problem. "
Three manpower to fight against the attack of great apes, once besieged, it would be troublesome to rush out, but I don’t care about this. After all, when the time is ripe, coke and ice will be added, and the surrounding great apes will be destroyed in smoke, and the siege will naturally be easily lifted.
Now all we have to do is to increase the number of great apes as much as possible so that the ice goddess spear can give full play.
Three manpower to deal with the siege apes, so as to delay the pace and pace of the apes and monkeys as much as possible. How do you think this is like sacrificing yourself? If the devil is crying, it is that the gladiator will kill himself and there will be no bones left, and it is possible to fall off the equipment and perish
However, I’m not asking for a dead end, but I won’t do it. If I don’t have a successful cause, I won’t pull the stars, Wu Tianhe and the devil crying and come to the city to find them. After all, it’s so difficult to rise to the level now and die once, but it takes a long time to recover.
Star Wu Tianmin’s professional evasion ability is the best in the world, but the devil is crying and having falling angel wings can greatly reduce the attack damage. The attack on me when they are guarding me is greatly reduced. Even now, even if I have 5 health points, I will stand in the city and not fall.
As time goes by slowly, there are more and more great apes around the three of us. There are more than a dozen layers thick. Many methods attack us. The great apes have gone to the gang headquarters, which immediately makes the pressure on the Longxiang interception array arranged by Feilong Chongtian and others at the city gate soar. After all, the three melee masters are already masters outside the city gate except Feilong Chongtian.
Without the assistance of Tyrannosaurus Rex, a master priest of Longxiang Interception Array, I’m afraid those members of Feilong Gang have died in the paw of the great ape.
"Everyone withdrew the Longxiang Interception Array and changed it to the Blasting Sword Array!" Feilong went to the sky and saw that his hand almost died several times. Once again, he beat off a wave of great apes and immediately yelled to change the formation. In his view, although the power of Longxiang interception array is good, it is a very high law in the group battle of killing BOSS, but now the situation does not need to attack to defend the situation.
Compared with the main attacker Longxiang’s intercepting array Feilong Chongtian, he prefers his own defensive main shock Tianjian array. After all, when members of the Sword Array of the Great Sky are attacked, the damage will be shared equally by all players in the array, which will greatly improve the survivability of array players.
At the gate of the station, Feilong Chongtian and others immediately increased their confidence in the sword array, and the sword light brush in their hands fluttered and dazzled people. At the moment, the assassin who had been lurking near the gate also attacked and assisted the sword array to attack. After several rounds, Feilong Chongtian and others controlled the situation at the gate.
On the other side, I looked at the group of great apes, whose eyes were so dense that I couldn’t see the margin. It was almost two minutes since the appearance of great apes, and then I packed my bags and checked a potion, which had been consumed for seven or seven days. It was almost the same for me to think of the stars, the sky and the devil crying.
When you put your shovel sword into the ground, you immediately slapped it on the ground. "Ground fissures and spikes!"
The long thorn spread out from the ground, and in front of me, the great ape was hit by the ground fissure thorn. 3 The injury floated from the monkey’s brain and also entered a dizzy state.
The gang’s resident city wall was filled with coke and ice. When I saw the ground crack and spikes, I didn’t want to immediately sing the spell of the ice goddess spear. When I saw the surrounding air conditioning, I frantically condensed in the direction of coke and ice. A long ice goddess spear was gradually formed in the refrigeration and ice condensation.
"Snow Goddess Spear!" Coke with ice was pale, but I still gritted my teeth and insisted on it. When the ice goddess spear was formed, the target of the stick was the gang’s resident wall, the great ape army.
The ice goddess spear shot out in the direction indicated by coke and ice staves. All the great apes died out where the cold spear was mixed with air conditioning. When the ice goddess spear penetrated into the narrow path, there was only a naked monster left in the west of the tiger shark gang station-the Great Ape King.
What this great ape king can be born with is not how high his health value is. After all, even the 25-level BOSS health value limit can’t resist the coke and ice goddess spear, and his life can’t be separated from Sun Wu, the monkey ancestor.
As we all know, Sun Wu, the Great Sage of Qitian, is the most powerful monkey. Besides the indestructible artifact golden cudgel, Sun Wu is also characterized by having two defensive passive skills, namely, stone body resistant skin, which can hurt and resist a physical attack for 3 seconds. Resistant skin expert can damage and resist a magic attack for 3 seconds.
The leader of the Great Ape King’s Ape clan naturally got the advice from the Monkey God Qi Tian Da Sheng, and obtained the resistant skin skill. Although it is primary resistant skin, it can only hurt and resist a magic attack every half hour, but it is because of this resistant skin that the Great Ape King can resist the coke and ice goddess spear.
All the big apes around were solved. The demon was crying and moving, and his shoulders kept waving daggers for 2 minutes. He had managed to imagine how he had come over. Fortunately, now the crisis has been lifted. Nuo Nuo, the lonely ape king, said to himself, "Boy, skin resistance is really a powerful skill."
"After hanging up the Great Ape King, I will be able to upgrade to the next level." After seeing the experience slot with 999% experience value, I know that it is in the bag to break through the first level today. "Everyone’s level has increased by 23 levels more or less. It is a lucky goddess to be so happy today. Then I hope that the Great Ape King can send us a fairy device at this last time."
Although the great ape has been refreshed in the rear at the moment, far water can’t save the near fire. Now the great ape king is alone in the front line, and our strength can kill him easily. Come back later, great ape, and everyone’s potions are almost the same. Let them go and destroy the tiger shark gang headquarters.
Everyone has this idea to slaughter the Great Ape King, which is even simpler. Although this BOSS is the ultimate BOSS in the monster siege, its strength has not yet been obtained, and the two skills of resisting skin and realizing stick skill have been ravaged by so many of our masters and will soon be solved.
Maybe the goddess of fortune no longer cares for us, and the fairy device we want doesn’t appear. In the end, the BOSS Great Ape King has produced a golden-class weapon, Qi Mei Stick, which is not bad. It has kept pace with the broken teeth and is much higher than my grass shovel sword. Unfortunately, Qi Mei Stick is a stick-like equipment, which makes the sword player’s roots have little effect on me.
When we finished managing the equipment of the Great Ape King, the second group of Great Apes had arrived near, and we were too lazy to pay attention to them. They took out the scroll back to the city and directly returned to Nuwa City. After losing our defense for 3 minutes, the system issued a notice that "the Tiger Shark Gang failed to hold the gang headquarters and was destroyed by the Great Ape".
"Tiger Shark Gang, Tiger Shark Gang, this is where you offend us." I didn’t mean to offend the Dragon Soul organization when the tiger shark gang was destroyed. I’m afraid it’s crazy to defend the monster siege. "It’s time to find a way to deal with the first master in Japan, Aino Mina. I hope my attributes can be restored by then, otherwise China will be in trouble."
Chapter two hundred and twenty-two Samsara ()
Seven days later, the sunshine in the morning is really beautiful, which can kill the melancholy mood. However, in this beautiful morning, in this sunny morning, none of the players in China can have a good face because they have just received the notice issued by the system that "the player in Japan has successfully crossed the border, and now he has arrived in the mainland of China. Because the reincarnation is the first player to cross the border, the player is expected to gain 25 experience points of 10,000."
Three hours after the announcement of this unified news, a large number of players posted in the China regional forum that they were digging well in the Ribu mining area. Suddenly, a female player came with a large number of summoning creatures and killed her. She summoned creatures to see who killed who in the Ribu mining area. It was an hour before hundreds of players were killed.
Don’t ask, don’t know that this female player is the number one player in Japan-Aino Mina. She just came to China area and said that it was a coincidence that her landing point happened to be at the gate of the mining area. Since I came to Aino Mina, there is no reason not to go in. Therefore, more than 100 players are digging in it, except for the scrolls back to the city, which killed other departments.
The most unbearable thing is that Aino Mina defiantly said "Sick Man of East Asia!" before killing the last player. Then let the last player send a letter to China area saying that he will wait for 3 minutes at the gate of the mining area where the sun never sets, and let the strongest Avengers and guardians in China area come and die together.
Yes, that’s what Aino Mina said. The word "leading to death" has fully demonstrated her confidence in her own strength.
The weapon in the hand of the person who hides the professional reincarnation is the artifact of protecting the country in Japan. Zhen Cunzheng’s strength has almost reached the level of human ability, but this is not her strongest state, because she still has her own killer weapon, which is more unpredictable than supercilious eyes and sharingan-the eye-turning.
When Qinglong heard that Four Holy Beasts’s No.1 master Aino Mina had been massacred in the China regional exhibition, he immediately issued a four-holy order. Because all Four Holy Beasts gang members must go out to form a team with five people and remember to be careful. Once they find the enemy, they should return to the city first and then immediately notify the gang elders or hall lords.
After the four holy orders were issued, Qinglong invited Suzaku and Xuanwu White Tiger to rush to the Ribu mining area non-stop. After all, Four Holy Beasts is also a representative gang in China, and Qinglong and others are also representatives in China. The Ribu mining area is about to erupt, but there is no reason for Qinglong and others, the representative gang in China, to be absent from the national struggle.
When Qinglong and other four people arrived at the Ribu mining area, there were already players around, but everyone was very tacitly 100 meters away from the gate of the mining area.
Because all players who enter the 100-meter range are attacked by the giant Thunderhawk, which is hovering overhead, and then all the giant lizards who are locked by the giant Thunderhawk will not hesitate to kill the player who crossed the thunder pool just now.
Up to now, there have been hundreds of players who don’t know how to live or die, but none of them can survive.
Moreover, the most frightening thing is that from the end of love, Kono Mina sat cross-legged at the gate of the mining area and never made a move. I didn’t even make a move, but I didn’t even make a move once. Because anyone who came to harass the player department in China was destroyed by giant Thunderhawk and giant lizard, no one could resist the attack of giant Thunderhawk and giant lizard.
"Qinglong, do you want me to try her?" Xuanwu naturally saw the strength of giant Thunderhawk and giant lizard, but he was confident that his strength should not be destroyed by these summoning creatures. Even if he couldn’t beat the support to the players in China around Qinglong, it should come to the rescue.
You know Xuanwu is a player who is famous for his defense. Although his attack power is not high, his health value is amazing. He is approaching 5 height. His defense and vitality, giant Thunderhawk and giant lizard should not hurt much fur, so Qinglong hesitated and nodded and said, "Some caution is inevitable."
Xuanwu nodded and took a step.

"At three and a half minutes, the Three Kingdoms are ready to take the dragon."

"It’s quite early, but the opposite barrel is also heading for the road, which is likely to be found."
"It depends on the speed of fighting dragons."
At the moment, there is no more way to explain it, and it is not stupid to predict that the barrel is very accurate when fighting the dragon. It is already very obvious to choose the road at this time.
On the other hand, the Three Kingdoms have suffered a pound of dragons, and the little dragons have already lost half of their blood, but the barrels are close at hand.
When the barrel emerged, several people were very depressed when the Three Kingdoms killed the dragon, which means that this little dragon method was obtained and made a lot of contributions to the blood volume.
"Don’t fight dragons, just fight them and fight wild."
Wen Chou reached the order and Anne earned a Q.
Wen Chou is also in a state of being able to go home for supplies, so that the development of big trees is very hurt. After all, Nal has already gained a lot of early grades and gold coins.
The big tree can get to the road quickly and develop better. The situation is that the big tree is mixed with three wolves gold coins and one assist gold coin, which adds up to a Dolan ring, and the double Dolan ring is added to the door. At least the big tree can see more than one.
When the line tree faces ez, it is also slightly dominant.
After all, the body is a tank, and its blood volume and resistance are much stronger than ez. After catching the big tree line, ez was severely bullied, and ez was able to fight back.
"The tree is fierce, but the situation is not right. The barrel has come to gank."
Explaining the ecstasy of black watching, I can say that K’s awareness of playing wild is too good. After the resurrection, I will go straight to the road and calculate the main line of the tree.
Chapter 653 K is really powerful
Sure enough, at this time, the single tree was a tragedy.
At this time, Changshan Zhao Long also knew that the situation was wrong
But it’s too late. The barrel easily took the head of the tree.
"Ah, it’s a little radical."
Looking at the death of the big tree, the situation suddenly became very subtle. ez was in a state of human control, and the development of the big tree was out of proportion to Nael.
The situation is a bit difficult at the moment.
Seeing that the wounds of the Three Kingdoms suddenly fell into the headwind, all players who paid attention to the wounds of the Three Kingdoms were paying attention to the changes in the situation for a while.
Five minutes is not very good for the Three Kingdoms.
"Steady, don’t rush, be conservative and look at the opposite situation."
At the moment, Changshan Zhao Long is also a bit resistant to the rhythm, and now it is just a game. This is not a good phenomenon, which makes the Three Kingdoms feel a little unbearable.
"The situation is a bit deadlocked now. Casadin is an unstable point. What will happen after you need to pay attention to it?"
"But this is an uncertainty. In s4, the Casatin mouse was a very troublesome one."
Several commentators won’t forget that the final once frightened several people, which was specifically aimed at not letting the Korean team out after the final.
"Take a good view and pay attention to them, buff."
Wen Chou marked the red square red buff. After all, they need to know the location of the barrel, which has a great impact on the situation. The elusive barrel has made the Three Kingdoms feel a little tired of coping.
"Yeah, I’ll get my eyes inserted."
Changshan Zhao Long quickly rushed to Red buff to make a vision after pushing a wave of lines.
"The tree is ready to make a view, but the barrel is nearby."
"It’s Lunal who has signaled that the big tree ss barrel is behind the red buff. It’s very intelligent."
"And the location is very secret. The tree is definitely unexpected."
Watching Dashu insert the guard in the red buff means Dashu doesn’t know that his whereabouts have been exposed.
"the barrel is gone."
As the tree came back, the barrel also bumped into the tree.
The tree is controlled again
"wipe again"
At this time, the tree didn’t flash, which means it can go.
And Lu Younar walked towards the czar in the middle while he was definitely unable to walk, trying to find support.
But at this time, Casadin in K is also eager to move, and he is watching the big tree go to see the big tree coming to Casadin in the middle of the road. At the first time, he merged with the barrel.
Commentary Watching Casadin appear can also make the tree pray silently.
But the fact is that the cruel Casadin flew to the tree and a set of skills hurt the tree’s blood volume. At this time, the desert emperor was a big move to push the barrel and Casadin back.
However, the effect is very limited. After all, the opposite is a Casadin, not others.
Casadin approached the tree again and hung up. At this moment, the tree could not escape.
Changshan Zhao Long knows that it is necessary to explain here now, but there is no way to suppress the situation. It is too bad to fight the situation.
At this time, the arrival of Nunu in the wild hit a hail on Casadin, which slowed Casadin’s movement and made the tree escape at the end.
"ez is here. Did you release a big move in the middle?"
At this moment, the camera is also cut to ez, watching ez’s big move fly over the map and go straight to the tree. Everyone is betting whether this big move will hit.
As the big move floated across ez, harvesting the big tree accurately caused a jubilation.

What you don’t know is that Tiancheng and I have always had our special connection, which means that at this moment I can connect with Tiancheng and someone is responsible for my line.

Yi Xue and Lin Xinheng were caught by Tiancheng and didn’t die, but they sent two people not to break into the Ministry, but to tell me something, but they were killed.
Later, through other means, it was said that the three families were chasing us and had been wiped out by the group. In Japan, in France and in the United States, the headquarters had been completely destroyed.
Xuanwu shield, that is, the magic weapon to catch Xuanwu, has been in the hands of Shinto at this moment. All they have to do is wait for Xuanwu to appear and then take it away.
And the white tiger fell into the hands of Confucianism, and those people couldn’t keep the secret, and Kong Fanbin didn’t escape at this moment, but was caught by the Shinto, and I’m afraid he knew the clue.
There is no need to keep us attractive guys, especially if Kun Shao kills Kun Shao, then we can get rid of it and put everything on us, and everything has come to a satisfactory end.
Everything in front is true white tiger armor. Even in Kun Shao’s hands, we deserve it. Shintoism has become the biggest winner, and Shintoism is not in a hurry to fight against Tiancheng. There are still some details. At the very least, Qinglong has not recovered, and there is no hurry to recover Suzaku.
That’s all I know, and I don’t know anything else. "
Sighed and said it again.
That’s why we came here for nothing. We couldn’t help saying, "Enemies are friends, so it’s good for you to join Tiancheng. Let’s use our strength to fight against Shinto. Isn’t that ok?"
Meow meow also said, "Well, our strength is still too weak, and it has been made clear in his words that the Xuanwu shield, the white tiger armor and the white tiger fall are all in the hands of Shinto. What we have to do now is to kill us and make this lie clear, and then wait for Xuanwu to come out and have no direct contact with Tiancheng."
Shrugged his shoulders and said, "So we have a way to go to one side or die."
That’s right, and it can also be judged that if we chase to that garage according to the woman’s advice on that day, we will die. That’s what God taught us. At this moment, we didn’t escape here, which is the best way to disturb our sight. As you can imagine, I’m afraid that the religious people have turned over the sky and are looking for us.
Because we have done everything we can.
I really have many ideas.
As a result, Zhang Song shook his head again. "I don’t think it’s because every time I report an action, I will expose that there are Nangong people, but I have observed that there is nothing wrong with them. I feel that there are also people in Tiancheng who can’t trust themselves at this moment. This is also the reason why I really handed over my mobile phone. I don’t believe in Tiancheng."
He also said, "I believe that people can be themselves or, as Sister Vivi said, it’s not a good fucking thing for us to teach heaven and city. After the Nangong people can help but kill themselves, I want to follow you from the moment I don’t want to fall into such a place."
I cann’t believe it’s like this again
We looked at each other with some consternation. "You mean Tiancheng is uneasy because too many people’s interests have been infiltrated, right?"
"Yes, that’s what it means."
We are all discouraged, because according to the current clues, we may be killed if we try to stir up trouble, and we don’t know what to do
Jiu Jianxian said, "Then we will be too chaotic from Monte Carlo. When we go back to China and China, we will find the Qingcheng Sect to figure things out first, and then step by step, we will leave here and come back from the periphery."
Brother Se also said, "The three big families have been destroyed, and no one will be chasing us. Even if there is, we are not afraid, and Confucianism is not enough. I feel that it is a good way."
Meow meow smiled. "Now is the only time when we can crack the Shintoism full plan. If we leave Tiancheng Department, it will surely make Shintoism a great success, catch Xuanwu and take the white tiger away."
Everything will be over, and even if you are strong, it is hard to say that it is a temporary solution, not a long-term solution, or to do everything well here and let Shinto return. "
On striking the table, he said, "Now everyone here should be trusted. We also have some strength. Only by smashing the Shinto plan at the last minute can the Jedi fight back and win."
"It feels the same to me."
The fire pendant suddenly said, "I can’t do it when I run away from chicken. I can’t believe it if so many of us can’t fight them."
Meow meow immediately laughed, "You’re smart at this time. Good, good." Look at us.
Naturally, we are not afraid of death and can crack the Shinto plan, so we said, "OK, we are willing to do it, but there is a little bit of how to do it. How to crack it? Xuanwu comes forward. They have Xuanwu shields, so we can’t turn the sky."
"And if they want to kill us, our actions may be caught by search. We really can’t say if we are prepared for the fierce battle."
Wine, sex and wealth matter a lot, but Confucianism can’t take it lightly.
Meow meow smiled "what do you mean by Universiade is Universiade? Have you forgotten what I just said? I have friends who are taught by Shinto. I know how to get there one step at a time. "
Spread your arms and have a picture in your heart.
Chapter 123 God beast Xuanwu
We just remembered that Meow Meow said that she knew the Shinto people, and she couldn’t help sighing. Sometimes she really missed many clues and asked, "Why don’t you go to your friends and ask them to confess or ask about it?"
Meow meow smiled. "Many of my friends in Shinto religion were in trouble at that time, so it was impossible for Shinto religion to let everyone know that it was necessary to go through some screening to see who would participate and who would know if it was not. Everyone can ask us if we can break into the department and destroy them one by one, so that they can mess up. Then we will have a chance."
Analyze and hate
The ghost in the color can’t help but clap his thigh and say, "This is God’s help to let us meet Meow. Just say that God wants us to destroy the Shinto plan."
"That’s right. Kill them all layer by layer."
Everyone is outraged. It’s not bad to be prepared to do so.

Should be gathering pace look a little excited, he said excitedly, "thank you for flying elder brother! I’m going to tell you the good news! "

With that, Ying Yun-shen trotted out of the room and left Mu Zhuo Qing and Li Feiyang to look at each other in the room.
"Village head, are we really going to seize the old bear village site? Is this not very good? " Three days later, the villagers got together in the village and looked at Li Feiyang in front of them with a face of hesitation and asked this sentence.
It turned out that Li Feiyang actually wanted to take them to rob Laoxiong Village today, which made them feel uneasy.
Once an old bear came to rob the territory, and something like that happened. Even Big Mani came. Will there be more trouble if you do that again this time?
Li Feiyang shook his head. "You made a mistake. I’m not going to take you to grab the territory, but to rob the village. If it weren’t for their settlement, they would be the ones. I’m going to merge our two villages into one. I’m going to turn the five chieftains of Dark Forest into six chieftains …"
And become a chieftain! This sentence Li Feiyang is said in my mind
There was silence in the village. The villagers looked a little strange, but after all, they didn’t have the courage to show that someone was late and asked, "Village Chief … what if they don’t promise?"
Li Feiyang smiled. Even if the dark forest is full of strengths, there are still psychological weaknesses and strong points. These villagers have become accustomed to treating themselves as the weak side. Now it is hard for them to do such a "big thing".
It seems necessary to change these people’s mentality and give them some confidence …
"If they don’t agree, let’s hit them! If we agree to do it well, we will give them weapons and give them a chance to live during the sacrifice. If we insist on not doing it, we will beat them to obey! I’m not a troublemaker, but I still think it’s not possible to get together casually and fight like you when the God’s Sacrifice Day comes. You must have strategies, methods and unified orders to maximize your energy. You are not afraid to tell you about the temple … In fact, I have accepted the temple test. If I can pass it, I will be a festival Mani! "
Wow ~ ~ ~ Li Feiyang said this sentence, and the villagers suddenly burst into exclamation. Everyone looked at Li Feiyang and their eyes turned into deep horror and awe. The word Mani was like a mountain crashing into their hearts.
Chapter 164 Shoufu
In the southeast of the old village, there is a lush oasis with a larger area than Linglao village. There are about 400 villagers, which is relatively great. After all, even the strongest fire chieftain among the five chieftains is only in charge of 2,000 people.
Even in a small village, Laoxiong Village is large enough. In fact, the population of their whole village is about 600. In addition to this aquatic meadow, there are several small oases with 200 people scattered.
Of course, scattered living can’t completely wield the villagers’ strength. Lao Xiong took people to Ling Lao Village and wanted to rob their territory. If they can rob Lao Xiong Village, they will become an organic whole.
Since then, the whole village seems to be divided with the death of Lao Xiong and his son. Ying Bao, the brother of Lao Xiong, has been recognized by most people as the head of the new village, but some people have been taken away by the original second only to Lao Xiong Qiang.
The new oasis is not easy to find, but the people who were taken away by sin still live in several scattered points.
But the two sides also live in peace. After all, there are few serious private fights in this place.
"sin! ! Here comes a large group of people with weapons. Go and have a look! " In the sin village, a emaciated young man was polishing a piece of stone, and a man came panting and shouted at him in horror from a distance.
The young man frowned slightly. His face was rather pale and he looked like a sick man compared with others.
"Don’t panic and talk slowly. What’s going on?"
People ran to the front and pointed to the village to "a large group of people came to rob our village. They all had weapons … about 200 people had weapons … a big pole! !” The last sentence, "Long pole", is particularly loud, except for surprise and deep envy.
The people in the Dark Forest are good at making weapons, which are heavy and long, and their attack methods are powerful, explosive and strong. Generally, swords are not suitable for heavy chopping.
Sin frowned and said, "Go and see!"
Back to the village, his eyes suddenly narrowed because he saw a man who killed Lao Xiong’s father that day.
But compared with seeing Li Feiyang, the shock behind him is even stronger.
All the Euphorbia halberds are silver and bright, and the red tassels at the tips of the Euphorbia halberds are scattered in the wind. The thick halberds are also made of good materials at first glance.
There are probably less than 200 people in Lingjia Village, but at this time, whether it is male or female, even small children are all given a halberd.
I suddenly felt that my lips were a little dry and I had to ask questions in my chest, so I couldn’t help but swallow them again
Two hundred spurge! Even the number of weapons in Huochieu village is probably not less than theirs, but it is definitely not so uniform and so excellent. He has seen that Huochieu village bases are all swords and swords, and there are very few long soldiers.
Sin people in the village are also looked at each other, and the original anger momentum is slowly dissipating. Everyone is looking at each other’s weapons and eyes with feverish light.
So what Ling Lao said is true? Did this man really bring so many weapons?
"What do you want? Rob our place of residence? I think your place is better than ours and not many of you have anything to do with it? " Sin is a cautious man, not as arrogant as Lao Xiong, although he thinks that the other side will never dare to slaughter his side with weapons, he still tries to weigh his tone.
Li Feiyang smiled and shook a finger. "I don’t want to occupy your settlement, but to occupy you."
How to merge the two villages together? I’ll take you to unify the dark forest, take you through the sacrifice and get you out of here. "
Li Feiyang frowned when they said the previous words, but when he heard his last sentence, all of them were shocked.
"What did you say? From here …? " I asked him once in disbelief.
Li Feiyang looked around at a face of surprise, stepped in the previous step and took a deep breath and said, "Would you like to live here? Generation after generation bears the so-called curse and never knows how long it will last for twenty years. Every day, there is not a day of peace, no comfortable life, no comfortable enjoyment and even drinking water is a luxury. Haven’t you had enough of this day? "
Sin swallowed. "What you said makes sense, but how did you take us away? You can undo the curse? That’s god’s arrangement … "
Li Feiyang smiled and didn’t speak yet. Yun-shen said loudly, "Brother Feiyang has accepted the test of the temple. If he can pass it, he will be a sacrifice Mani!"
Wow ~ ~ ~ When Yun-shen said this, it immediately caused an uproar in the sin village. Everyone looked unbelievable at first, but then he turned shocked and a little excited and … deeply awed.
They believe that Ying Yunsheng dare not take this joke, because if the people in the dark forest never dare to talk nonsense about the temple.
Sacrificial mani? ….. From? !
The look of sin slowly changed. He looked at Li Feiyang and thought, "We have to discuss a …"
Li Feiyang nodded and went out to the middle of the country, then raised his hand, the light flashed and tinkled, and one weapon after another fell out, slowly piling up on the ground and becoming like a hill
Dead silence … The only sound that can be heard is the heavy breathing and swallowing of saliva.
Li Feiyang looked up to reveal a cordial voice, which was full of sincerity. "If the result of your discussion is that you are willing, then these weapons are all yours. I said that I will take you safely through the sacrifice. Weapons are the first step."
Don’t think too much about the results of the discussion. Everyone is in favor of following Li Feiyang, not to mention Li Feiyang’s strength. They have already seen the title of Mani, which is a sufficient weapon. If you have no problem, you will know how to choose.
Maybe they will hesitate at other times, but the biggest root is that God’s memorial day is near at hand and they can live!
Chapter 165 bully
Li Feiyang put all the villagers together with a weapon after he fell guilty. Now his selected department is the best part of the weapon. Li Feiyang, who was originally cast, naturally won’t be stingy.
In fact, he has a plan in his heart whether he can succeed or not. He will give weapons to people in the dark forest, but there is a difference. Those who are willing to take refuge in themselves will get the best. In the end, those who are unwilling will naturally get the second place.
He used the beast tide to preliminarily integrate a dark demon Lin Ruo. I’m afraid he still has to pay some price if he wants to truly unify this place. Moreover, it must be after the memorial day of God and there will be a buffer for 20 years at that time. It’s hard to say whether people will cooperate with the Five Chiefs or compromise.
However, Li Feiyang has made up his mind to grasp this force in his hand.
He won’t forget what Ji Zheng said, but Li Feiyang thinks that it is enough for him to do a lot of things twenty years after the end of this sacrifice. It is a good choice if he is strong enough to solve the beast tide or explore the secrets of the beast tide.
But now he must consider catching this force by himself and build his own territory to complete Li Feiyang’s life.
Who has no heroic dream? It’s hard to get through once and get the ring of cultivating immortality, so that both the baby theorist and the immortal should stand tall and look down on genius, otherwise it’s not a waste of time. !